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Everything posted by bannedfromHandV

  1. I really don't mean to be rude mate but I have to question which game you actually watched last night? So far we've had: "I'd say Albrighton is naturally two-footed" 'Heskey was absolutely shit from start to finish' "Hogg was a disaster" "the game passed him by" - referring to Bannan Albrighton is not yet two-footed, he's incredibly right footed. Heskey was actually pretty good in the first half but faded as the game wore on. Hogg was not a disaster, he did the simple things well and was disciplined in the centre of midfield - do not forget, this was his first competitive start for the first team, to expect much more in the conditions is crazy. Bannan, okay he didn't do an awful lot but he scored the frickin goal and looked lively enough in flashes, again, this was his first competitive start for the club. I'm all for opinions but yours seem wide of the mark I'm sorry to say.
  2. We're not. K Mac says it's important we can get into the group stages so that we can get the youngsters some experience. Disappointing stuff. It doesn't make sense to me. We seem to discard the Europa, make it our lowest priority, to ensure that we achieve our aim in the premier league - to finish in the european places. Just so we can chuck it away the following season. :? The problem is that the Europa Lge is seen as more of an annoyance, it has little genuine exposure (just look at the channels it's broadcast on here, CH5, ITV4 etc), there isn't much in the way of highlights packages and the prize money is pretty poor, particularly when you might have to end up travelling right across Europe for a match. The games are also played on a Thursday which isn't ideal despite the subsequent PL matches being moved to Sundays. We, as fans kick off about the fact that we don't take it seriously as a club but then what about this: 2008/2009: Odense - 31,423 Hafnarfjordur - 25,415 Litex Lovech - 27,230 Ajax - 36,657 Zilina - 28,797 CSKA - 38,038 2009/10 Vienna - 22,563 Perhaps if we took it more seriously then the club would feel obliged to. Still 4,500 short of capacity for the game against Moscow, yes they're Thursday night matches but you can't honestly tell me that there weren't at least another 4,500 Villa fans who could have made it but chose not to. Probably the same people who now complain that we don't take it seriously enough. Irregardless of the result this evening I fully expect another crowd of around 22,000 for the return game against Vienna....which is appalling really.
  3. The line between what is acceptable and what isn't must be pretty damned thin then, some of the shit I've seen on here written about people you could argue is worse than calling someone a paedo! Anyway, how Spurs didn't lose 6-0 last night I'll never know, he's a **** lucky git Redknapp, paedo or otherwise he's very very lucky.
  4. Ha! If it made me throw up every time I think I'd just knock it on the head to be honest! It's not a common side effect though is it? Otherwise it wouldn't be so popular.......my missus reckons she's allergic to weed just cos she threw a whitey once!
  5. what if they dont know the risks? The biggest risk involved in taking cannabis is that you might vomit and then fall asleep. It can contribute to you becoming a social retard though. A good mate of mine has gone down that route. Saw him for the first time in a bout a year last week at another mates wedding. He told me half way into the night that he couldn't wait to get home so he could smoke a joint. Please tell me this is a joke? The only time I've thrown up after a joint is after consuming vast quantities of alcohol and is falling asleep a bad thing? The fact is, some people can't be arsed to be sociable these days, being 'sociable' can cost anything up to and beyond £100 per night so I would much prefer to have a night in with the missus, watch a film, put her to bed and play a bit of Call of Duty then go to bed, all whilst having a smoke. How that can be deemed as breaking the law is beyond my understanding.
  6. what if they dont know the risks? Then you're either an idiot or a child, if the latter then you have to take a real close look at the parents who, are therefore most likely to be the former.
  7. The bottom line for me is I resent anyone telling me what I can and can't do in the confines of my own home. Particularl when talking about something that grows in the **** ground and has been on the planet longer than any of the morons telling me I can't smoke it. The same goes for mushrooms.
  8. Hi General, I'm guessing you can confirm the following but I figured that taking down the big screen was in anticipation of the rebuilding of the North Stand next year?
  9. Complete tripe. For every one player that doesn't come back as strong as they were there are three that do. It's more rare for a player to not recover fully, Eduardo is the prime example but his problem, IMO, is psycholgical more than physical. He basically seemed to me to be scared of getting hurt.
  10. ^^ Ozil only had a year left on his contract, that's roughly the amount we could have expected to receive for Milner next summer had he stayed on for a year......puts things in perspective a bit I think.
