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Everything posted by rubberman

  1. Yeah - Apple and Adidas sponsorship stuff included. Anyway - glad we can move this to other football now.
  2. He might think about it very briefly if there was a big, big wad of cash on offer (which is obviously unlikely), but after Unai showed absolute faith in him by selling Ings and then coaching him to perform at his best he'd be bonkers to consider moving to a club with a manager untested at this level on the way down and out of Europe. Don't think there's much danger there.
  3. Tielemans seems like a real wierd one. Not particularly what we are crying out for and with a career going the wrong direction. Was great a few years ago, but (as with most of Leicester) pretty awful this season. Meh signing but will have faith is what Emery wants.
  4. Sounds like AWB is staying put anyway, so this is all moot.
  5. I think it's more likely that he is waiting till the end of the Spanish season. They've still got the final weekend to come.
  6. Amazingly we were only the 4th worst ever with 17. At this point, I still fancy/hope Everton will finally drop next season, Luton obvs and then Sheffield probably the next favourites. I've said elsewhere I think City will be run close by Utd next season at the top. Arsenal I think will continue the slightly inconsistent performance form later in the season, Liverpool have a bit of work to do to an aging squad, Newcastle, depending on recruitment, could push on to challenge for the title, but probably will settle in the 3rd to 5th slots. I hope we can be up with those above - a 5th CL spot opening up would be what we should aim for but they are good teams. Europa/ECL slots - Chelsea will improve, but so much work for Poch to do. Spurs - a disaster, may not even make junior Europe. Brighton - as ever depends who goes and if they can magic up another batch of replacements. Dunno who else makes the top 10 - Brentford? Fulham? West Ham? Palace? Most of the rest are quite crap.
  7. Obviously dependent on what happens during the summer, but as things stand now I reckon Man City vs Utd fight for the title. I think Arsenal will be more like the inconsistent second-half of this season team, Liverpool have an overhaul needed and Newcastle will be having to cope with CL - they will all be thereabouts, but beatable and with the right incomings I fancy us to be up there with them for 3rd to 6th. Brighton will lose players and who knows, maybe DeZerbi, but will be pushing for junior Europe. Chelsea will surely be better, but Poch has a massive job to turn that around - junior Europe. And Spurs - no manager, no Kane, Levy - I'm going the same there. If it does get to 5 CL places, we should be in with a shout, but it's (as ever) going to be tough.
  8. 100%. I would add that I expect an evolution of the current system we've used since Emery came in to offer more flexibility to counter different opposition, so players coming in may not obviously fit what we have seen so far. Teams will treat us differently next season and we need ways to break down packed defences that won't be drawn onto us. I'm sure the incoming players will give Unai many more options to change things up and we'll see more horses-for-courses rotation next season.
  9. The Swiss coverage on here has really made me laugh tonight. What a mad competition.
  10. "first step" - ohhh yes please Unai.
  11. So we don't play till the end of August? Was hoping for some early action, but I guess allows some hols, transfers and putting in place the masterplan.
  12. Gonna be a fun few months. Plan A - Europe conquest is go.
  13. Europe. After that start under Gerrard. Football - bloody hell. Unai - you are amazing.
  14. Showcase 106 Right - finally time! Come on.
  15. Good to see mitoma and caicedo on their bench.
  16. Yes - this would be perfect. Hopefully with some of the goals in the last 10 mins. But also with us 3-0 up by then.
  17. Haha - wtf! Just finished chores, opened a cold one and sat down ready for kickoff. Another 90 mins to wait - noooo!
  18. This is such a poor argument though. If we finish 8th this year, then make 5th and CL next year, we'll be even less well equipped to cope with trying to compete in Europe's top competition and the league. Better to take a step, build the squad and compete in the junior competition with less at stake. If that means a year or 2 longer before we hit the CL then I think we'll be more prepared when we get there. I want it to be a long term involvement, not a one off.
  19. This thread is a complete waste of internet. I can't believe I've read it and found myself thinking - yeah, but what if he did come?
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