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Everything posted by adw95

  1. adw95

    Match Thread

    How can no official see an elbow right where the play is happening?
  2. Liverpool vs. Spurs having it's own BBC live text page rather than being lumped in with the other 3 league games as if it's some huge event
  3. Plenty of pace makes a lot of sense up against Hull's back 3. Never expected such an offensive line up.
  4. Wages of 100k plus will become the norm even among the teams near the bottom of the end of the table. If by "norm" you mean average then that's utter rubbish. Current average wage is £30,000 and current TV rights earnings are £60m (assumed figures) so you're expecting a 200%+ increase in wages because of a 60%+ increase in TV revenue?
  5. How do you know he won't pay for an assistant manager? Who told you this information? No one told me this information but he hasn't paid for one since Keane departed has he? What other explanation could there possibly be for not employing an Assistant? Perhaps Lambert (who you would assume to have final say on his own assistant) hasn't identified the right candidate.
  6. How do you know he won't pay for an assistant manager? Who told you this information?
  7. TUE 10 FEB 2015 - PREMIER LEAGUE Arsenal 3 v 1 Leicester 19:45 Hull 0 v 3 Aston Villa Sunderland 2 v 1 QPR Liverpool 2 v 2 Tottenham 20:00 WED 11 FEB 2015 - PREMIER LEAGUE Chelsea 1 v 1 Everton 19:45 Man Utd 2 v 1 Burnley Southampton 1 v 0 West Ham Stoke 0 v 3 Man City Crystal Palace 2 v 0 Newcastle 20:00 West Brom 1 v 1 Swansea
  8. SAT 7 FEB 2015 - PREMIER LEAGUE Tottenham 2 v 3 Arsenal 12:45 Aston Villa 0 v 0 Chelsea 15:00 Leicester 0 v 1 Crystal Palace 15:00 Man City 3 v 0 Hull 15:00 QPR 0 v 3 Southampton 15:00 Swansea 2 v 2 Sunderland 15:00 Everton 1 v 1 Liverpool 17:30 SUN 8 FEB 2015 - PREMIER LEAGUE Burnley 1 v 2 West Brom 12:00 Newcastle 1 v 1 Stoke 14:05 West Ham 2 v 2 Man Utd 16:15
  9. Maybe you're just not as busy as some other people are? No, just more competent. Bad quote is baaaaaad.
  10. People thinking no Costa and no Fabregas will help probably thought the same of Sanchez for Arsenal.
  11. I'd struggle to rank but I guess my favourites would be: Indian Italian Chinese American - BBQ flavoured stuff mainly Mexican (read - various incarnations of tortilla wraps)
  12. I don't watch much of this at all but even I was confused when they chose to not run the ball...
  13. "It's interesting stuff Mike" - shut the **** up.
  14. Shameless attempt to score likes from CED.
  15. The beach scene is surreal.
  16. Suarez dived so I'm not sure what your point is.
  17. Sanchez is having a terrible, terrible game. It's baffling.
  18. Richardson is such a **** bottle out.
  19. Talk about overreaction. Not like we've beaten the Championship leaders as recently as last week or anything. Yep we did, the Championship leaders who played their B team. Yawn.
  20. SAT 31 JAN 2015 - PREMIER LEAGUE Hull 1 v 1 Newcastle 12:45 Crystal Palace 2 v 1 Everton 15:00 Liverpool 3 v 2 West Ham 15:00 Man Utd 3 v 1 Leicester 15:00 Stoke 1 v 0 QPR 15:00 Sunderland 0 v 0 Burnley 15:00 West Brom 1 v 2 Tottenham 15:00 Chelsea 1 v 0 Man City 17:30 SUN 1 FEB 2015 - PREMIER LEAGUE Arsenal 1 v 2 Aston Villa 13:30 Southampton 3 v 1 Swansea 16:00
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