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Everything posted by Wol.

  1. If coke and cannabis were legal in this country then all sorts of products could be made from them. i.e. drinks and cakes. Causing a lot less damage to people who want to use them. I once read that this country wouldn't make them legal as they can not grow them cheaply in this country. Meaning a lot of money would go out of the country.
  2. rjw thinking he's gonna need a bigger blog
  3. I think I have but can't remember .
  4. Thing is if MJ wanted a special mascot for each gig to spend some special time with him before and afterwards people would be queing up. hit me at 30 and there is an 80% chance I'll live. hit me at 40 and there is an 80% chance I'll die. hit me at 88mph and there's a 100% chance I'll GO BACK TO THE FUTURE
  5. If I had more money I may have OD a while long ago. Or at least caused further barin damage
  6. Who's home, who's home who's home Are there gangsters inside your home When you play in scouse red They shag your wife in your bed Do you know whos inside your home
  7. I met a girl through online dating, and in her advert she said she had "ginger hair." When we met up it wasn't what I was expecting- she had a thick, black, curly afro hairstyle. Turns out she was dyslexic. ---- The Sun. Burning gingers so we don't have to.
  8. I know that guy on facebook hahah! It is brilliant The gentle singing then the lines "I want loads of trophies and **** loads of finals" and "standing on the Holte end slagging off others"
  9. Agree about taking him out of the firing line, It just looks like he is playing with stuff on his mind tho, not at ease with him self at all. Think some people can cope with the fame better than others. Think his heads is all over the place, He comes across a shy and introverted even humble, then drives a white lambo. It couldnt be anymore extraverted.
  10. I think if I won the lotto, my effort in things that I do would change, think my attitude towards friends would change. This might be a bad trait in me but think you would have to become more thick skinned. I think that all the idolising that happens to young footballers cant be good for there mental heath. I would guess gabby has to put up with hangers on and people trying to get at him whenever he is out, people wanting his money, people telling him about football and how to do this or that better, and it must be hard for him. The fact that he is so successful with what comes across as below average intelligence has go to be a mind ****.
  11. Wol.


    The quote I posted was meant to show class can be, but is not always defined by intelligence. and I think you meant has nothing to do with it.
  12. Q. Whats has smoking a cigarette and giving oral sex have in common ? A. The taste get stronger the closer you get to the butt
  13. Wol.

    Confidence gauge

    I went 4th, I think of it as if I was given a £1000 to put on who will be fourth us or asre, I would still put it on us.
  14. Wol.


    Winston Churchill 1910 - even then class was defined by intelligence, not money.
  15. Well spotted that man... Oh my days http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fM9n41P1ON0,
  16. And I was in the background saving shots at bodymoor when Platty was interviewed on central news about his move to Bari.
  17. Empires are ruled by Emperors, Kingdoms are ruled by Kings, Countries are ruled by .......
  18. Shes half a pig and half a dog brady, brady She look just like a water hog brady, brady she **** the players, she **** the fans she **** herself using both hands Karen brady, birminighams biggest slag.
  19. Stephen Exactly! Which brings us to our next question, which is: Why do bees buzz? Jo [presses buzzer, which fizzes] Stephen Jo. Jo Because they can. Alan They buzz so that when they're trapped in the living room, you know to open a window. Stephen It's a thought. Rich Is it to, um, to sound industrious? Stephen Yeah . . . Rich You have to look at bees as, uh, as aerospace workers. Stephen Right. Rich And, uh . . . stay with me . . . ! Stephen Yeah. It's all right. Rich When you're flying, you want to make a lot of noise. Because, uh, a quiet aircraft is, uh . . . [coughs] . . . crashing. Stephen Well . . . Fred I think it's, er . . . it's their . . . their knees knocking that makes the buzzing, isn't it? Because they hate flying. Terrified of flying. Stephen What is it that makes the noise? Alan The wings. [Forfeit] Stephen No. No, it isn't, I'm afraid. Alan Not the wings, then! Stephen No. It won't be the wings. Jo Ah . . . testicles? Alan Their little tiny mouths! [buzzes, arms spread like wings] Stephen Well, it is sort of little mouths; it's through what they breathe that are called spiracles. [runs his hands down his sides] They have them down the si— . . . down their sides, through which they breathe. All buzzing insects--bluebottles are the same . . . it's not the wings. Less than one percent of the buzz comes from their wings. Bees breathe through fourteen holes, er, along the sides of their bodies, and they're called spiracles, er, and each one has a valve to limit the flow of air, which the bee can do . . . and they can tune it, rather like a . . . a trumpeter . . . sort of using his lips. What's that called? Embrouchere or whatever it's called . . .
  20. Why does that noise stop when they aren't flying then? Thought it was there knees knocking together for sum reason
  21. Scrath your Name - The Noisettes just got tickets to see em and others in Camden in may. (turning point festival)
  22. First are you a Villa Fan ? or on a mission from the big man ? If you read the original, The Sumer creation epic, it will tell you everything. The bible came from the Sumer history. They changed it to suit their needs and threw religion in as well. All makes sense then. The Enuma Elish is the Babylonian version. Don't forget, Abraham was from Ur of Sumer. He carried one of the Sumerian gods with him, Enlil/Yahweh.
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