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Everything posted by brummybloke

  1. well at least we know we cant possibly play any worse so there is hope
  2. brilliant i hope they get 10 now biunch of useless cun.ts
  3. nzog has been shit and was yet again just then take the tit off
  4. can we take the crap nzog off now? he has done **** all aprat from 1 decent cross not good enough get alby on
  5. get innnnnnnn 2-0 **** collins is a spastic as is the ginger clunge
  6. nzog off please, put gabby up front or dont play him add bannan or alby and play a tight midfield 3 across the park with ireland roaming and bet and gabby upfront we genuinely look shit, really really shit. we are at home against the worst performing away team and we are getting **** smashed to bits, not just scraping it they are smashing our back doors in that is nothing but shit tactics and shit choices for who is playing and where they are being forced to play up your **** game ginger clunge, no doubt the bell end will put heskey on and order hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooof
  7. oh my **** god they should have another that was shit
  8. why are we playing 1 up front against the worst away team in the premier league?
  9. gabby shit cross, i hope he is not being played as a right winger because that would be a spaz decision
  10. Trouble is we're shite and have an idiot as a manager. you sank my battleship !
  11. well swansea have the worst away record in the premier league so we should beat them easily
  12. you acknowledged 2 bad performances, there has been many this season not just 2, i also cant find any one person complaining about the result yesterday or our performace? which is what you seem to be suggesting by saying "It's not fickle to also praise good performances, it called being balanced. " balanced would be describing the perfomances, style of play and results over the season and judging each game on THAT game, the tactics, the effort the style of play and the result. as i said, i cant see anyone complaining about the performance and result after the final whistle on yesterdays game a balanced view is he has been poor for the majority of our games, be it tactics, performance, results and team selections. that is going on a game by game basis, taking everything into account the word fickle which is a crap word, made emotive by the comments from DOL is directed towards people who seem to think it is all great because of 1 good performance and result.
  13. negativity? you mean because some people are not spunking themselves proclaiming that GC is the new messiah? you mean people putting this result in context with the whole season so far? forgive me for not changing my mind on 1 good performance and result against some utterly terrible performances and piss poor results. it is this all or nothing aproach from certain posters which is laughable, we win a game and then all of a sudden the ginger clunge is a good manager? the word fickle while posted for effect by various posters on here, is the only description i could possibly give someone if they have over the space of 3 games decided all is now good with the manager. no doubt the same people will be saying that keen at blackburn is now the new fergie due to a good performance and result
  14. 3 points up. 6 places better off. Conceded 10 less goals, scored two more. Could you explain how the league is significantly weaker? Blackpool, Sha and West Ham went down. Norwich, QPR and Swansea came up. There is no significant difference either way in those sides. What is significantly weaker is our squad having lost Downing, Ash and to a lesser extent Reo Coker and either not replaced them or not replaced them with anything like the same quality. ? of course the league is weaker, the table shows it last season the bottom teams were getting more points than they are getting this season and lucky for us other teams have equaly poor managers just with worse squads like keen at blackburn and coyle at bolton and you also think 3 clubs making their debut in the premier league compaired to last season 2 of the relegated 3 being in and out of the premier league is not stronger? norwich were division 1 ,2 years ago and our squad is not better for having one of the top scorers in the premier league in it? GC has had a full summer to work with the players, to pick whoever he wanted to buy and instil his footballing ethos and philosphy on the club and players he has had more time to get things right than MON had in his first season or houllier had last season so trying to claim GC has made a big difference is in my view total rubbish every manager has luck, i always though bobby robson was the luckiest england manager ever, his teams did crap at the world cups until injury and suspensions forced him to use other players such as platt and hodge and beardsley so despite him getting lucky ( on players everyone and their pet gerbil were telling him to pick) that goes with the job and while i can see people mentioning it, you cant knock him for it as it happens with every manager. picking heskey, collins and hutton each and every week, playing hoofball bottling it, trying to sell cuellar, being negative in 75% of our games i can knock him for the team has been set up and has been playing how he wants them to, so if you are going to lap up 1 result and performance and proclaim he is all of a sudden despite his poor record as a manager, now some tactical genius rather than take the game in the isolation it deserves going on the shower of shit we have had to endure previously, then good for you. i on the other hand require more than 1 game to be even in the slightest convinced he will get us in the top 6
  15. its not really though is it? we are 3 points up on last year while the league is significantly weaker bottom club this time last year was wolves on 18 points, that would get them 15th place this year ! so we have played in a weaker league and had quite possibly the easiest start to a season i could ever remember, it was the fixture list only dreams are made of, the perfect platform for a great season by getting lots of points on the board early on.. but we didnt. lets see what happens in the second half of the season i said at the start of the season this is a poor league this year and that would be our saving grace from relegation our squad should be in the top 10 no matter who is the manager 6 to 8 would take a good manager lets see what happens
  16. ? oh my goodness, people have judged AM on his entire footballing manging skills and you want to tear it all up because of 1 game? several years of dire dull turgid anti football doesnt get magically fogotten because of a good performance if you play heskey enough he will score a goal, doesnt mean he is any good. i am taking the result and performance in isolation and if in the next 10 games things improve then mabye it would be slightly more appropriate
  17. what a load of shit i missed the game **** man flu and finishing work at 4am didnt help along with having to go to my grandmothers to say hello got back 7 minutes before the game ended, got a stream going and it came on just after a goal went in ( bents) i knew it was 1-1 and presumed chelsea had scored, i then saw once the shitty advert had gone we were 3-1 up. nice to see cuellar playing, no suprise we look 100% better in defence with him there, he brings calm to the back 4 i saw ireland intercept fat franks pass for bents goal and also saw that he scored our 1st goal hopefully it will be the start of ireland at villa because he has been utter shit for the majority of his time here and at newcastle. well done today i didnt see it so cant comment apart from seeing the last 6 minutes which was probably not the most exciting par of the match just to piss on the fire sllightly, AM won against chelsea last season with the scum so there is no getting carried away from me. a string of 6 or 7 results in 10 games and better football and i may start to change my views. i will take the game in the isolation the result comes in
  18. The most worrying thing is, what is that long pink thing wrapped in a black and white stripey scarf that appears to be gnawing at his stomach? a zebras lipstick?
  19. I agree with that but the most frustrating thing was that with the resources he had at his disposal he should have done a lot better. It was our best chance for a generation and he blew it. At the time 4th would have been minimum to expect considering the problems some of the big teams were having. It was basically an open goal for a few seasons. We had a team with Heskey in it ffs. sigh, this also we were one of only 3 clubs who were cash rich at the tme MON took over as manager MOn did a clough and thought he was cleverer than he was in the transfer market by buying failures on the whole and hoping to polish them. a reasonable degree of success matched with supid deals for alot of the players. at the time when BENT was at spurzz and the january when melt face came in and bought crouch and defeo there were lots of us screaming out for his signature which would have been around the 8million mark just to rub it in that bit further heskey was 4 months off a free transfer when we signed him, for £3.5 million and then gave him a £50k plus per week contract mother of god
  20. king of the bin dippers is not really a title i would be aspiring to i can just imagine his house, like fagins with various pickpockets and street urchins handing over their stolen loot while he sits on his porcelain thrown ok maybe not, but it is like that in my head.
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