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Everything posted by krisagg75

  1. i think he's a bloke who loves the game.i think he's excited about doing a job that he loves.the games full of them.hell i hate fergie but his passion for the game is immense.look at gregory you just know after his heart op he'll wanna get back involved in the game,the bloke can'y live without it and i think sherwood is the same.probably the reason he went into the dressing room at half time.
  2. it's been said enough times on here.with the players we have we shouldn't be fighting relegation.
  3. now thats a proper challenge.chris nicholl would be proud of that one.
  4. yea,but was his bird there with her baps out
  5. reading/blackburn/baggies,save bradford for the final
  6. i think all our midfielders will improve under sherwood.he'll encourage them to get forward more.it was weird(good weird) to see crosses being put in the box with more than 1/2 players in the area.
  7. is he just head of our scouting system?
  8. lets not forget okore was out for 12 months and was probably been pushed into the team earlier than intended.i'm sure if we didn't have the injurys at cb he'd have been brought into the team gradually.great to see ron back though.anyone else think he'll stay fit cause he needs to impress possible suitors
  9. after today i've got one as well
  10. we just need confidence and a positive style,we have the players to get results in our next 5 games.apart from newcastle away(they're no great shakes) we have winnable games.sinclair could be a major player for us with his pace and directness.
  11. he needs games as you can see with his free kicks and the goal today there is a talent there just needs the right person to bring it out.
  12. hop yeah but hopefully he can be recalled hope he plays tomorrow and smashes utd out for us.
  13. whether you think sherwood is the right guy at least fox new lambo needed firing.if faulkner was here i get the feeling lambert would still be here and we'd be down.credit to fox for that.
  14. 2nd half he looked more like his old self.just needs a goal or 2
  15. don't think the 3 year contract is much to be concerned about as i'm guessing tom fox would've put a 12 month compensation clause in it.
  16. he wasn't who i wanted.i think he'll kick gabby out.the problem with lambo for me was he seemed to weak with the players especially gabby.i think he'll sort him out and i think delph/carles will love him as he's an attacking manager.good luck tim son and keep us up.
  17. about sherwood. all the people putting up or using the link to that blogger slagging off sherwood should remember it is one persons view.on another villa forum a spurs fan on there praises sherwood,i know 3 of them myself unfortunately and they all wanted sherwood given a chance.i'm in no way saying he's great but i'm prepared to give him a chance.experience does not mean a manager is good,fat sam struggled to get west ham up with the best squad and biggest budget in the championship.sherwood apparently is a very wealthy guy due to smart investments so doesn't need the money and doesn't need the hassle.so he's not in it for the dough just probably loves the game that much that he wants to be involved.he isn't an idiot so why do people think he would not have learnt from any mistakes he may have made at spuds.he got adeboyor playing out of his skin so must be able to motivate players.he was the first to give kane,mason their chances.i'm not saying he's my first choice or that i think he's great but why not give the guy a chance.anyway it may not even be him,we know nothing yet just press speculation.
  18. i think they'll be sounding out others as well
  19. I wondered that .....was he Lambert ? this cracked me up.
  20. off topic i know but what's happened to trent?
  21. whoever it is we need someone with the balls to sort them out as they've had it to easy at vp.need their backsides kicking and motivating.
  22. don't think it is him but as long as we stay up who cares.looked on vital villa as i was bored and a spurs fan on there rated him and said he got the team fit and motivated.still don't think it's him mind as the cockney press would know as he seems to have the same mates as arry
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