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Everything posted by brummybloke

  1. he has been reliable for most of this season, and i didnt want him back at the club after last years outbursts and shit performances while im sure there are better out there, at the moment we have more worrying concerns such as a reilable right back so cuellar can play centre back with dunne and a ball winner in the middle of the park so petrov can be the holding midfielder as trying to rely on petrov to win the ball and be a play maker and a holding midfielder is not going to happen. in warnocks defencem he has also had nzog in front of him for most of the season, and his form has ranged from utter shit to reasonable, he offers no protection down the left side which normally means gabby has to track back or there is a 2 on 1 situation ( or another player getting pulled out of position) as i say im not a huge fan of him but others not doing their jobs makes his twice as hard, it also disrupts the whole team didnt nzog play left back for a couple seasons? if warnock gets a ban or injured maybe nzog should be forced to play left back, then he may remember what it is like being 2v 1 all the time with no help from the playe infront.
  2. i see all the ones saying cuellar is shit are also the ones saying collins couldnt have done anything cant make that sort of stuff up if you dont like him fair enough but at least be honest with yourself if you cant to others.
  3. here is where everything started going very very wrong. it was the start of the ginger poison which has swept through our club 14th may 2010 The club are very pleased to announce that all round top man Paul Faulkner has been appointed as the club's Chief Executive. The announcement was made on the Official Site a few short moments ago. Paul as we know was a key member of the team Randy put together when he completed the takeover from Dougie and little shareholders like me and for the last two years he has held the title of Chief Operating Officer, working closely still with Randy and Martin O'Neill on team matters whilst overseeing all other aspects of the clubs' day to day running. Speaking briefly in the announcement Randy said: 'I'm very gratified to announce the appointment of Paul as Chief Executive. His involvement with all aspects of the club combined with his tireless commitment makes him, in my judgement, a sound and promising choice.' Paul added: 'I am both very excited and very humbled to have been appointed. It is a real honour and privilege to have been involved with this great club and I look forward to starting to prepare for the 2010-2011 season and beyond.'
  4. So you'd rather she looked like this? i have been ill over the last few days, kidneys aching, proper flu symptoms mixed in with pissing blood the other day and it feeling like i was weeing razor blades ( nice). all true yet that photo and todays performance makes me feel even more ill than i have been
  5. collins is not the devil but he was 100% to blame, watch it again, cuellar does not get beatne on the outside the player has to knock it in field as he beat cuellar for pace but then checked back, he over hits it and collins stands still and then bloody moonwalks back away from the ball. i couldnt say anything as my young son and my niece were playing skylanders while i was watching it on my laptop in the front room but i wanted to use rude words. it was truly shocking. unless we put clark in the middle with dunne and keep cuellar on the right we wont have a stable defence this season. collins makes a decision and sticks with it no matter what the change in play is happening in front of him. the amount of times the ball was played from midfield on the floor to him so he could shift it sideways or step up into a great big space and advance with the ball under control was .. well lets just say the same as every game.. lots. he had a fantastic 1st year with us, if it were not for that year then i think most fans wouldnt want him in the first team. he has been better than last year but still far far too wreckless and hotheaded with very poor distribution i also think due to his constant poor use of the ball it makes others look worse than they really have been. bent is being played as heskey, hoooof it up to him, isolated hoping he holds it up for 1 or 2 others trundling along to try ans support. cuellar while no beckenbauer has looked calm and composed and almost skilful at times on the ball with his distribution and holding it up. but purely on the second goal ( i didnt watch the first one as i got home a little late) was down to collins
  6. damn it you just top trumped me although i see those eyebrows dont look jonge?
