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Everything posted by KevinRichardsonsMoustache

  1. Has Bruce been ill this week? An oddly energetic performance so far (contrary to my gloomy prediction).
  2. This is the best scenario with that line up. You can trust that Bruce will not play it.
  3. I despair. Jedinak is not a centre half. Tuanzebe is not a right back. No team needs both Whelan and Jedi. Where’s the f-ing dynamism going to come from? Is Bruce looking for a pay off from the new owners by playing the most boring , ineffective football on the planet? The contrast with Brentford’s free-flowing football will be embarrassing. He wants out. Good night.
  4. CB, CF and RW are priorities. Worried that Bruce said after last night's game that there are 'one or two' irons in the fire. It was at least three before the Wigan game. Maybe Snoddy is a no go, now. While I want Bruce to build a sustainable squad, I don't think a loan CB will help him (unless it's a loan to buy). Go in for Huth as a short term fix, then box clever in January or the summer for a long-term CB. The way Bruce is setting the team up, perhaps he needs more of a target man up top than a man like Abraham (who I assume is a speedster). Last night, it showed that Bruce will continue to bypass the midfield even when a player like RHM is up front.
  5. We came, we saw, we won. Oh and we made it look damn difficult on the way. No cohesion in the team or any tactical nous. No movement until the final quarter of the match. Nevertheless, the boost Jack provided has got us out of jail. Also interesting to see a little bickering between Elphick and RDL. Maybe it’s because they care. Maybe it’s a rare insight into the group dynamics of Bruce HQ.
  6. I assume the site is now being managed by Steve Bruce?
  7. Grealish : hacked off by the shite he has seen so far. ‘Let me do it ffs’. of course, he took the shot on because there was no movement around him
  8. Good spot. Not the natural leader that RDM thought, eh?
  9. ‘I can be your hero baby!’ Well done ‘keeper.
  10. Let’s see how the penalty training at Athletico is...
  11. Has Bruce met these players before this match? Does he know what their strengths are? Bruce’s team selection and tactics zap any optimism the players might have. It’s only a matter of time before McGinn goes the way of the rest of them.
  12. Yup. He’s unable to motivate a team to play flowing football. Hell, his lump it approach doesn’t work, his defensive shape work isn’t working and he doesn’t seem to be a motivator. i understand that we’re two for two in the league but nobody can say that these performances are not warning signs. Bruce: dynamic he ain’t.
  13. Unfortunately, v true. I don’t know the full details of what he’s going through so I’ll err on the side of sympathy. Gotta say, though, his is an odd case and we seem to excel at attracting odd cases.
  14. This. The moneyball approach should take psychological aspects into account but, when signing the likes of Adama and Ayew, we didn’t. V4L, this is prob the wrong thread, but I’d love to know more about what you’re asked to look out for in this regard. Do you need to assess a player on ‘what does this guy do when his team is losing’, for example?
  15. I think we as supporters want professional footballers to have some decency and accept that, as young millionaires, they could at least save the club some money. Of course, as you suggest, the reality is probably quite different. If we can get him out of his deal - even by paying off the remaining wages in full - we might be able to divest ourselves of any non-paying bonuses he is privy to (promotion bonuses, for example).
  16. Either there’s something grossly wrong with the medicals we give or (more likely) managers can disregard the medical’s results and accept the risk. We seem to have gone down the latter route with Richards and McCormack. More worrying is that we clearly did the same with Hogan. Theres a medic somewhere saying ‘I told you so’ about Richards.
  17. Some of these posts are really touching and totally fitting for such a massive figure in our club’s history. You’re in our thoughts, Ron. We’re a special football club - people like Ron Saunders truly understood that.
  18. Noticed the Egyptian and USA flags above VP yesterday. With the owners talking about our history as a club, couldn’t help reading this article and hoping we’d see more about our heritage https://birminghamhistoryblog.wordpress.com/2018/08/12/from-pleasure-park-to-villa-park/amp/ I know it’s not everybody’s cup of tea, but I love this sort of thing and would love to see the club embrace it.
  19. JT?! https://amp.sportsmole.co.uk/football/chelsea/news/john-terry-back-training-with-chelsea_329434.html i guess hanging around in Marseille was too boring.
  20. We were linked with Huth (and other CBs) at the start of July before the taxman came knocking. https://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/sport/football/transfer-news/robert-huth-aston-villa-leicester-1757432 I’d take him. We need some more organisation back there. I’m sure that Bruce saying that we’ve lost 5 to 6 players and haven’t replaced them all refers also a replacement for JT. I thought the young and hungry transfer policy only applied to moves involving transfer fees where we’d never recoup the value. Maybe Huth’s wage demands are a problem?
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