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Everything posted by leemond2008

  1. I think Noel fielding is much better on buzzcocks than the mighty boosh, though admittedly I've never seen much of the boosh
  2. really pissed off man, I left my sony headphones at me mom n dads so I have been musicless the last few days on the bus, just managed to borrow some off a girl at work but they are just the shitty Ipod ones that lose more sound than you actually get into your ears still I suppose beggars cant be choosers any way a bit of steve young now before I start work again
  3. yeah but I never do that I only ever wake up literally 2 minutes before my alarm goes off at 6:58 every single morning, even on weekends when I dont need to get up
  4. actually if I wanna see an internet scrap I may as well just jump into the alex mcleish thread in villa talk I havent ventured into there for a while anyone got any updates on what going on in there?
  5. things that piss me off people keeping a debate 'grown up' **** that I wanna see an internet scrap FFIIIIIGGGHHHTTTT
  6. hmmm I am going to trawl back through this very thread for my experiance with a cold the other week
  7. see I am for some reason really prone to sickness and diareah always have been, if someone in the office is going to get it and make everyone else ill with it its normally me. I know what you mean about people taking the piss but there are some people in our office who call in literally every Monday and dont get **** all said to them however when it is someone like me that calls in (last time I had a day off that wasnt for a hospital appointment was well over 12 months ago yet when I call in I still get a grilling even though I am not faking it, which is why I think, if you are going to try and **** about with me and make me come into work when I am quite blatantly not well then I will **** about with you and not come back until every last sniffly snuffle or dribble of shite has cleared up and I am fit to run a marathon
  8. nope nor me, but its amazing the ammount of people who drag themselves into work on the verge of death and then complain that they feel guilty about staying at home I fooking hate everything about work, the tiniest reason for me not to come in and know I can get away with it and i'm taking it
  9. Ive only ever had one of them before and was hanging like a sweaty testicle at the time so didnt enjoy it as much as I probably should have anyway the double decker meat feast from iceland is the way forward man, they are supposedly disgustingly bad for you but luckily I dont give two sharp shiny shits about that sort of stuff
  10. Very much this. I was quite shocked about some of the postings on here by people who felt guilty about being off work sick. Genuinely sick, not even a crafty skive. completely aggree with this one when I am ill i take as much time as needed and towards the end of my illness I normally phone up and say ''I feel ok now but still not 100% so I'm going to take another day or two till I am fighting fit again'' pisses my bosses off something rotten but they cant do fook all about it also my bosses are bastards for it, they make people feel bad about being sick and pressure them to rush back to work and the whole thing when they want you to go to the doctors for everysingle thing, I had sickness and diareah once and I was told ''well you will haveto get yourself to the doctors today'' to which I replied I am currently sitting in the bathroom with the cordless phone because I cant trust myself to be as far as my bedroom away from the bog so that long walk up the road to the doc's aint all that appealing at the moment''
  11. FRIDAY NIGHT???? you mean eat frozen food on curry night??? blasphomy I tells ya
  12. nah its a treat that we have when we defrost the freeza basicly cook everything in there and eat like animals for the day
  13. I cant wait till my breakfast on saturday its gunna be pretty **** epic chicken thighs, chicken 1/4 pounders, minted lamb burgers, meat feast pizza and whatever the hell else in in the freezer gotta defrost it badly it looks like a yeti is living in there so we are just gunna have a massive breakfast of rubbish
  14. Night vision goggles or candle light? leemond would sit in the dark....... probably sit in the dark in all fairness, and if I was reading then I would use my battery operated book light...and once the wine has gone then you just do the sensible thing and move onto the vodka
  15. power cuts wouldnt bother me to be honest, acoustic guitar, bottle of wine and a good book and I would be fine nice little excuse to chill out and do nothing
  16. the fact that I am getting so much pain off my hips is doing my head in, even my good one has been playing up over the weekend, pretty **** depressing man.
  17. Just been for a crap in the gosta green and the bog roll is like silk Really soft man I'm quite surprised it's normally like wiping your arse with sandpaper, that has cheered me up a bit
  18. I think I take the prize for being the most hate filled person on VT Any way **** morons in pubs there are two big units in the pub I mean they are like obese **** rhinos and the volume of them is **** ridiculous, yes you are a fat mess but you don't need to draw attentiong to yourself by screaming like a **** dick all **** day I can see you (it's hard to miss you you lard arsed freak) but that doesn't give you the rite to **** try to talk and poke fun at everyone who goes up the bar And don't even get me started on the Geeza dressed as a pig
  19. Just about to have last nights curry for breakfast (chicken morchi, madrass hot with extra chillies) then me mate is coming round mine for a few cans then we are flying up to the gosta green for a fair few alcoholic beverages Dunno what it is at the minute but I seem to be drinking a hell of a lot more than usual, still I'm enjoying it, I think half of I is cuz my crippling hangovers seem to have subsided for some strange reason
  20. My parents never saw any harm in letting me watch horror films when I was really young and for the main part they never scared me. Except for the old an in poltergeist 2 I still get the odd random nightmare about him now
  21. Its funny I always put that I am doing that but I very rarely do end up doing that, something always comes up or I get pressured into going out and getting bladdered no plans for tonight (havent checked what boxing is on but I dont think it is anything great so I'll probably just **** about and have a drink with me flatmate tonight tomorra one of me mates wants to go out so probably end up at the gosta for about 2 or 3 oclock and just carry on from there sunday either round me mom n dads for dinner or stay in and recover
  22. I really need to get my eyes sorted I'm blind as a bat I actually have a pair of binoculars that are shaped like penguins on my desk so that I can see the whiteboard in the office really am blind I'm gunna get them done in the next few weeks, taking a bird with me to pick out some specs so that I dont look like a fool
  23. I agree I basicly make no time for anyone who I dont like, if I think you are a knob I will not associate with you, I dont wanto decide I dont like you and then choose to spend time with you in the hope that I ''get you'' your a knob, he's a knob, she's a knob deal with it you bunch of knobs I'm sure people think the same about me but I geniuinely couldnt give a toss, as long as the people I like and get on with have time for me then thats all that matters
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