  11. I agree with everything written. Have been giving the same opinion on ireland all week and have been lambasted for it. Extremely odd to sign a player, in an exchange or otherwise when we have no manager, my only suspicion there is that RL still trusts MoN's judgement and I guess MoN identified Ireland as a good piece of business. Randy doesn't strike me as being the type to want to try and run a football team, the club yes but not the team. I certainly do not think you're alone in your dejection mate
  12. online as Welsho Fifa CoD Red Dead in the main at least anyway, in truth I probably spend around 85% of my time on CoD as well as perving on Home every now and again.....feel free to add me!
  13. Is that taking into account Milners leaving or not out of interest? I assume so given Ireland but worth asking....
  14. That easily? Really? Stevehic Stanhic Stauntonhic should really not be considered.. hic. Well I hadn't heard anything about that until your post. Still a legend for me though and that kind of thing can be rectified at least, with difficulty in some cases but achievable, if he had been entirely inept then that would be more of a worry as you can't necessarily teach it.
  15. Jol is a consideration but honestly they have no fixed names at the moment . To me it's pretty obvious reading the players comments MacDonald is the favourite and I expect Staunton to be in the mix as assistant somewhere along the line . I don't know by the way for a fact Would really like to see that actually, Stan was always a major fav of mine as a kid. Hasn't covered himself in glory at Eire or Darlington mind you but that can be easily overlooked by simply watching a replay of that left foot strike at Old Trafford in 1993
  16. Thank god Barely needs confirming but just so that I can sleep tonight Mysteryman can you also confirm that fat arsa Maradonna is not on the agenda?
  17. Hi General, I have to echo some of the complaints regarding the North Stand lower on Saturday. It seems strange that the far end has now been closed off both in terms of food and drink and an exit after the game. The food and drink issue as many have said will cost the club a fair bit of money I'd imagine, my partner for example refused to queue up being as the queue was about 50+ people deep!! Only having one exit after the match is likely to cause an immense amount of frustration too. I appreciate much of this might be in advance of us rebuilding the stand next summer but I can't see how it's a problem to at least open the gates at the end of the match down the far end.
  18. Who knows? All I know is that variety is the spice of life and Saturday was a Chicken Tikka Madras!
  19. Isn't he well racist? Could be confusing him with someone else tho........
  20. WTF!!! Why are people still talking about Mark Hughes?!? He's just signed for Fulham FFS, like one whole frickin week ago. Same goes for McLaren who has this summer signed on in Germany (always forget who with, want to say Werder Bremen but it isn't them is it?) For Villa's next manager look to who is currently out of work, for me the next manager will come from one of: Alan Curbishley (most likely IMO, sadly) Sven (least likely IMO, thank fk) Jurgen Klinsmann (would love to see) Gareth Southgate (would hate to see) We have no money, that much is apparent, the likes of Hiddink etc would have no interest in managing us with no funds available, so we can forget about that standard of manager.
  21. it will be Bob Bradley or Alan Curbishly IMO. Neither of which will take us forward, IMO. We are ****, and anyone who knows the general nature of my posts will know that I'm not a pessimist by trade but we are ****.
  22. Beautiful place Genova....can easily understand why players would be attracted to playing and more importantly living there. Really makes you think that little further about the nature of transfers, I mean if someone had a choice of Birmingham or Genova, well......the two don't even compare. Birmingham is just so beautiful a city :shock:
  23. Well, there's the question... revenue. Getting Milan, Celtic and Lyon to Villa Park would cost, say, £2-3 million in appearance fees (it was about £2 million at Arsenal and we'd have to pay more). So assuming we could sell 40,000 tickets for each day - 80,000 total - at £25 then we'd break even at £2 million. And then, yes, maybe we could make money from TV/sponsorship. But do you really think we could sell 40,000 tickets for £25? We don't often sell 40,000 and our matchday prices are often lower than that. And our fans still grumble about having to pay it. It's a lot easier for Arsenal, who sell out 60,000 each week at £40-£50 per ticket, to make money off what is a 'discount' to their fans. Guaranteed revenue is more from getting paid to play in things, ie pre-season tournaments elsewhere. The reason Arsenal don't do this is because Wenger won't do pre-season tours, just a training camp in Austria, so they had to come up with the Emirates Cup. But I'm not sure it would suit us economically. Factor in advertisement/sponsorship money as well as money spent by fans at and around the ground too.......so long as we didn't lose money I can't see it being anything other than positive as it will help raise the profile of the club which is invaluable.
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