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Everything posted by Brumerican

  1. Wonders of the Universe airs on BBC 2 at 9pm Sunday. Prof Brian Cox is always good value TV . A special mention for last nights episode of Horizon ( Are we still evolving ) It should be available on iplayer hopefully and I highly recommend it if you have an interest in where we came from.
  2. Adidas Samba's are ideal for narrow feet. I have the same issue.
  3. Just nuke the whole Middle East and turn the sand to glass . It will make the search for oil a lot easier too . (VIZ)
  4. Highlights of Villa's 94 League Cup win against Man Utd are being shown on ESPN Classic tonight at 9.40 pm. Channel 533 for Virgin customers .
  5. Finally got Flapjack Pro during a game of Domination with AVFCHOSK last night . I am NEVER prestiging. Pure ball ache.
  6. Another vote for Threat Level Miidnight . It's up there with Die Hard .
  7. I have gone back to the G11 (no attachment) with steady aim . It's pure fun ! I've been trying to get my Flak Jacket pro for ages now. I'm still on 4/5 frag grenade throwbacks and no one will chuck at 5th at me !!! Gggggrrrrrr !
  8. It will never get the same adoration as TDK but having just watched Batman Begins again I've got to say it's a cracking film still.
  9. It's funny how run and gunners always say their way is the correct way. The thing that makes these games fun and varied is the many different styles on display. There will always be campers so if they're pissing you off just change to a noob tube class when you die and **** them up. LAW's and RPG's are pretty useful too.
  10. In our galaxy we probably are. Other galaxies however, who knows ? There are billions of galaxies in the night sky and our galaxy is on a collision course with one of them !
  11. Very simply explained by a brilliant man.
  12. What about the billions of planets out there with moons that have different distances and positions ? Does this indicate intelligent design ? Your argument is one of incredulity.
  13. I wouldn't put it past Pittsburgh to win this with a hail Mary.
  14. Maybe if Rover were given a shit load of bailout money then they might be able to afford to make adverts like that.
  15. Some of these vocals make Ian Brown sound like Charlotte Church.
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