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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. Campaign organiser for Enoch Powell at 2 elections. Pro Brexit. Propped up May’s government, then complained when he got what he’d voted for. As a N.I. based MP voted in Westminster against gay marriage in England. Anti any LGBQ equality legislation. Currently charged with rape and other offences. Just an all round good egg.
  2. Yeah, I liked that. It feels like a bit of a slower start this year than last year. 2023 I’d committed to buying something every month and by end of March I was on two a month and missing a good few. My fave for this year is still Motherland by Angharad at the moment, but a long way to go.
  3. I mean, personally, Frampton was second in Humble Pie and then that singing down a straw schtick didnt really do it for me. I get the point about the Englishness of Small Faces though, I think that’s fair.
  4. For context, Count Binface has successfully completed and submitted the form.
  5. How come the U.S. never really embraced Steve Marriott? I mean, what position did Ogden’s Nut Gone Flake achieve in the U.S.?
  6. I know he’s part of the grifterati, but I do worry that in his case, I do think he could actually be having some sort of mental health issue. Some of his stuff, about his kids and Billie Piper, he doesn’t come over as particularly stable.
  7. After 35 years of extracting profit, if they can’t continue to make the level of profit they want in the next 3 years, just because some woke trouble maker doesn’t want to see turds on the beaches, the rest doesn’t matter.
  8. They’ll stay private until private decides it’s a pain in the arse and not worth the effort, at which point all talk of pension funds and resources and logistics goes out the window because MrPrivateWater Plc just handed the keys back. It just needs an environment where extracting profit is just not worth the effort for companies that aren’t actually in it for everyone’s long term benefit. Like with trains.
  9. Pick a team, don’t sit on the fence.
  10. It’s only the seedless sub human cucks that don’t enjoy a positive parenting story. No offence meant there, to the degenerates incapable of forming a fruitful biblical union.
  11. Hmmm, you were asking if kids today had a greater sense of entitlement. I suggested they didn’t. For further evidence, I would refer you to the film Quadrophenia for the yoof / older generation friction played out to a half decent soundtrack.
  12. I suspect we have to be careful and not presume the frivolous ones you’ll be seeing on their sunny instagram hols are representative of all of them. Very possibly, when you were working through your salad days, some of your contemporaries were drinking the money they had left once they’d bought that shiny Ford Capri. Just as right now, some kids will have a hand me down sofa and be working 6 days a week on a zero hours contract.
  13. A lot of years ago when the whole dance / rave thing was quite new, but not so underground that office boys from the sticks hadn’t heard about it, I went to a VW Beetle thing at Santa Pod. Thumping repetitive beats were being pounded out of a big marquee and everyone was loving it and we were all happy well in to the early hours and beyond. Just let the music take you. Feel that. I left the tent, I was in quite a happy state, and sitting there in the grass left by someone was the biggest joint of this marijewana I’d previously read about. The biggest **** you’ve ever seen. So I took it. Took it back to my tent for research porpoises. But couldn’t get anything out of it. Rubbish. No wonder it had been left there just sticking out of the ground. When I woke up a few hours later, it was one of them big long lasting outdoor bbq candle / torch things. Great music though, great night.
  14. You just know that with 5 minutes research someone will be able to trace the origins of the Chelsea bun to Armenian immigrants fleeing 14th century persecution somewhere run by a tory.
  15. I see the Russians have taken carpet bombing a bit too literally.
  16. Perhaps I could get the national trust interested.
  17. That reminds me, I need foam for the cushions.
  18. Feels like a less dispiriting end than handing it over to the Pleasant View Care Facility plc..
  19. Brilliant appointment. Get that man more airtime and more national exposure. He could get tory support in to the mid teens.
  20. My understanding is selling it for a quid is a problem, and selling it within 7 years of death is a problem. But selling it to OurHouse2024 Ltd., for a few tens of thousands, and paying rent to OurHouse2024 Ltd of a few tens of thousands and living 8 years is acceptable. That’s a very abbreviated version, but there is a route. Just an idea for now.
  21. At some point in the next few years I think we might be selling our house to our kids and then renting it back from them. That appears to be the safest way of attempting to get our major asset over to them rather than over to a care home for 8 months of school dinners or whatever you get for a few hundred thousand these days.
  22. I suspect it’s as simple as even they have had enough of themselves.
  23. It is a bloody bugger of a problem, too few younger people to back fill all the job roles and play keepy uppy with the GDP. I just hope that once they’ve stopped all this immigration it’s the next thing they turn their laser focus on.
  24. Well, I’d prefer the Utah Saints, but its perfectly ok.
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