  7. You are insulted by he fact that, while acknowledging that the 'fans' booed, McLeish didn't observe that the boos were exclusively for him, if indeed they were? :shock: Tony Morley said after the game that too many supporters are wishing for McLeish to fail. Perhaps he is right. god knows why but he has been given 6 months so far to not fail, he is failing, not only is he failing with pretty much a full squad and a whole preseason behind him and his own signings, but he is failing in both results and performance and style of play. im not down with the kidz but one of those humerous epic fail pistures would pretty much sum the ginger clunge up so while tony morley may have said some fans want GC to fail, we didnt want him but have given him half a season and a full preseason to show us what he can do. i think he has shown us enough now thanks. which is why people want him out if he had won games or got the same results but played attractive flowing football then there would be signs of improvement. our results are no different to last seasons yet the football style is 100% worse maybe if we had kept GH and had the ginger clunge as an assistant manager who dealt with the players and imposed GH football ideas to the players in a more friendly way, then that would have worked? ginger clunge does not work
  8. What about the man ultimately responsible for the mess we are in ? Lerner? it is ultimately down to lerner, unfortunately he decided to have the ginger prince aka fukner to do everything day to day and i believe also including appointing the manager i also believe that it is no coincidence we have far east sponsors and there was a program about dodgy dealings and gambling in the far east with fergie, guess who else was mentioned? one stupid ginger clunge anal mcgash. oh and what was one of the reasons given for us appointing the worst manager we have had to suffer since billy mcneil? why a recomendation from fergie. what a suprise. there were no footballing reasons for this appointment and pretty much EVERYTHING against it even being suggested in fact the only logical reason he was appointed is if alot of money changed hands and i dont mean through paying the scum off.
  9. yes alex i will explain as you seem to be in denial with 99% of all villa fans on this board cuellar got done for pace so showed the player inside, the player over hit the ball which gave collins an easy clearance. this is collins who was no more than 5 foot from the ball and closer to it that the attacker. but no, instead of clear the ball, collins started moonwalking away from the ball, the attacker then got the ball and shot while cuellar got done for pace which is not a huge issue, he showed the player inside, a manuevre used throughout the footballing world, the reasons for that are that there should be further defenders to beat. there wasnt as collins backed off so the attacker got an easy goal. if you want to blame someone, look towards collins because it was clearly 100% down to him that the attacker got the ball after he over hit it and also that collins did not even look to close the player down. cuellar however having been out done for pace and not causing a penalty, still managed to try and put in a block... again something collins failed to do. i hope that explains simple things to you alex, how you managed to get to manage our team i really dont know maybe stan collymore will give you some tactical advise again on talk sport and we may then win or play decent football 1 more time before the season ends
  10. seems to me the penny is finally dropping. Your right, he doesnt fit the system at all and hes nowhere near good enough to build the system around. You dont build a system around a one trick pony - no matter how important that trick is. good one general k is it to try and get us all use to our best scorer being sold to liverpoo?
  11. exxpected performance and result if you cant pick a team, formation and tactics against the worst team away from home this season then shame on you the ginger clunge has no shame, no passion and doesnt give a **** about aston villa, he cares about the 3 million in his pocket each year he manages to avoid relegation 1 ray of light in the chelsea game and then back to normaility nzog was shit, his inclusion **** the whole formation up he did not try gave no support to warnock who was not good today anyway petrov looked totally out of steam after 60 minutes and should have been taken off for bannan collins clearly at fault for the second goal and probably 3 of the very very decent chances they had and should have scored terrible performance from him.. again cuellar and dunne were the 2 who were good but dunne was getting **** off seeing the other team walk the ball through us timw after time and could have walked gabby was not playing today as he was put as a second right back for some reason bent wasnt playing as he was 30 yards away from anyone else ireland easily the best of the midfield and forwards, kept the ball and didnt try bannan glory passes each time he had it, he moved for the ball andalso is the only one who seems to want to move for the ball from a throw in. clarke was not good today and went up as a forward for the last 15 as the order of the hooooooof was given one of the worst displays i have seen this season and there have been some **** shit ones the ginger clunge keeps his job because no doubt faulkner got paid an awful lot of foreign money to make sure it happened
  12. shit we signed someone for £24 million? breaking the record of £18 million on bent? who is it then?
  13. petrov clearly exhuasted 25 mins ago and holding just in front of our defence, stays on nzog done **** all of any note bar 1 cross and is **** wasteful,, stays on brilliant
  14. 5 mins to go and he brings on bannan, well he will get enough time then wont he
  15. ive seen more movement from the coma unit at selly oak
  16. collins again letting the man free on goal making dunne cover he really is shit
  17. oooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh we nearly won a header from a corner
  18. petrov looks dead but we kept the spaz nzog on so were **** , suprise
  19. brilliant and he is playing alby n the left because thats where he plays best? oh know it isnt is it?
  20. oh dear **** lord taking off the only one who held it and passed it to our own players and keeping cun.t nzog on, brilliant i cant have the volume on but i hope the crowd are booing and jeering " you dont know what your doing"
  21. marveloius we had 6 6 foot plus and coulndt win a **** header
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