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Everything posted by jim

  1. And all the other names linked do? Ridiculous post!
  2. Really impressed so far, I havent updated any devices yet but when I was in the app store earlier on my ipad there is a new tab at the bottom and when I opened it all the apps I have bought over the years on ipod/iphone were all sitting there. Will do the update tonight and get everything synced.
  3. Good post Conor I was discussing with the wife earlier the same thing,it really is genius by apple. I was almost defiantly going to sample android later in the year but now apple are about to make thingso a lot easier as we have 4 apple devices in our household (and I say I'm not a fanboi lol) I may consider keeping the iPhone.
  4. Gone with Rafa out of that list,the most experience and honours. I don't get the Moyes wankfest, will be even more frustrating than MON!
  5. It will be great for me, say im abroad with a wifi connection, I will be able to stream direct to my iphone/ipad. Agree about the networks though, data limits seem to be getting lower
  6. It will be stored on your itunes account what you have purchased, I am assuming if you bought songs using an old itunes account you wont be able to integrate them into the new one.
  7. You can subscribe to iTunes match for £24.99 a year.
  8. Just heard that too, interesting ge said it was nailed on since Christmas. The conspiracy theorist in ne suggests Hughes was tapped up by Chelsea to form a dream team with Hiddink?
  9. Rumours are flying around that a new iPhone will be unveiled after all.
  10. Frank Rijkaard checked into the Belfry 2 hours ago, with his golf clubs!
  11. WWDC is today,should be interesting to see what is new in ios 5.
  12. Should have got an iPad :winkold:
  13. According to unreliable sources on twitter,Hughes is not in the frame and Ancelotti has turned us down!
  14. where is he?? Not bin on since Salifou left :shock:
  15. I just heard the tale end of the news on TS and they claim Villa have been in touch with Ancelotti.
  16. I thought Conor said the battery was awesome?
  17. Thanks mate, i think i will wait for the iphone 5 to come out then. Any rough idea on how much i may have to pay for the phone? If i remember correctly i paid about £180 for my iphone 3. No chance ill get a free upgrade? Once the iphone 5 is out, ring your phone company. Ask them to be put through to disconnections. When they ask why you're leaving tell them it's because *insert competitor's name here* will give you the new iphone for 50 quid. They'll knock down the price. You won't get it for free, but they'll give you a discount. Sound advice, but what I would add is ensure the deal exists as you can guarantee the advisor will have all the available deals in front of them and call your bluff if its bollocks.
  18. I think it's because he can finish in good positions with a shoestring budget. Just imagine if he had a fair budget? I think that's what some of us are excited about. Im with 1959 Lion on this. Genuinely dont get it. Notoriousley slow at starting a season are Everton, havent won anything. Some dire league positions with some good ones. Spent money (just not been handed it on a plate which i give him credit for) - bought some good players as well as some bad ones. Teams/Managers have had good league positions and actually won things on less of a budget than Moyes has had. Think the media hype him up beyond belief. And who knows, he could be an absolute failure with a bigger budget. The link that he will be a good replacement for SAF is laughable imo - genuinely not that good and also seems a bit of an arsehole Who has won things on a lesser budget in the last 10 years? SHA....
  19. I would imgine the ip5 will be released around November, Apple have announced there will be no new hardware introductions at the WWDC and will be based around ios 5 and the new mac os.
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