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Everything posted by bannedfromHandV

  1. Whereas most of the other 21 players on show had only played one game in 4 months? What's the difference? Why the **** are you slating Ireland?? Can you not grasp the fact that he is not 100% match fit and still bedding into the team??? Why is that so hard for you? Or were you just against the swap deal from the off and Milners biggest fan? What were you expecting? Yes, now having an opinion on VT must mean that I'm secretly in love with Milner and will stop at nothing until AVFC no longer exist. Grow up mate, he's been sub-standard in his two appearances for the club looks nothing like the player(s) we need to move forward. If he isn't 100% match fit then he shouldn't be in the team, I am aware he will take some bedding in but I have seen little that has impressed me. SO so sorry to have offended you, I didn't realise you were so delicate when it comes to Steve Ireland.
  2. BOF, he's played two games now, I'm aware it is two games and my posts have quite clearly stated that my opinion has been on those two appearances. I'm entitled to my opinion in that I think he's looked shit. Certainly nothing like the replacement for Milner that so many thought he would be. I'll be as happy as the next man if he goes on to have a great season but I wasn't happy about us signing him in the first place, I don't believe his head is at Villa let alone his heart and I think, honestly (and this could be one for the other thread about being wrong) that he will not be at VP come the start of the 2012/2013 season.
  3. Whereas most of the other 21 players on show had only played one game in 4 months? What's the difference?
  4. I wish it mattered after three games............lets face it, we could easily have lost 4-1 on Sunday.
  5. Sigh. Yes that means they will all come and want to be Villa manager! You want our owners to do things like City and that tit Cook? You we're slagging him off in the Milner thread if i recall correctly. Fickle?! Never
  6. No, I sat through it, in the rain just as I did the second 45 minutes. He looked lost against Newcastle, left gaps all over the midfield, didn't do anything of any great substance going forward and certainly did nothing defensively - I must add, this is based on only seeing the first 25 mins of the Newcastle match, once I knew the score the recording was quickly deleted off the planner, but I can't imagine his performance picking up greatly being as we went on to lose 6-0. RV - are a poor team, I'd probably equate them to Bolton? Maybe Blackburn if on a bad day? We looked poor as a team, little cutting edge. Ireland did nothing to create space for himself, got bogged down and invariably ended up playing backwards or sideways, except for a great burst down the inside left channel which resulted in him being tackled. Granted it's only two games but my impression, from those two games is that he's been shit and has looked like a headless chicken.
  7. Ireland's looked shit so far. Headless chicken springs to mind.
  8. Whoever gets appointed this site will crash Took me about 2 hours to get on after MoN went....
  9. Dodgy or not he is still a Spurs player now. And for two thirds of the price of Stewart Downing......who said English players' prices are over-inflated? :shock:
  10. On point #2 I'd expand it and say KMac identifies gaps in the squad and gives GH the criteria needed, then GH identifies who the solution is. Isn't that how it works with scouts? Do we have any scouts? We have many scouts. My father lives next door to one in South Wales, he constantly questions what he actually does as he never appears to go anywhere and we haven't 'found' someone from South Wales since Delaney....who apparently this guy was instrumental in signing.....
  11. In which case it is bad bad bad for me Not only do I think Macdonald is naive and poor at first team selection and tactics I also think there would be a tendency for interfernec from the DOF. Of all the faults I could pull up or propose when discussing K Mac, tactics would be the last thing on my mind. You can't win the Reserve league three years running by being tactically naieve. Unlike the first team he cannot call upon the magic of top quality players, he won't have known 100% at least what his squad will have been from game to game and so you have to imagine that it's tactics that won that Reserve League three years running....would be my opinion anyway.
  12. On point #2 I'd expand it and say KMac identifies gaps in the squad and gives GH the criteria needed, then GH identifies who the solution is. I'm not disagreeing but I would expect a Dir of Football to spend enough time in and around the club, particularly on matchdays to be able to fathom for themselves where and when we need players in, that is afterall their primary purpose, so far as I can see anyway.
  13. Very much my thinking, too. It needs a David Dein on the board, not a Gerard Houiller. I agree. Lots of unanswered questions for me if this is the route. I mean who picks the team? who identifies players to buy and sell? who picks the tactics? who picks the team? - Kev Mac who identifies players to buy and sell? - GH who picks the tactics? - Kev Mac Simples.
  14. Houllier will raise our profile, if nothing else. Plus he'll earn me £100 if it happens!!
  15. Where do all the Villa boys tend to congregate before a match in Stoke? I normally go with a load of my Stoke pals but a few of them aren't around that night.....
  16. You calling him a wheeler and dealer? I'm calling him Harry Redknapp......I believe he may soon forge his very own genre of dodgy dealings to be referred to in the dictionary as 'doing a hazza'.....
  17. ^^ because we're in the 'other football' section and Spurs constitute other football last time i checked...
  18. ^^What?^^ A year ago we were walking round with rods protruding from our crotches at the prospect of signing VDV with some claiming he would transform us over night and be the marquee signing required to kick on and become a top four club. Now that he's joined Spurs he's become, meh?? Great signing for Spurs, particularly if it's at the reported £8M, that I find unbelievable and if true something only ol' Harry could pull off you fancy.
  19. Not sure whether this is a positive or negative riposte.......do I laugh or cry, do we bring in a manager or not...so many questions.....arrghghh
  20. *Villa fans in over-reaction shocker* For what it's worth I don't honestly care how long the board take to appoint someone so long as it turns out to be the correct decision. This season was always going to be a tough one even if MoN hadn't walked out on us five days before the season started but, given that fact, it's fair to assume that in terms of seriously challenging for anything this season, well, it's been written off hasn't it? Hence, I don't care how long we take to get the right person in. The fact that the club is taking their time on the matter says to me that they're making a well informed decision and are looking at all the angles which for me, is the only thing you can ask for. The attitude of some on here is laughable, quite literally. It'll get sorted one way or another and the club are not obligated to keep us, the fans, up to date with every little happening that goes on, to expect anything like that is a throwback to the 'good ol' days of football' when you could bump in to your star player down the local boozer.....aint gonna happen nowadays so get with the programme. Also, and just throwing it out there for discussion but, has anyone else noticed a correlation between those who 'over react' or act in a manner which could be deemed as over-reactive to those who don't attend matches? Not sure this has any relevance at all and I could be a million miles off the mark but just the way it seems to me.....
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