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Everything posted by mockingbird_franklin

  1. what is it with shit clubs beginning with W and the fa cup?
  2. He should have been sent off for that. Alan Shearer made a great career and won many plaudits for doing that all the time
  3. Model any speech on this one and you can't go far wrong
  4. might be nice for them to have a tiring 30 mins of extra time as well before losing
  5. I'm having trouble distinguishing the US from Botswana... Yeah, I'm crap at this. Tend to get it wrong by whole continents. wander up and down the road, open another tab, google the restaurants .............oops! I was, but I got to one where it was just desert road for miles and miles... well make that wonder up and down the road for a few hundred miles or so
  6. 14652 http://www.geoguessr.com?v=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%3D%3D
  7. What about Botswana? Botswana also drive on the correct side of the road, unfortunately that means no help for anyone with trouble in distinguishing between Australia and Botswana
  8. I think it only fair every premier league club should have to endure one season under Mcleish, It helps you appreciate football a little bit more when he's gone and you know things can only get better C'mon Everton, it's your turn to take the nasty medicine
  9. Whos the daddy, 14364 http://www.geoguessr.com?v=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%3D%3D
  10. does seem to have Australia heavy games, best guess yet is within 0.35km but having a pic of the golden gate bridge helped
  11. Not sure if anyone has posted this before, but a another way to while away a few minutes http://www.geoguessr.com/ !0,876 points best score so far
  12. Either you read my mind, or I read yours
  13. The Zoom r24 can be used as an audio interface, and it does have Phantom Power so your choice of mic is pretty open, My son Uses a Rode NT1, which he really likes and a Shure SM58, Unfortunately the acoustics in the room he uses isn't the best, and unfortunately treating the room in the traditional way isn't an option. Currently looking at making some portable sound treatment thats a little better than hanging heavy duvets and sound blankets on the walls when he wants to record some Vocals.
  14. no not just you, I would add Sunderland to those two, infact it's rather nice to not mind which of the teams curently below us go downinstead of us, I can make a case to be happy to see the back of any of them. no not just you, I would add Sunderland to those two, infact it's rather nice to not mind which of the teams curently below us go downinstead of us, I can make a case to be happy to see the back of any of them.
  15. with tonight's result, we are guaranteed to be out the bottom 3 on the final weekend even with a total disaster taking place over the next week results wise
  16. of the 3 possible outcomes draw wasn't far behind a stoke win as the best we could hope for, we avoided the one we really didn't want, now it's Swansea turn to get at least a point against Wigan
  17. well lets hope for safety for stoke and Southampton by then both winning their next game, Fulham have lost 5 of the last six, one point in 18, yes thanks to a score draw in a game the opposition keeper didn't have to make a save and they should have lost by a handful. The Sunderland, Stoke and Southampton games could be the key if Wigan do pull off the great escape, could really do with Stoke winning both games against Sunderland and Southampton, that way if Sunderland get the win against Southampton we would be safe, and if Southampton beat Sunderland we would be Guaranteed safety with one point even if Sunderland Beat Spurs, Never thought I'd say this, but come on Stoke and get those back to back wins!!!!
  18. so Villa lose to Chelsea and draw with Wigan Wigan would need to beat both Swansea (H) and Arsenal(A) and Sunderland would need a win and a draw from Stoke (H), Southampton(H) Spurs (A) and Newcastle would need a Win from QPR(A), Arsenal(H) and Southampton would need two draws, or one win from Sunderland(A) Stoke(H) and Norwich would need a win from WBA(H) Man CityA) and Both Stoke and Fulham would need a point
  19. unfortunately not, I've used Cubase with my son, but only because he was able to get Cubase 7 with a full licence for about 190 pound, only experience of Pro Tools is an hour or so in a studio with a producer who is a friend of the wifes.
  20. This is my thoughts too. That awful winter period has cost us dearly. Think it's more the Wigan result on it's own that may be the real big one there, considering our relevant goal differences. I guess the Rodreguez dive in the Southampton game could also hurt us because of that goal difference.
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