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Everything posted by alreadyexists

  1. Totally agree. Let him have a rest for week and come back raring to go.
  2. I think we should wait as prices are sky high and he will likely fall in the Autumn
  3. Fingers crossed that Buendia comes back as good as before, really hope he can play in the run in, but you never know
  4. It is hard to judge when players are doing well in the Championship… he just has a bit of something about his game that I like. Quite direct, with excellent positioning, he always seems to be in the right place. It might not translate to PL though were you get less space, more speed and higher quality defence
  5. Yeah I agree, it would depend on if anyone leaves in the summer. Roger’s seems to have a higher ceiling (although he plays more advanced that KD-H) I’d say he’s more of a JJ kind of player,
  6. Dewsbury-Hall had another good game for LFC today, I would go for him in the summer if it was me. Still young (25) and with a high ceiling, no idea what he would cost. Transfermarkt says £30m but that’s likely just plucked out of the air
  7. I just finished watching as I had to record it, my first reaction… 9 added minutes!? Where the **** did they come from!?
  8. I’m a child of the 80s so I don’t know for sure, but wouldn’t those goals in the 70s be part of a longer season too? And maybe the 82 season?
  9. They lost again today… they seem determined to not go up the easy way! Edit: I never used to dislike Leicester but I work with a bloke who think everyone must be a Leicester fan since they won the PL and that they’re up there with the top 6… so I’m nowadays I’m quite happy when they fail. I’m a ****, but who cares!?
  10. It looks like that’s what’s happening. They’re binning off the round badge that the majority of fans wanted, so they can, for some reason include the new badge that has had no fan consultation. I for one love the round badge… I’ll be gutted when it’s gone for that absolute shower of
  11. I suppose it could make sense still depending on how much he gets offered elsewhere. I’m no FFP expert but presumably a big contract with no fee is better over 3-5 years than a big fee and smaller contract? Anyway, I think he’d be a good addition if the money makes sense
  12. And, just re Leicester Dewsbury-Hall did catch my eye when I watched them earlier this season… could be worth buying if they have to sell, I’m sure they won’t want to but if there’s ever a time to go for it it’s when they need to balance the books
  13. I wonder if Leicester might have to sell a lot this summer, and if so, Ndidi would be quite a nice player and would fit in to our midfield. The kind of player to challenge Kamara and Dougie (I actually dont think he’s better than either, but would be competition)
  14. The North Carolina shirt is nice, and I’d love to see a claret and blue version
  15. I think I had the vaccination against that last year
  16. I actually think we’ll do a proper job here and win convincingly… I’m going 3-1… I don’t think we’ll keep a clean sheet though that seems to be very elusive lately.
  17. Yeah, to be fair he does bring that direct drive forward and positivity.
  18. Youri!! Really clever finish there.
  19. Ah right, three separate occasions then… thanks
  20. That’s exactly my stance too, my and my son are on there, but he’s 6 so I wouldn’t be buying him an ST for a few years at the very least. My guess is as the price goes up less and less people will be able/willing to buy one. I bet at least a 3rd of those on the list if offered one today would decline. You can decline it once is that right?
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