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Everything posted by Brumerican

  1. Statistics show what has happened in the past. Not what will happen in the future.
  2. I have thought about this many times and don't see too many reasons why it wouldn't work. He can shoot, pick a pass and run past players and wouldn't have to be as defensive as he has to be on the wing. It would also allow Young and Marc in the same side. The biggest problem I see is that we don't have dominating centre midfielders to protect him.
  3. I'd rather Downing was playing in Pires' position today, that's for sure.
  4. I guess Ian Taylor is there by the sound of the Villa fans !
  5. That's what happens when you put Young in his best position.
  6. I really hope so but it's a double edged sword. If he plays too well then you can't see Spurs wanting to get rid of him.
  7. Brumerican


    I've been to a couple of minor league games (Jacksonville Suns) and whilst I'm not a huge fan of the game I'll admit it's a good craic , especially Thursday nights which is $1 beer night ! I "follow" the Cubs in the majors which combined with being a Jaguars fan (NFL for those unaware) and a Villa fan , you can imagine how much of my life is spent being disappointed !
  8. I'll go with D-Wing's new spunk bucket.
  9. The fact that EVERY single time I read the title of this thread I think of the song " Things that make you go Mmmmm" For those too young or not down enough to know the song :winkold:
  10. Breaking News on SkySports is that Aston Villa say Houlliers job is safe. Bollocks.
  11. I'm happy and I had forgot that feeling so cheers Villa. Hopefully this a turning point in the season .
  12. Had them in a £5 treble @14/1 along with Zaragoza at home and Webster to beat Lewis in the darts tonight. 14s? Where did you get that? Tbh, I only looked on Laddies as I had a few quid in my account there. William Hill.
  13. Had them in a £5 treble @14/1 along with Zaragoza at home and Webster to beat Lewis in the darts tonight.
  14. A draw or a narrow defeat I feel. I can't see us getting battered again.
  15. Not true they're 'fixed' odds on the football coupon. The odds will fluctuate pending where the money go's mate. The odds on the in-store coupons don't change and they are printed days before the game. :? They change regularly online but the coupon prices are fixed ahead.
  16. You watching Indiana Jones 4 as well then ? First viewing for me and I have to say it's ridiculous.
  17. I enjoy it more when we win to be honest . I'm strange like that.
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