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Everything posted by leemond2008

  1. I just want to clarify, that it isn't my point at all, I'm fairly certain that the women are telling the truth and that lots more will come out over the next few days/weeks. As I said, I was playing devils advocate and just repeating some of the things I've seen on Twatter and Reddit.
  2. agreed but you can't deny that she did a huge amount of damage to the #metoo movement. especially when you see some of the things that these girls are being called on Twatter, its truly disgusting
  3. Amber Heard single-handedly destroyed that movement lol
  4. @Demitri_C I actually kind of agree with you, it looks really bad for Brand and I have no doubt that he is a bastard and I am not for a second saying he is innocent...BUT, all of these accounts can be easily swatted away if you are part of Brands cult. Girl 1 - she shags a celebrity, next day goes to a rape crises centre - it was entirely consensual and she was planning to sell her story/blackmail Brand, why didn't she push forward with this plan of extortion? who knows Girl 2 - he shoved his penis in her mouth until she was gagging and then said "I only wanted to see your mascara running" the damning evidence is that this is also a joke in his stand up show, the bastard is actually writing jokes about his abuse....or the girl was approached by Dispatches and she tailored her story to this joke to give it more credence The Girls accounts can't be taken seriously because they didn't come forward with this, they were approached by Dispatches, they never had any problem going about their lives up until they were told that they would be on telly (ignoring the fact that they have remained anonymous), they are just after their 5 minutes of fame. Again, I don't believe the above and I'm just playing devils advocate to the Reddit weirdo's, but what Demitri is saying is that there is no conclusive evidence to show that he has done these things, and that is the problem, even if it went to trial and he was found guilty, people would still be able to defend him due to lack of evidence (unless anything more came out that 100% showed him to be the bastard he appears to be)
  5. Be careful with that, you'll have channel 4 sniffing around you
  6. All in all, I think that shows that Brand is a an absolute gobshite who abused his position of power but there isn't any stone cold evidence to back the claims up aside from the medical records and one text message, both of which can pretty easily be explained away if you want to continue to support him. I doubt if he will be getting the lawyers on the case because you would expect the makers of this program and the writers of the article to have everything absolutely watertight, plus the longer that this stays in the public the more potential victims that will come forward and he won't want that, my guess is that he'll lie low for a while and slowly return to his youtube shenanigans.
  7. this dude has called him out before, saw a video on it, he was on a podcast with some other comedians and he basically says what an absolute piece of shit he was, the only thing that got a reaction from the others was when he said that Brand steals other people comedy, then one of the others said "well at least he got to **** Katy Perry"
  8. regardless of what we think about that one, legally he didn't have a leg to stand on
  9. Wacko Jacko guilty, I still feel bad for poor old Bubbles. OJ clearly innocent, the glove didn't fit.
  10. someone will be filming it dont worry about that
  11. Anyone reckon that Russell will get lawyered up after this or just disappear from the public eye completely? In a way I can see why it is so hard to prosecute these sorts of cases, from what I've read so far they have one text message where he apologises after someone says "No means No" and there is the medical records, but is that enough? the records thing could be fobbed off as someone who had consensual sex and then was looking to frame him as he was in the public eye. The other girls are recounting things that happened years ago with no evidence to back them up. It isn't like the Greenwood case where there is actual video and audio footage of the abuse, and even then he managed to get off scot free. I'm not disputing what they are saying at all, not for a second, just saying that I can see why it would be so difficult to deal with these cases so long after the event.
  12. that's the beauty of One Demand TV, you can go about your day job and still be able to watch your rapeyness in all its glory just a few hours later
  13. I wonder if he is actually watching this right now
  14. Brand doesn't bother me, I used to find him quite funny, he was good on quiz of the year that one time with noel fielding. I've watched a few of his YouTube videos and they are just the rantings and a dandy who swallowed a dictionary, he isn't exactly a big deal these days is he.
  15. Heard that it could be Russel Brand that is flapping it, I'm not sure how I feel about that, I don't have any feelings towards old Russel, he's just a dude who chats shit, shagged women and used to be a former junky...where I am a bit dubious about what may come out about him is that there is a woman at work who talks and sounds just like him to the point that I have got the whole office referring to her as Russel, I'll be gutted if that nickname is all of a sudden banned.
  16. as everyone seemed to enjoy the spider throwback I thought I'd find out the whole thing Can_I_Have_My_Spider_Back.pdf (spiceworks.com)
  17. A lad started at my place just a few moths ago, for some reason they decided that I had to mentor him, first thing I said was ask him how often he's willing to go into the office because I'm not doing it over Teams. Luckily he lives local as well so 4 or 5 days a week for the first month I was in the office from 9 till 2, its so much more beneficial than trying to teach someone how to do shit over a video call
  18. My place a really good about WFH, they say that they want everyone in twice a week but nearly everyone just does 1 day and no one seems to care. I go in 3 or 4 times a week and take a 2pm lunch and then do 3 till 5 at home, I'm lucky that I am only 20 minutes away from the office so I can jump a bus and get back with no problems, that's why I tend to go in more often so that no one can say anything about the amount of time that I am going in for because all in all I spend more time there than most, I just **** hate coming home at 5pm. I'll get home at 2:18pm, my mate finishes at 5 and often doesn't get home until nearly 7pm, he hates me for it but its his own fault for living somewhere stupid ain't it.
  19. I didn't even know there was a series of The Equalizer, just had a look and they are completely seperate things so there won't be any Queen Latifah and Denzel crossovers (thankfully)
  20. Watched this earlier in the week, and while its been absolutely ages since I've seen the first two I think I'm right in saying that this is a bit more of a slow burn to start off with, it was necessary though to build the world, I really enjoyed it. I don't think we'll be getting any more of them though, after 30 years of looking like he was in his 30's, father time has caught up with Denzel and he's finally looking old.
  21. well done, I've just mentioned this to my old man, he didn't know about it, I'm now going to have him asking me on a daily basis "you've never watched Billions have you, you should its brilliant," every single fooking day I'll get that until he's finished the series. I've not watched it and I doubt that I ever will now.
  22. Agreed on all of that, my only complaint is that it felt a little rushed, it would have been so much better if they fleshed out certain parts and made it 8 or even 10 episodes, I think that would have been more than warranted, especially considering it was the final series.
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