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Everything posted by Brumerican

  1. Not really sure that Stand by Me is the right choice to be honest . I just can't picture the Holte End singing out ...... "Made a meal and threw it up on Sunday , I've gotta lotta things to learn "
  2. "When Denis Mortimer lift's the cup , Triumphant Villa fans erupt, shout Villa ...Aston Villa...(Cause We're gonna win the cup in Rot-ter-dam)" I had it it on casette sometime during the early 90's. I haven't got a clue who sang it.
  3. There's too many dicks on the dance floor !!!!
  4. I wish more people would watch Community. The paintball episode (Modern Warfare) is one of the best 22 minutes of T.V. I've seen in ages.
  5. They've been on about doing the movie for years. I dont think it's going to happen. Shame it got cancelled. Love the chicken impressions they do! Tobias is a legend too! According to IMDB the script is now half done and it is scheduled for release in 2012 .
  6. It's a bit strange but I really enjoyed Ghost Dog starring Forrest Whittaker.
  7. I'm sure it's been mentioned before but Arrested Development is one of the greatest sitcoms ever made. I've just finished season 1 again and will start on season 2 after today's football . Apparently a movie is in the pipeline with the original cast and I can't wait !
  8. I have loved Penn and Teller for years ! I remember their late night show in the 90's on channel 4 very well. (Producing a shitload of Bee's from an empty jar and running Teller over with an 18 wheeler spring to mind). Their Bullshit show was also really good too. Anyway, I saw the show the other night and they thought they had guessed how he performed the card trick but the guy was adamant that they hadn't. It got kind of awkward for a moment but it's a great show.
  9. They are up there with Depeche Mode as decent 80's bands who begin with the letter D that's for sure. I have sang songs by both on karaoke many times!
  10. small heath at home . For reasons I am not proud of .
  11. When the first game on a highlights show is a game I have already seen in full only a few hours ago.
  12. For all those who "Knew" it was only a matter of time before Young was sent off , may I suggest that you look into registering with an online bookmaker and check out the in-play markets. You could have payed off your mortgage with this "knowledge". Anyway, I'm just glad to see a win with 3 quality goals. Form and league status go out of the window in the F.A. Cup and there are no "easy" cup games.
  13. Because they don't exist ? (To a degree) Arsenal couldn't beat Leeds and I'm sure there will be more strange results as there has always been since this cup began ! What a goal !
  14. Downing does more in a few minutes playing in the hole than Pires did all game.
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