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Everything posted by Ingram85

  1. Not sure about cameroon but if the u.n. go in we should veto'o it, we dont need to make more foes and theres no need to make a bassong and dance about it. Matip is to just forget about it and act in the proper Emana.
  2. What is the best brand to smoke in terms of quality against price? My boss smokes Royals but the box looks cheap so they're a no. If i started, i think id go for marlboro or amber leaf rollies. Got a mate who smokes Jin-Ling (i think its called that?) smells nice. I realise this helps in no way what so ever so erm...yeah! keep going!
  3. Nah, takes away from the lady odour.
  4. That bolded bit my good friend is all you need to read, if she doesnt act on something that is clearly upsetting you then she aint worth your time.
  5. It was good, will need to see a few more eps though. deffo worth a watch.
  6. Ha cheers , still, better than playing slightly with yourself. now take down the pictures, you never know, she might have a friend who's a Villa fan who trolls this forum who now is telling her you're posting pics of her on a Villa forum and now she thinks you're creepy :winkold: See, you joke about that but ive seen it happen on another fairly well known forum a number of times and was the reason i was worried about posting them. Before i delete them though ill give the peasants a bit of time to add them to the hand shandy bank - and the pictures of her! ba-dum-tish!!!
  7. Cheers dude, no more posts now though as its in danger of reaching a 'daz topic' level of ego stroking.
  8. Ha cheers , still, better than playing slightly with yourself.
  9. I know im ok, i realise i dont look like a gurner with the trots and ive always done alright for myself with the wimmenz but she is by far the hottest ive ever pulled.
  10. Morals have took a hit and i feel proper creepy so after a few days im deleting them off my comp anyway thats who im taking for dinner. Not bad for someone of my looks i think.
  11. dont make me break out another picard pic
  12. Thats gonna be my chat up line from now on then.... "Hi, im that dr christian guy from channel 4's embarassing bodies, can i take a bash at your gash?"
  13. That would involve saving one of her pictures off of her fb profile, uploading and sharing it on here and ill be honest with you, that feels a bit creepy.
  14. Me at the jekyll & hyde on saturday. In the middle. With a new haircut. Yes im mates with mr bean. I still dont see the Chris Martin comparison though.
  15. Its all in the mind, look at my pic in the rogue gallery then look at the girl im taking for a meal next week and youd think hypnosis/rohypnol/blackmail were all involved* Whereas my mate at work is a good looking athletic chap and he is more useless than i am. Youve just gotta think, '**** it im going for it' and not worry about consequences, your on this planet for an infitismal amount of time, ive spent a good portion of my time so far moping around, thinking what if, if only etc......then i met the now ex, took a chance, had a 4 year relationship and a mahoosive confidence boost, just because i said 'fancy going to see that film?. Just ride the clouds of ignorance and go for it, you will fall off now and again but just jump straight back on again. *they arent.
  16. Right really gonna sell myself here 8) add me if you want to but i dont really play online at all and if i do i normally get battered so id be added in the capacity of increasing the amount of people on your friends list rather for any competition. Even if i was to venture online it would probably only be for the odd game of fifa 11 against a like minded individual who doesnt give a crap about winning or losing. No nobheads. My i.d. is my name on here.
  17. Did anyone else watch Friday night dinner? It was good but im not sure what to make of it yet. Mark Heap was brilliant as always and the dads brilliant but im still not sure about it.
  18. Have just watched The Other Guys, was expecting another run of the mill, tired will ferrell effort but actually really enjoyed it, may get some stick for this but i think its better than anchorman. But, the most surprising bit was that wahlberg was good in it aswell.
  19. Chris Coleman Commentating. I think he's been wrong about everything he has said during the wet spam v liverplop game.
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