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Made In Aston

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Everything posted by Made In Aston

  1. Definite upgrade on traore. He has the same maverick ability but is more consistent, is better defensively and has end product.
  2. Lille is one of the harder ties but at least it's a short trip.
  3. Lille or Brugge just because they would be the shortest for travelling. I don't care who we get from a footballing perspective, as we can beat any team in this competition.
  4. I want to ask Mr Brobbey where to get the best chicken and can of coke in Amsterdam
  5. Get the job done early then rest some players for the weekend.
  6. I bet there will be a few villa fans putting on Schteeve McLaren Dutch accents down Witton area tonight.
  7. Are there extra coefficient points available for winning the final? If so, it might not be an absolute disaster. Granted,it's going to be difficult for English teams to win CL, EL and ECL, but not impossible. Man City, Liverpool and Villa are all favourites in their respective competitions.
  8. Pretty sure Emery will have something too say about that behaviour!
  9. In the first half we limited spurs to 1 shot, whilst we had 7. I'd say the tactics were working pretty well then. Unfortunately we have a trend of conceding early in the second half and that changed the whole game. It was interesting that Ange said he thought we liked tired towards of the end of the first half and maybe this is why we fell apart in the second, rather than poor tactics.
  10. Job done. 0-0 away and got to rest some players. We will get the result at villa park so no worries.
  11. I'd say he is more like Jimmy Saville then!
  12. Big call to put Rogers and Iroebunam in for a rare start away to Ajax. Let's hope they thrive in the environment.
  13. He is on the bench so can't be that serious!
  14. If 5th place qualifies for the champions league, will that team go straight into the group stage or have to qualify via a playoff?
  15. One thing I've noticed about Ollie recently is that his finishing has gone up a level. He hits the ball so sweetly and more often than not it is on target. He is starting to become the clinical finisher we need.
  16. Unless lenglet is prepared to accept sitting on the bench most weeks and drop his wage demands to 60k then we probably won't be interested in signing him.
  17. Or running around calling everyone c*cksuckers while wearing full blackface.
  18. I can't believe how good Bailey has become under Emery. Going from one of the only players not to have improved with unais coaching, to becoming one of the most dangerous wingers in the premier league.
  19. If we end up in 7th place,considering the points we have and games left, then something has gone seriously wrong.
  20. You misheard. Gerrard said it was a mo' excuses culture.
  21. I calculated his xG for the season as being 0 back in June, so he is massively exceeding expectations.
  22. 'lovely funny scene ' & 'the whole bench was laughing'?! Absolutely no one was laughing in that video footage. Sounds more like Quentin has been given a line to feed the press from the club to brush the incident off. It's quite clear Emery is arguing with Digne and no amount of revisionism will convince me otherwise.
  23. I see Dougie had two fingers strapped up after the game. I wonder if it was a injury that was caused the last time he was out fishing at Lake Lehmann.
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