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Everything posted by leemond2008

  1. That sounds like my **** idea of hell, I was explaining to my dad yesterday that I am seriously trying to find a way to clone myself so I can send the cloned Leemond out to do all of the socialising whilst I sit in a dark room quietly chuckling to myself
  2. Hwah you probably ain't far wrong there, even though I don't like eminem I recon that would be the style I would haveto go for to hide the fact I sound like a constipated duck when I sing...it would be that or I would sing with a Texan drawl. Just tuned my banjo up I haven't touched it for a good long while
  3. I had a seriously dodgy pint last night man, only had 4 or 5 cans round me mom n dads and then 2 pints in my local and I have pretty much only just got out of bed, only other time I have got up has been to throw up or shit myself. Gotta pull myself together now though I'm supposed to be going round me mates new flat for a drink...could do without it.
  4. I really hope you lot are going potty over kylie and not the cranky old witch reading the book
  5. Never been in a band I play quite a few instruments and can get a tune out of most at least but I play for myself rather than other people, in fact I really dislike playing in front of other people I don't know why. I used to go to the studio with a few of me mates when we were younger, we could do a few songs really **** well but then we just kind of got bored
  6. None really, if I'm on the bus and have forgot my book I'll read the metro, if I'm at work and have **** all to do I'll pick up anything that's to hand (unfortunately that usually means the sun) though that doesn't happen very often. Overall I would say I just don't read papers
  7. Prizefighter tomorrow as well, Heavyweights the last few heavyweight Prizefighters have been shit (as has the division) but with the new KO bonus it mite make it worth watching, I'll just be flicking between that and the Price fight anyway. The last prizefighter was cracking for a change
  8. I see Tony Thompson has called for all performance enhancing drugs to be made legal because that would then make it the individuals choice. what a **** retard
  9. Just met up with my mate who I haven't seen since about August and it is quite shocking to think any of my mates who dont live local to each other barely ever see each other and barely ever go out any more, I thought it was just me that struggled to survive. it just feels like the cost of living has shot up that much in the past 12 months that pretty much every one is in the same boat. Pretty **** depressing
  10. 3 weetabix minimum, usually I have 2 loads of 3 (damn bowls not big enough)
  11. I can't remember the last time I switched my ps3 on to play a game, only use it to watch films these days, if you can provide me with a decent bluray player the. You can have my PS3 how does that sound???
  12. I am demanding that my funeral is fancy dress, everyone hadto dress like a Disney/cartoon character, I just think it would be really funny to have 4 of my mates carrying my coffin whilst dressed up like goofy, Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and the little pig fellow that stutters
  13. As I say it will split opinion I think it's a tough one to call but I'd prefer to see Alvarez do it.
  14. Forgot to mention this yesterday but it looks like Canelo v Trout could be happening. I think this will massively divide opinion on who wins, it will certainly be an entertaining night anyway and I would love to see Alvarez come out on top. Alvarez is one of my favourite boxers at the minute I know that his record is padded but I think the potential in him is massive and this is one hell of a brave fight choice for him and is one he didn't necessarily need to take considering how he seems to be one of the favourites to fight Mayweather in the future so I think you have to give him props for that alone regardless of who wins.
  15. He Was doing what??? He must have been a rite freak who on earth would eat a burger upside Ddown???
  16. the competition would be good in the 140 division and he could get some real good fights from there, if he came up against Garcia and he was collared with one of his trademark left hooks that would be interesting too. I think Garcia is massively overrated but you cant deny the power in that hook that he has
  17. I cant see as though Khan would have much of a chance, it would be a real battle of the speed merchants though wouldn't it
  18. I would love to see him move up to 140 and have a scrap with Amir Khan that would be hillarious
  19. No its not that big a flaw at all, just agreeing with Dr P's point about his defence.
  20. Yep. "Oh, well I WAS planning to ram the back of your car, but now I've seen the sign, perhaps I won't". Actually, signs in cars generally. "Don't follow me, follow [football team]"; "My other car is a Porsche"; "Actually, I DO own the road"; "Mum's taxi"; etc., etc.Just **** off. Par'n me, but I think MCtoW was in fact referring to some new phenomenon even more nauseating than those car signs. Never seen one, but I think he was talking about some kind of lapel badge. These must be for women who feel the car signs are simply not irritating enough. I'd actually say the lapal badge is more acceptable, because at least it serves a purpose. Even if it is annoying and a bit obnoxious, at least it's there to alert people that she's pregnant and should give up their seat for her. Where as the signs in a car are ridiculous. Do you think that's ever actually stopped an accident happening? I dont see a problem with the baby on board badges to be honest, they are not there to prevent accidents but to alert the emergency services that there is potentially a child in the car.
  21. Broners problem defensively is that he tries to fight side on and hide behind his shoulder like Mayweather, the only thing is that Mayweather has probably the biggest shoulder in the history of mankind and Broner is never going to be able to get his defence to the same level as Floyd. I gave Rees the first two rounds quite easily but even when Broner took control I wasn't as impressed as I have been with him previously, Rees seemed to be landing quite easily at times, you could argue that Broner wasn't taking as much care as he could have been because Rees just didn't have the power to hurt him and he knew it but if he moves up a weight and allows himself to get tagged like that he could be in trouble. If he was to fight Burns I think that Burns would really have to work behind the jab and keep Broner away from him, Burns would have a massive reach advantage and I think that would be the only way he could get anything to work for him
  22. I stopped buying the sun when they stopped striker Nick Jarvis and the warbury warriors and fat Eric the chairman and his devious wife Vanessa. Mind you when he got his leg bitten off by a shark it went pretty shit
  23. Frampton is pretty good but he has a few bad habits if you ask me, sky bullshit him up to be amazing but I think that is partly because they don't have any major names in their stable and partly because he is in the mcguigan camp (even though Barry seems to have taken a step back and it is more Shane that is involved now)
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