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Everything posted by KevinRichardsonsMoustache

  1. I don’t think this is about ‘going up’ now. This is about bringing in a leader because we have a manager who has lost the dressing room. And thats 2.
  2. Waiting for a bit of magic. We won’t play teams off the Park with Steve. We’ll rely on that little moment. No no let good enough for a team with as much quality as ours.
  3. So bring in a new keeper who you’ve eyed up for theses. Play him in the most experimental back four I’ve seen at Villa in my life. Way to mess up his confidence (even if he’s any good).
  4. An ad for ‘Blakely’ appears at the top of my screen on VT. perhaps we could get this chap to help us organise the defence...he looks like a cockend but he might help...
  5. Come on lads. We’ve got easily enough to take it to this lot! Hope to see some nice exchanges between the four more offensive midfielders.
  6. Well, time to accept that Jedi is now a centre back. I’m sick of moaning about it.
  7. Confirm the signing. Get him in. Get Jedi out of defence (although I envisage Bruce keeping Jedi there so ‘the young lad can settle in’...meanwhile we’re like a sieve at the back).
  8. Second and (?)fifth clips look suspiciously like he could play right back. Might as well try him out on the right first... ?
  9. The interview transcript reads very strangely indeed: https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/i-take-full-responsibility-every-15084017 He mentions multiple times that he was giving these players ‘who knock down his door’ a chance. And then he says they’re not good enough. He assumed they’d bottle it. We’re seeing his relationship with Elphick writ large with the entire squad here. Despite claims to the contrary, he is deflecting criticism of his tactics and man management by blaming the players. Is it more likely that 11 players are at fault or one manager who is meant to instruct those players? What he’s saying is: ‘Kodj, Jack and my favourites have saved you lot in the past. Lansbury, Elphick, Adomah, RDL: you’re not good enough. Not only has he lost them, it will create a toxic resentment against those who are his favoured few. Last season son he hid behind the motivating abilities of Snodders and JT. With them around, he probably could just say ‘go play’ and those two would gee up their team mates. It’s the classic 90s player approach - the ‘senior pros’ getting ‘stuck in’ at half time. Steve now looks increasingly isolated and ineffectual. He gets a game or three more and then goes.
  10. Nassef: show us how serious you are. Steve’s not the one.
  11. What a fabulously measured post. What are you doing in VT?! Nevertheless, this assessment is totally on point. Bruce has lost them.
  12. They just parked the bus for those last couple of minutes. Impossible to play against.
  13. I assume he’ll say this along with pronouncing the word ‘club’ like a northern English version of Guillem Ballague.
  14. People will write essays and dissertations about Bruce’s tactics in the future. For example: ‘Elmo...attacking sub. Discuss.’
  15. This. Not all results matter but you have to start asking questions when 99% of the performances are so dire.
  16. You don’t win anything with kids...oh wait, that doesn’t apply here. Lets change it to ‘you don’t win anything with improperly motivated young millionaires apparently managed by a man whose idea of tactical insight is playing a centre half at right back’.
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