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Everything posted by jim

  1. :shock: The_Jokebook on Twitter just posted it, I was just forwarding the joke. The smiley response made me lol
  2. This. I thought the atmosphere was shite apart from 3-4 minutes late into the second half.
  3. With a 3G ipad you can get a monthly contract with three for 10gb for £16 With the Mifi you have to pay £40 to buy it and £15 a month will only get you 2gb of data a month. Seems your only saving £60 initially but then get less data per month. Or have I got it all wrong? Where did you read that?I paid £39.99 for the mifi plus I got £24 cashback via quidco and £15 for 5GB data on a rolling contract. I rang up after month 1 to cancel was offered 15gb for the same money straight away. link http://tinyurl.com/62jdpyo Alternatively you can cancel after a month and it has still only cost you £54 and you can buy 3gb for 3 months cards off ebay for £6-7.
  4. The latter from what I have seen and a friend of mine up north reckons he has been Gash for them.
  5. Yes the latest update enables the hotspot on iphone, i cant use it though as o2 have disabled it but I hear that will change soon. Can't grumble with the mifi though and currently my only isp at the moment.
  6. If it was me I would save £100 and get a wifi only and pair it with a 3 mifi,works the same and you will always have the net on the go, up to you of course.
  7. Rough guide from the 3 site, but I reclon I get more than that. Based on 5gb Send 5000 Outlook/HTML Emails Surf the Web for 50 hours Download 25 four minute videos Download 160 four minute music tracks
  8. 5 Gb should be enough for a couple of films or 120mins of youtube. It really depends on what quality you are downloading and the same goes for websites if they are banner heavy it eats up your data. I currently use a mifi from 3 has my wired in broadband is shite. I am on a 15gb data plan at the moment and since getting an ipad it is being eaten up very quickly. What model are you looking at getting? I decided against the 3g myself as the mifi was only £30 and £15pm for 15gb on a rolling contract and does the same job as a 3g when out and about.
  9. jim


    It was the Lichfield half marathon.
  10. I think this is the follow up to the San Fran, ZTE Skate http://tinyurl.com/6erstfj Looks pretty good!
  11. Chhers, I just had it in my head that they were going to be sub £200 might have been the San Fran.
  12. Thanks, I thought those other two would be cheaper than that. I'm sure I read somewhere there was going to be a follow up to the San Fran very soon with a 4" screen?
  13. Excellent you did well there! Still a bit new to it but the ones I have so far: Sky News Flipboard - Presents your facebook,twitter etc.. in a magazine style format. GarageBand imovie ( I had the iphone version but it upgraded to the ipad for free Dropbox ebay 4 OD Iplayer Crackle Quickoffice weather HD Dead Space (was 59p from £5.99 over Easter) Most of the above are free with the exception of quickoffice and garageband.
  14. Nice one. If you were to go for a budget phone ie £100 - £150 what would you go for as there are few around now/out soon and I have no idea when it comes to android. Thinking of selling my ip4 as they are going for around £350 and now I have an ipad I'm not going to use a smartphone as much but still want something half decent. And also to prove I am open to other brands and not a fanboi :winkold:
  15. Any advice on which stores have got them in stock? I just kept checking the usual comet,argos etc... Reserved online with Comet and picked up the following day. There is about a 2 week wait still direct from apple.
  16. How much did you get it for Conor?
  17. jim

    The iPhone Topic

    And the crowds will woop and cheer! I must admit that really does annoy me at the keynotes when apple claim they invented something or theirs will be better than anything else.
  18. Surely somewhere like Play would be your best option then? Although I'm not sure how reliable they are with phones.
  19. Silly question but do you have itunes open on your PC? It will only appear if you have it open.
  20. Haha, gotta laugh at you iphone fanboi, especially at your illiteracy and ignorance. 1. Flash is an asset, it has to start somewhere, like the first camera phone or an iphone that wasn't 3G. 2. There are three dual core phones out the last time I checked. Now scurry along boy. Anyway running a stream will be fine, flash is usable on a 1ghz phone. The point is it doesn't excel, from what I've read the grunt from dual cores let it excel. Read reviews for impartiality on the subject. So back to my original point, I'd advice against getting an 18 month contract. From personal experience with my X10. Insult me all you like Conor and apologies for the errors but I was typing on my silly apple product. I find it sad that you take a tongue in cheek comment so seriously in defence of your precious android! I think you need to get out more. Back OT the SGS 2 looks a quality phone and I have always said if a phone comes along that works better for me than the iphone I would certainly consider it. I am thinking now though that I might sell the iphone and buy something mid range like a San Fran or the new wildfire as I have just bought an ipad and feel it may become redundant.
  21. jim

    The iPhone Topic

    I honestly don't think we will see a major update this year I think there may be a hardware upgrade but nothing cosmetic.
  22. Sounds like flash is a waste of time then according to Conor..... Unless you have a phone that isn't out yet of course! iPhone not so bad after all then :winkold:
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