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Everything posted by colhint

  1. used to have a Saturday job in a Supermarket. I worked on the fruit and veg. Saturday afternoon early evening me and another lad, our job was to clean everything down while still weighing up customers stuff. This was the days before Sunday opening. Anyway some customer wanted half a melon, but we had none left, although we had plenty of whole Melons. This was a bit of a pain as we'd already cleaned down the prep room. Just then the manager appeared as my mate was trying to talk this customer out of it. He spied the manager some 20 feet away. He nipped over to him and said Some clearing in the woods wants half a melon. He didn't know the Lady had followed him and was stood right at his side. He looked in horror when he saw her, then quick as a flash said, and this lady would like the other half.
  2. yes, but all we really have now is what the Mail on one side and the Guardian on the other report,
  3. No one in particular. Just an observation on the last few pages, where Awol suggested a CBA was useful, then a couple of pages of to and fro. I agree with your point, that everything is not a simple choice of in or out and the balance of trade can't just be measured in merc's. So some analysis of the pro's and cons might be needed
  4. Isn't that what Awol was suggesting all along ? A cost benefit analysis
  5. You seem to have missed the point entirely. Sorry, could you explain it please.
  6. I don't think thats the best argument against having one. If I understand correctly you think it will be flawed based on the authors support. Well aren't all government statistics like that? Surely its better than having to rely on either the Mail or Guardian for our information
  7. just wondering if there are any on that list you may agree with in principle
  8. That scale of the universe is crap. Its got a planck down as the smallest thing, well I've got a length of 4 by 2 in the garage and thats bigger than me
  9. Too many bad ones to choose from, so I propose shooting every third one at random, then see what dross is left then choose from that
  10. I think he must have worked much harder than any recent Villa manager. In the depths of the winter of our discontent, he was still looking for fresh faces, scouting all over Europe. And not just the well known players. The 30 game dossier for westwood etc. I know its not just him, but he must have massive involvement. Even Given said Lambert sat him down and explained why he wasn't playing and no one had done that before. I think he wants players in his own mould, hard working and committed to the club. Good Lad
  11. wherever its coming from its fun, if you take 99% of it with a pinch of salt. So much better than listening to 'Arry or being linked to Jenas and the likes
  12. I think this would be the deal that most impresses me most. He looks a real player.
  13. A lot of it came about when the first manual printing press' were used. The type setters used to add letters to words on important documents to make the page neater
  14. i am really liking the cut of this mans gib. In the words of the proclaimers Jenas no more defoe no more McCarthy no more etc
  15. I agree with this. If you just see a property as somewhere to live and not an investment, generally within 30 or 40 years you will have no actual housing costs. This in most cases will far outweigh most pensions. Furthermore nor should your offspring So no bills or council tax or maintenance? I guess you wou would have bills or council tax whether you rented or bought. So I don't include those in housing costs, just a tax on, well being alive really. Maintenance you have a point, but I would reckon that is very small compared to the cost of renting. If I had spent £10,000 in the last 8 years, and thats a guess at the extreme high end, that still only comes out at about £100 per month. We could of course, if times got difficult, not decorate so much, or do so much in the garden. In fact if we wanted to we could just replace what broke. I reckon that would be about £200 a year. So I suppose in our case I should amend that to say our housing costs would be a fiver a week
  16. I agree with this. If you just see a property as somewhere to live and not an investment, generally within 30 or 40 years you will have no actual housing costs. This in most cases will far outweigh most pensions. Furthermore nor should your offspring
  17. Well I don't know what the answer is to the education system is. My point was just because you haven't worked in it, shouldn't exclude you from making the decisions. I think about 50 years ago we had one of the best systems in the world. Now I doubt it would make the top 10. But I'm not sure how to fix it.
  18. I haven't responded to your post yet Telling
  19. i stand by my point though. It seems, to me anyway, that your point is, a person who has had no involvement in education should be involved in education reform. Fine, but by that argument, no one who has not been involved with the armed services should be allowed to vote in whether our troops go to war. I agree and as I don't want a miltary junta in power, we'd never start a war i agree
  20. i stand by my point though. It seems, to me anyway, that your point is, a person who has had no involvement in education should be involved in education reform. Fine, but by that argument, no one who has not been involved with the armed services should be allowed to vote in whether our troops go to war.
  21. Any rational reason for this hatred ? He's never had a job in education in his life. Yet he thinks that he is best suited to make 'the biggest changes to education in years'. Teachers already have a tough job and literally cannot win, so making it even harder when you have absolutely no basis to do it just makes me so angry. I agree that education needs some reform. There's a lot of shite teachers who are impossible to sack, but to punish the whole profession is just wrong on so many levels. i have to disagree with this. No one in the labour cabinet had ever been in the armed forces, yet they sent troops into war twice. So should only people involved in education make changes to education, if so should only those who have served in the military be allowed to vote if we are to go to war.
  22. Just a thought on companies seriously avoiding Tax on the starbucks scale. By law they have to have an AGM and report accounts etc. So if they are telling HMRC one thing, very little profit. Then telling the shareholders another, luverly jubberly profits. Couldn't the gov Suspend all trading in their shares, until its resolved, maybe give it a month. Maybe shut down operations. I reckon you would only have to do it a few times and they would all be on side
  23. I think Dave whelan should have put a kit on to lift the FA cup
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