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Everything posted by brummybloke

  1. that about sums it up, some exciting times and every transfer window some frustrating times but at least you knew there would be an end product the only end product under the ginger clunge will be relegation and stripping out of any decent players as they dont fit in with the GC's footballing ethos of kick it as high and hard in the air as you can and close your eyes and hope it falls in the net.
  2. What are you babbling about? God bless the internet; it allows people to post nonsense and then criticise others about events which have not happened and are very unlikely to happen and for others to say things such as “spot on there mate”. ? people are speculating about darren bents future. you have speculated in some of your posts yet you seem confused that others are doing it? wierd
  3. im confused. darren bent scores lots of goals and is one of the best scorers in the premier league the ginger clunge made excuses when he arrived here about his pevious clubs piss poor dire style of anti-football claiming it was only due to the players he had at his disposal at that club and NOTHING to do with his qualities as a coach, manager, tactitian or his ideals for how football should be played. so darren bent looks half the player he has looked under every other manager and so do most of the other players and our style of football has become a rather crude and basic version of school boy kick and rush however with less success. i still fully expect to see him wearing a liverpoo shirt either by feb 1st or come summer time this club is in free fall at the moment, and no doubt all down to shadey far east gambling syndicates money falling into certain ginger peoples pockets
  4. in the summer i half expected us to go for him , he reminds me of ron saunders, although ron knew how to play football
  5. guzan - 8 did what he had to got beaten a few times to the ball but kept a clean sheat cuellar - 8 a display which was needed, i only remember him **** up once and that was when he was attacking, only hoofed it 2 times in the entire game and i would say 90% of his passes went to a villa player dunne - 8 thank goodness fat boy was looking sharpe, covering repeatedly for collins while also being the one to mark jones warnock - 6.5 kept making runs down the left and was always open for a pass, his crossing wasnt great collins - 6 worst of the defenders. **** up a few times which always looks like ending up in a goal. why he cant just play the **** ball to clark or whoever is the holding midfielder who is ALWAYS open for a pass? clark -6 some good tackling mixed with some of the shitest attempts at passing i have seen since i was at school, including when in the first half we were on the attack with 5 players in or around their area, nzog cut it back to him and he side footed it straight to a stoke player who was no where near any villa player, and even if he hadnt been their it would have gone out for a goal kick. and that was under litterally no pressure. petrov - 7.5 kept trying to go forward but little movement if any in the midfield made him the most mobile player alby -5 the worst game i have seen him have, he was shit today shit crossing no tack;ling no headers no shots **** all nzog - 6 while not as bad as he has been his touch is heavier than that of a **** rapist, EVERY **** time and i mean EVERY , he over runs the ball or runs into a crowd of players. he may be playing better but it still is not any where near the standard he should be at. gabby -7 some bursts of pace, some skill but dropping so deap just to try and get to the ball he loses his magic. kept trying but it summed it up at the end when he was bursting through and fonz just needed to peel off to the right and make a run and instead stood in gabbys way **** it up. heskey - i dont know if people are saying he was good for a wind up? he had a header which hit the post, so an attempt almost on target. that was it, no hold up play, no shots, no team work **** nothing . he was shit is shit and will always be shit as a player. as a person i know he is a great chap and honourable but i dont give a flying **** because that all goes out the wondow when you play. should not be near the first team he offers nothing, it was no suprise the team had more chances and passed it far better when fonz came on fonz- 7 did ok, had a half chance he made the keeper work, infact i think it was 1 of 2 shots we had which made the keeper work. miles and miles better than e-mule but still no urgency manager gets a big fat 0 collins = no heskey = no should have taken alby off after 65 mins after he made yet another appalling attempt at a cross under no pressure a boring game which sums up how we are now under the ginger clunge **** painful to watch, unadventurous, non footballing nobodies i guess the game was put at this time of night so it was after the watershed so kids wouldnt watch such a horror show
  6. take albrighton off shocking game tonight bannan or irland on please
  7. Utter, utter bollocks. Both having their best games in a while. ? stay off the glue my friend it doesnt help you while for THEM they are not playing bad, they are 2 of the worst for us so far today collins is the worst defender on the pitch today heskey is the worst 'attacking' player on the pitch today so you work it out
  8. by a long shot sensible passing no panic hoofing and solid, he also played through the best 2 balls for the attack no shocks with 2 of the worst players so far in collins and heskey clark is having an all or nothing game, some great bits followed by some utter shit nzog is trying but as per normal is over running the ball and losing it alby has been crap with his crossing it all comes down to heskey im afraid no proper link up play in the middle watch any of our throw ins to quite nicely sum up the problems in our team. there is no movement , it is predictable and we normaly lose it
  9. Months rent my arse Drama queen. he could have, housing benefit can now be paid to the lodger rather than direct to the landlord
  10. you have a point, i forgot about znzog which has been easy as he has done very little apart from hold onto the ball far too long and then either run into a group of players lose the ball and fall over or run into a group of players lose the ball and stay on his feet although he has looked alot better in the last 4 games, it isnt difficult if he avoids doing what he normally does.
