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Everything posted by Tom13

  1. It's actually amazing how rarely Tammy strikes the ball cleanly.
  2. I'll forgive him. I've literally not stopped smiling for 2 hours!
  3. Dreadful tonight, and has been poor for a while IMO. But tonight...I do not care!!!
  4. Does resting players ever have a positive effect?
  5. Not the most mobile, but I'd forgotten just how good his passing and vision is. Good player.
  6. He was so frustrating today. As exciting as he is he really lacks any sort of footballing intelligence at times! PS those saying he should be starting on the wing. Please no, he's never a winger.
  7. I agree with @dont_do_it_doug. I haven't forgot all the good Kodjia has given us, and he's genuinely one of the most exciting players I've seen play for us. I love his footwork, and I know people question his work rate these days, but in his 1-on-1 duals he really gets stuck into them. He also strikes me sometimes as a bit of a lone wolf, but then when someone else scores he's right in with the celebrations. Abraham probably is a better option, and Davis is also a solid option, but Kodjia is by far the most exciting of the three.
  8. Agreed. But tbf in his Wolves days Lescott would stroll through games ala Tuanzebe.
  9. Just a monster. He's gonna be something else in the playoffs.
  10. Yeah commentators said he's never scored a senior goal! Can't believe we didn't let him have the free one
  11. Tom13

    John Terry

    Tbh Terry strikes me as a bit of a yes man. Also he must do the most Instagram posts of any football coach ever.
  12. Tom13

    Kortney Hause

    Doing well but has a mistake in him pretty much every game. A lot better than the game at Brentford showed anyway!
  13. Getting a bit frustrated with Tammy tbh. He's struggling to do the basics right atm. Also, considering how many goals he has, it's amazing how rarely he actually strikes the ball cleanly
  14. Not convinced he'll make it in the PL.
  15. Does he really have enough guile/subtlety to his game to play as a 10 though? FWIW I don't think he's all bad, we need to lay off him and hope he gets some confidence back.
  16. Two quality fullbacks who are fairly comfortable on the ball in the final third would make a world of difference for us. Having no threat whatsoever coming from those areas is rare nowadays.
  17. It's funny because for about 5 games or so, Sherwood had us playing some unbelievable football.
  18. Plus, he's an entertainer. The type of player you love to watch as he glides across the turf. Will be gutted when he goes.
  19. In his interview he seems to be getting very defensive. Clinging on to "positives" and going on about how Brentford's style was 2-3 years in the making (so all his work). Not a good sign IMO.
  20. Tom13

    John Terry

    If I see an Instagram post tomorrow about those **** Thomas Royall swimshorts...
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