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Everything posted by brummybloke

  2. no shape no skill no **** clue no hope a new aston villa thanks corrupt board
  3. oh my **** god, i saw shit like this when i saw birmingham last year in the odd game
  4. imwatching this for free but still feel i should ask for my money back
  5. this is a **** joke right? how much money did ginge twunt put on the scores at half time i wonder?
  6. I think what you mean is you won't win anything with retards. The kids aren't really the issue. Hutton, Dunne, Collins, Heskey all shit. And now that **** Fifa 12 ad is on too. "Merry Krishmash Rooney". Good this day get any worse. haha dunne is ok, he is let down by collins and hutton, clark must be hunting for a club who will actually play him, same with gardener, alby and any other young tallent we have. all wasted under the ginger twunt. suprise no changes at half time i really **** hate this ginger twunt
  7. i wonder what excuses will be rolled out after this one? pretending bent wont be sold then making up some bullshit so he is 'forced out'. i said previously that i expect liverpool to buy him in january, coincidence that he doesnt play today? at the moment this whole set up stinks of corruption, there is no football reason for most of what has happened this last 6 months from employing the ginger twunt to playing mongs like heskey it would not suprise me to see wages getting paid directly to the far east gambling syndicates
  8. good old heskey smashes the ball out for a goal kick sad to see the team get ruined by such a ginger tw@
  9. heskey = wank hutton = wank collins = wank delph = wank and any wonder why the biggest rocket polisher of them all AM is so happy, no doubt putting bets on in the far east to make more money for himself and his fellow corrupt scottish friends get these scum out of our club while we still have one.
  10. lets see how many the crowd crushers can score against this team of shit
  11. **** sake the fat tw@ is playing another loss then and just as iu type he **** it up ( suprise)
  12. now to check the team line up and hope that heskey is no where near the 1st 18
  13. He is the best number 9 we have had in years. I have been going to villa for 24 years and he is the best finisher we have ever had. He is just a bit off form which has been more to do with the shit football McLeish has been serving up this season. As soon as we get a better manager who plays better football we will not see the best of Bent. agree although he isnt scoring and he is in position he is still more often than not finding the target, last ditch tackles and good saves have also played their part. best finisher since dwight yorke and dean saunders
  14. if your going to post like something is a fact, maybe getting basics like the transfer fee correct ? to make it easy for you i have highlighted each and every statement you worded as a fact which is not but actually just your thoughts
  15. if your going to post like something is a fact, maybe getting basics like the transfer fee correct ?
  16. Sorry but have to disagree with you. Out of interest where you at the game today? Although he missed a couple of chances his overall effort couldn't be faulted. He chased and hassled the defenders and his work off the ball was good. No I wasn't at the game today. I tend not to go to away games, being that every home match is like an away game for me. I did see it online though and I'm not quite sure what you would have seen differently whilst there. Afterall, we were watching the same game. I don't think his work off the ball was good enough and hasn't been for the past few weeks. Say what you want, yet in my opinion he doesn't look interested right now. He needs to sort his head out and realise that he isn't a superstar. :?: like it or not, bent is a superstar, the prices paid for him , his goal record the wages he is on just because he is not at man utd does not mean he is not a superstar as far as footballers go he has been **** over just like several other players by the shit appointment of the ginger clunge, it happens when new people come into the club, they pick their favourites unfortunately it is like he is deliberately isolating bent up front and playing him expecting him to win a header against 4 defenders, control the ball and then do something with it. we all know bent cant do that so why is the ginger clunge doing it? is it so he can sell him on and use the excuse he is not playing well? it takes a certain level of shitness to ruin a striker who was in premium form at the peak of his career i believe the ginger clunge has THAT level of shitness i wouldnt be suprised to see bent sold to liverpoo in january
  17. first half we were average, but looked better due to bolton being so very shit second half they upped their game while we stayed the same and it showed im not quite sure why people think by booting it as hard and high as we possibly can that suddenly bent will hang in the air like gary thompson and win ball after ball but someone must think so as that is what still hapoens through out the entire game bent had 3 very good chances, didnt score but again they were all on target, the header was not as easy and he missed the target with that one. znogbia kept it reasonably simple in the 1st half and looked decent enough, 2nd half the great team talk and he is back to the shit we have been watching since he joined hutton was dog dirt, really, i didnt think he was as bad as some have been saying for weeks but today he was terrible gabby had an off day although we never looked to slip him through and use his great pace which was a mistake alby was good first half and again the team talk at half time was probably something along the lines of " right sit deep and absorb all the pressure we havea 2 goal lead" and he we not as good although he did keep trying unlike nzgb petrov and herd were decent in the middle at winning or battling but keeping momentum with attack when we have it is woeful, the amount of times it went from half way in their half back to our keeper to hooof it was stupid especially when there was absolutely no need in the first place. i voted warnock as man of the match today, sometimes he is good, sometimes he is shit but today him and dunne were the 2 stand outs for me. guzan was decent also heskey? what the **** ? the ginger clunge tried his best to **** it up again by putting this tw@ on the pitch lets get cahill in and **** heskey and the 2 ginger twunts off i expect bent to liverpool in january with liverpool off loading andy carol onto some retards ( no doubt fergie will tell ginger twunt he is great and we will spunk every last penny we have on the fat geordie ponce)
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