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Everything posted by Vive_La_Villa

  1. I now refuse to watch another press conference unless he has a snake, a 2 by 4 or some face paint. I will also accept a mask of some kind although it’s not my preference. On a serious note his press conference’s can bore me to sleep as long we continue to do the business on the pitch!
  2. What happened to that fancy technology where they freeze it and then can zoom to overhead view like FIFA. Maybe that could be more conclusive?
  3. But if you asked a thousand people what they think that would say he looks on. I’m yet to hear anybody agree it was offside and that includes mancs and evertonians. It sounds like even referee unions are shying away from this one.
  4. But I still don’t understand how Mane is offside. If it’s his arm then surely that means it’s not offside because he can’t score with his arm.
  5. Yep but they can explain the Pickford challenge. Because it was offside they couldn’t punish him for the tackle it self so they then had to judge if it was serious foul play and warranted a red card or not. They decided it didn’t. A bad call but it’s subjective and decision has to be made. But the offside I do not understand what they are seeing. He looks onside and I’m yet to hear them explain it.
  6. A lot of stupid decisions were made before Var so if say even 50% of the obvious errors are cleared up I can handle that. What I can’t handle is Var overturning decisions that were correct like the Mane offside. Wtf is all that about? Keeping on topic it will be good to see Wesley back to add another dimension for certain games.
  7. The actual sport is yeh. If you need entertainment from off the field events as well then you need to be watching WWE mate.
  8. A very boring man because he doesn’t entertain you in press conferences! You gotta love him.
  9. Just looked at the players used in 15-16 by Leicester and it was only 16 or so players utilised all season in the league. Also key players rarely missed games. Injuries really do define seasons, especially for teams with lack of quality in the squad. Hopefully we can have a lot more luck with injuries this season.
  10. There’s no answer to why Mane was given offside. I think there’s something sinister at play. Maybe they have been advised they need to keep the title race a lot tighter this season and with a lot more teams involved.
  11. I think it must have been an error on the website when I saw it. Did seem weird. Either that or I was drunk.
  12. They both also said Arsenal will beat city 5-2
  13. That’s one tough run in. It’s probably where we will lose out on the title.
  14. Fans are over confident. I’m sure the players are grounded.
  15. They did indeed. I recall them being very confident he would be a success. I think the biggest reason for doubts were comments like a lot of his goals were taps ins and the defending would not be that bad in the Premier League....
  16. Surely you must be proud he said ‘isn’t he’ instead of aye ee!
  17. Before the season started anything out of this fixture would have been a bonus really. So even if we get a point I’ll be happy. But considering the injuries and our form it does seem a great opportunity to keep our 100% record.
  18. Had a dream they got a man sent off early for two yellow and then we went on to win 5-2. It was a great dream! That ain’t going to happen but I do think we will win.
  19. Apparently they are trying to secure a 4m loan deal now but running out of time. Strange one..
  20. Let’s wait until we see both lineups before we get too excited.
  21. Depends. If hasn’t spoken to Jack about the situation then yes, his comments maybe come across as quite selfish and just thinking about himself. But they’ve always seemed quite close so I can only assume his comments have taken conversations with Jack in to consideration.
  22. Seemed like very sensible mature answers to me and also suggests that Jack isn’t quite as upset and angry as the fans are about not playing.
  23. You’re getting spoilt. A point against Leicester away is a very good result.
  24. Stronger than the season when a team that stayed up by the skin of their teeth won the league the following year?
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