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Everything posted by sheepyvillian

  1. Get ya diving boots on lads were going deep .
  2. I forgot I'd paused the game hence , my post at 4 . 20 , and I'm thinking why all the Clarke posts , then it clicks , and what a sweet click it was .
  3. Never mind the dug - out , apparently Lerner is putting the Holte up for naming rights , how true this is , I don't know , but talk about the proverbial straw . I do know that there are still a couple of crimes you can be hanged for , and I'm sure desecration of the Holte - End is one of them . Just about to peruse my Archibald for confirmation .
  4. If his motivation to play well was created by the club and manager, and we're benefiting from it, why was it a stupid idea? He was putting in some awful performances when he got dropped. Apart from when he played for Scotland but, hey, let's never question the infinite wisdom of Saint Lambert, eh? Well said briny ear , sometimes the things said on here really do beggar belief .
  5. A really boring 6-0 victory .
  6. I really hope we give Albrighton a good reception , if he plays , after all he was one of our own , and I for one , was sad to see him go .
  7. [ So for me to say Villa were better than , say Blues would be , by your standards immature ? Get a grip these forums wouldn't exist without arguments , however silly they may seem .
  8. And I thought " pleasure " was the wrong choice of word . Just goes to show you never can tell . My apologies sweetie - pie .
  9. If I was gay , I would'nt mind giving Ciaran one . Handsome lad .
  10. No, it is. Did you not see that Keane walked out? [/quote I see that went over your loaf , or you just like stating the obvious .
  11. It's not a fecking assistant manager we need .
  12. It always seemed a tad strange to me , that on the back of bullying allegations , you bring in a man , such as Roy Keane . I mean he's not exactly known for his mild constitution . Yet another prime example of Mr Lamberts' poor judgment .
  13. Probably. Admittedly, I hate cocky pricks, and he's a cocky prick, so I hope his career is terrible. I don't get the whole Billy big bollocks thing that boxers feel the need to be.[/quote You mean like Muhammad Ali the greatest sportsman , let alone boxer , who ever breathed ? It's called psychology .
  14. Truly gutted Eubank got beat . My son called it right , but Eubank will benefit more from defeat , than Saunders will from victory . If he'd of had just a tad more urgency to his work , he may well of ended the victor . Some of them uppercuts were a thing of beauty . He'll come back bigger , and better .
  15. Just a crying shame that Lambert never followed him .
  16. Ok? He's our highest goalscorer in the premier league era, i think he's done great He's a striker, quick,strong, good finisher Haven't seen much of him admittedly, but he seems to have a bit of a creative touch. Would I be wrong? Our highest goalscorer in the premeir league ? I should feking think so , he's been there longer than the Holte End . A little bit but that's not really his game
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