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Everything posted by Vive_La_Villa

  1. That’s true but one of the big differences are South Asians don’t make it as footballers otherwise our national team would be even more representative of past colonialism. Like the cricket team is. But that’s a different topic altogether.
  2. Great French teams too. To be fair the England teams is very multicultural as well. edit: took Germany a while but the team is a good representation of the country now.
  3. This is how I feel. Whilst we have players all over the pitch that are massively important to us i do think losing either Mings or Konsa would be the most costly. Injurys make or break season for clubs that are expected to be in a relegation battle. Look at Bournemouth, didn’t they have a ridiculous injury list in the middle of last season? Such small margins in this league.
  4. Can you imagine the reaction of fans if we signed a player for 2m?
  5. Spot on. It’s pretty much the sub that is made nearly every game for most teams. The wide players in a 433 are the game changers. You need 4 of them.
  6. I don’t think it will happen but if did maybe it’s because the club are thinking beyond this season and do not want him to end up at a Premier League rival. With the amount of attacking players West Ham have he probably has more chance of featuring for us than them.
  7. Any top attacking player should be able to really. Yes they will always have a preference but switching sides now and then shouldn’t be that much of a big deal.
  8. Have to admit I thought he looked fine in the short time he played so I was surprised by this post. If anything he seemed to be trying a little too hard and a bit selfish. So I had a quick read of other posts and seems like others thought he looked fine too. I think you’re on your own with this one mate.
  9. I don’t want him to start so he’s fresh for Saturday but I’d be happy to see him get a few minutes just so it means he is not carrying an injury!
  10. I don’t get why you’re so against King. Much better player than El Ghazi in my opinion.
  11. Currently the team picks it self. Only decision Smith has to make at the moment is Trez or Traoré. We need more quality in the squad but I agree with others that any big signings will be for next summer.
  12. Odds Dropped from 20-1 to 10-1. The power of my £5 note.
  13. West Ham are odds on to sign him and King. Surely they aren’t signing both! Hope we are in for King.
  14. That video he made which he has since deleted seemed very ‘Landan’. Ya get me blad?
  15. Yeh but he seems like the kind of Guy that would rather live in London than play for a better team.
  16. Even if we were in for Benrahma I think he would move to West Ham. Could see them offering higher wages and also you have the London factor.
  17. A 2 year loan that cost them 20 million.
  18. Again I might be wrong but my understand was they can offer 35m at the time and also discuss terms with the player. If he agreed to join Barcelona instead we would get whatever fee was agreed and the buy back would no longer be in place. But I’m probably totally wrong on this. edit: just read back and I’m almost certainly wrong. Doesn’t sound right at all.
  19. I always thought the clause meant the club has to accept a 35m bid from Man City. After that point it would be up to Luiz to discuss terms and agree to the move. Is that not the case?
  20. Did you just ignore the entire post you replied to ? He is not the kind of character we’d want at the club.
  21. How is 80 minutes on Thursday not getting a look in? He even looked like he was playing with a knock. Yes it’s great to see Jack playing for England and we got to do that the other day. He maybe should have featured today but the fact he didn’t is good for Villa and for Jack if he is really is carrying a knock.
  22. Benrahma to West Ham looks a done deal. Bookies of closed the market too.
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