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Everything posted by sheepyvillian

  1. He's one of them one good game out of ten players , with the occasional goal of the season contender , tbh , I think we need a bit more than that .
  2. Communication is key to success on the pitch . It should be the first thing kids learn .
  3. He reminds me ,in the way he sometimes plays , of Des Bremner .
  4. Maybe the best transformatiion I've seen , since American wearwolf in London .
  5. His comments following his decision to stay are just the tonic this great club needs . Maybe we will one day look back and see this moment as the catalyst , to a new era of relative success , because really , as Villa fans' , that's all we wish for .
  6. Well it's pretty likely that he's been considering his options and you can't blame him really. He's made the right choice in the end. Let's home this news, Gil, a win and 2 goals gives everyone a much needed lift. But my point is, if he is as loyal as the story is making out, why the need to consider options? Okay , we get the drift .
  7. That my friend was better than sex .
  8. Nuff , nuff respect Fabs' , I mean that from the bottom of my heart , if ever there was a turning point .
  9. And the little bald fella as his assistant .
  10. Just out of curiosity , because I can't remember , did we ever have them three wheeler cars at the side of the pitch
  11. Ghost of Pongo Waring : what a great moniker , how come I've only just noticed it ?
  12. First his lauding the qualities of the film pretty woman , now it's quote from french montana , what next ? The virtues of Jeremy Kyle . Jack , the Sheepy's got nothing but luv for ya , but sort out the taste buds kid .
  13. Preston North End , I can think of worse places to ply ones trade .
  14. It's like something out of East Germany in the seventies . It's censorship , and it's ugly . Feck em Jack . " He's one of our own , he's one of own , he"s Jack Grealish , he's one of our own ".
  15. If they're ripe , then trust me we can pick em .
  16. Nice to see Richard Money sill doing his thing , I remember when he was managing our youth side in the early nineties . Hevbrought Hendrie through the ranks , and Lee was always grateful for his guidance .
  17. If God was a Villa player and Irish , then it makes perfect sense .
  18. Having reneged on his " I want to spend the rest of my career here " kind of tips the balance towards disliking him , and I get that , however , it was'nt that long ago that I was getting pelters for blaming him -and rightly imo - over the Man City defeat . Now , all of a sudden , he couldn't pour a pint of milk in a dairy . That imo is " fickle .
  19. A couple of medals along the way , let's not forget . With the benefit of ykw , he got out at the right time .
  20. Suddenly it's okay to hate on Fabian again , don't you just love the fickle .
  21. When has he had a run of games to prove he's ready ? Nothing idiotic about the tweet , just a kid venting his fustration . What is idiotic is the decision to leave him out the squad altogether , when the likes of Cleverley can seem to do no wrong . It's a fecking joke , but I aint laughing .
  22. With that kind of ratio , he should have no problem fitting in .
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