  11. the doom and gloom is because the 2 worst players ( bar hutton) have been collins and heskey, both have been total shit ALL season and both have been given far more time than they should have AND they are keeping others out of the team who litterally couldnt have been any worse had they tried to. if you play a spaz long enough in a team he will eventually either score or not look too bad in 1 game yet the ginger clunge has persisted with both retards and neither has looked close to doing anything worthy of the first team squad on match day let alone being pretty much nailed on to start each week. they are the symbol of the ginger clunges football philosophy so while we WANT to win, it would be a double edged sword, it would be a game which statistically even a blind quadroplegic would be expected to have a half decent game had they been given the amount of first team action these 2 muppets have had. we all want a win but they is also that feeling of if we lose hopefully we wont have to watch this shower of shit again, however it is counter productive as we all know we are stuck with the ginger clunge thanks to either complete ineptitude in faulkner or corruption it cant be anything else becuase as sure as shit it aint a football reason. pleas **** god let collins and heskey collide and knock themselves out so 2 decent players can come on and we can then try and play some decent football so benty can see a half decent game before he goes to liverpool next week
  12. agreed but how do we defend against their style of football without the likes of heskey and collins? we could try playing decent attacking football where we keep possesion. if their style of football was undefendable then they would be at the top of the league and winning all the cups they arent we could try playing to OUR strengths for once, it used to work, keeping it on the floor, passing it to our own players and feeding it through for gabby or crossing it in for benty ahh those were the days... before the ginger clunge there are no reasons why we should lose this, most of use expect to lose purely down to the utterly shit manager we have had forced upon us and his anti football and picking the fuckwits who play to his 'style' of football. i also see though that the usual couple suspects have made their excuses already, bigging up stoke and saying how great they are.
  13. The bigger question is not why wasn't Bent watching Villa, but why were Villa fans going shopping instead of supporting the team, if less people went shopping and turned upto the ground we might actually be in a better situation. I mean look at Stoke, yes horrible team/tactics but my god do there fans back the team. If we were half as passionate we might actually make some noise for a change. ? you think it is the crowds fault we are losing rather than the shit that is faulkner decided to employ the shit ginger clunge? and then the ginger clunge doing exactly what anyone with half a brain cell said he would which would be to produce poor unattractive ineffective hoofball which will have the club looking like shit? you think fans who all look inbred and want to fight as it is the only thing they can do as they dont work and there is **** all else for them to look forward to in their dull lives are passionate and that is why stoke have become a team our currently shittly managed team fears? oh my! :|
  14. Ill enough to walk around Cambridge for a few hours in the freezing cold? but with a warm feeling inside that 99.9% of the fans think he is great and that he has been **** over by the club and woulnt blame him for leaving. i wouldnt blame him
  15. he doesnt get paid enough to watch the sort of shit AM has been dishing up, we have to watch as supporters, he doesnt. thanks benty, i was **** elated when we got him, i feel sorry for any of our players who have any skill or talent, they are being ruined just like the club is by the corrupt scum faulkner and AM
  16. I saw McLeish look deeply worried and serious around the 80 minute mark. Sadly I don't have a screen shot of it. That picture proves nothing. A snap shot of many during a game. the picture proves he was laughing, you dont have a picture showing what ever it is you claim. i would be genuinely iunterested to know why you blindly support the most hated and crap manager this club has had since, well since i can remember, i include DOL, billy mcneill, graham turner, venglos and co in this as well.
  17. maybe i should boycott the other half, maybe then my bank account would feel better? lol poor team selection, poor team to select from AM had nothing to work with today, its a shame we rely so much on 2 players he had almost a full squad if players to work with the fact he is **** clueless and shit may be the biggest factor there is probably 1 big move at least this january, either the ginger twunt or bent will be off i know what 99.9% of the fans are praying for this christmas
  18. just wow it makes graham turner and billy mcneill look good the team were **** clueless, led by the utterly **** twunt faced scottish scum pig shit w@nk ginger prick
  19. im running out of swear words to describe how utterly **** shit we have been, more to come for the rest of the season, awsome mind you those east asian pounds must be stacking up with the board members and AM
  21. do any of thes etwunts ever run down the **** line for an overlap? because so far EVERY **** chance today they have checked back and **** it up
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