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Everything posted by leemond2008

  1. I would love to see BRMC live, always been a fan of them did they do any of their acoustic stuff or was it all electric? I've got a copy of them live at the astoria (I think) they got the fans to vote on their website for the setlisting **** brilliant it is
  2. Great band...the best though...nah I was actually playing some sabbath on me guitar last night
  3. Groves looked just as you would expect it was two rounds of him throwing whatever punches he wanted against someone who had nothing at all to give back so he looked pretty good but I recon I would have if I was put in with the bloke he was fighting. I dont know what was up with Abraham he just didn't look like he wanted to be in there from the first bell, I dont know if he was just going to try and make Steiglitz punch himself out and then come on strong in the later rounds but was just utterly shocked by how much aggression Steiglitz came out with or if he just genuinely didn't want to be in there for some reason. That said though it was a peach of a right hand that he collared Abraham with, his I blew up almost immediately didn't it
  4. Started snowing pretty heavy in Birmingham city centre....I hope it stops soon....I would hate to get snowed into work. I dont mind if it snows all weekend so I get snowed in at home and cant get to work on monday though AAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH wheres Frosty the **** Snowman I'm gunna rip his twatting head off
  5. It's perfume. Perfume for men, yep. I'm sure you splashed on the Brut when you were a lad and at no point did the fact that it smelled 'nice' cross your mind. We've done this one, but no, never did. My mother-in-law used to buy me aftershave for Christmas every year until one year she noticed all the still sealed bottles in our bathroom and got the message. Perfume is for women. Men should smell of (clean) men. Unscented soap FTW. I have to admire the cunning of the marketing industry though in thinking up the word "aftershave". This I have never bought or owned aftershave, if I have ever acquired any it gets given to me dad
  6. I'll have you know that this is the first time that I have had a rant in a good while, I think it is healthy to vent in here, other wise one day I will be climbing over corpses to get out of the lift at 5pm
  7. I SWEAR TO **** GOD IT HASN'T SNOWED ALL DAY, the bird that sits next to me is on the phone and just this **** second said ''we were told we were going to be getting blizzards all day today but we have had nothing..........ohhh I know I hope it doesn't start now, I dont want to be snowed in at work.....OOOHHH I know could you imagine that''
  8. oh and another one as well one of the bints here has just gave birth to a babby, everyone start getting pictures of it come through on their phone sent by the childs father everyone all in unison aawwwww doesn't she look like her, oohhh she's got her nose, wow look at that she has her eyes BOLLOCKS it doesn't look like anything and it doesn't resemble either of its parents when it is 90 seconds old unless one of its parents are a naked mole rat it doesn't look anything like them
  9. The snow...well thats unfair not the snow, the snow does nothing to piss me off, its the affect it has on other people you only need to mention the **** word and people turn into **** idiots, just the mere mention of the word ''SNOW'' and some **** arse clown will say ''oohhh imagine if we all got snowed in over the weekend wouldn't it be great'' to which somebody who is just as much of an arse clown will say ''as long as I get snowed in at home and not in work could you imagine that, that would be terrible'' ''ITS **** SNOW YOU **** RETARDED SHIT MONKEYS IT COMES EVERY YEAR YOU ARE NEARLY 60 AND HAVE NEVER BEEN SNOWED INTO YOUR **** WORKPLACE'' I would tell them to grow up but it would probably be better if they just locked themselves in a windowless room for the rest of their lives so they didn't have to get so worked up about what the **** weather was doing I dont care if it is cold outside its been snowing I expect it to be cold yes the floor is sludgy...its been **** snowing what do you expect yes the traffic is shit, it always is when it has been snowing yes the busses are still running, the snow hasn't even settled what the ****, do think they are going to pull the busses cuz some dribbling idiot who gets excited at the prospect of the snow said we are going to get 12 inches in 1/2 hour Its the same as people who live their lives in a **** lift, they must have such a boring monotonous existance that getting into a **** lift is the highlight of their day every **** day it is the same some **** dick has to comment on the fact he/she is standing in a lift its 5 O'clock the lift stops on 4th floor and everyone tuts, WHY JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE ON THE TOP FLOOR DOESN'T MEAN YOU HAVE EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS TO THE LIFT YOU **** ARSE HOLE (and yes I work on the top floor myself) it stops at 3rd floor and they actually give the people that get in dirty looks because they have delayed their exit from the building by a whole 4 seconds when they get into a crowded lift ''is their room for a little'un'' NO THEIR ISN'T YOU FAT ARSED HIPPO NECKED SACK OF PIG SPUNK SHIT BUT YOU ARE GOING TO TRY ANY WAY AINT YOU Then you get the munted old **** who relishes this time of the day because she gets the chance to say ''oohhh I hope your hands are in your pockets, what with us being all squished together and all'' to which everyone starts laughing hysterically because they all understand how lift humour works, they are part of a select group of people....they are the lift people and they are better than you **** off and die and leave me to walk in the **** snow and stand in a **** lift on my own and not haveto listen to the **** shite that litterally dribbles out of your mouth and onto your chin you bunch of fucknuts
  10. I never used to like froch, I used to think he thought he was better than he was and the way he carried his defence he was begging to come up against a big hitter who would expose him but you can't argue with his last few fights he really is at his peak, I also always fancied Kessler to beat him but Kessler has spent too long out of the ring and I think froch this time will do it quite easily. As for Groves...it's a non contest at the moment froch would absolutely destroy him, I think a lot of people underate Groves, he has established himself as a bit of a puncher and I quite like him but froch would kill him Anyway I have had far too much to drink already tonight so I am signing off for the night
  11. ADRIAN BRONER ARRESTED FOR BATTERY Looks like he is trying to emulate Floyds atics outside of the ring as well, apparently he bit a bouncer or something also Billy Jo Saunders is fighting tonight so I'll be watching that, I think that Bradley Skeete is on the undercard, I dont mind watching him in the hope that he gets knocked the fook out
  12. been listening to loads of the black crowes this morning, mainly stuff off the 'by your side' album virtue and vice never fails to raise a smile for some reason
  13. Oh and if there are any people who would like to learn more about the books of his that they have read then I would recomend this a cracking book
  14. Another nice little article about him here
  15. A fair few of his films would have made awesome movies. used to love his little nod to fans with the returning Rumbo character, I have made it my mission in life to at some point own a squirrel called Rumbo
  16. Yeah thats the Lair I think, wasn't a bad sequal in all fairness, not as good as the original but it stood up to the test, Domain was pretty shite even though I wouldn't mind reading that one again.
  17. I dunno I have read a few things about it this morning but none of them say what he actually died of. A few months ago my mom was throwing out a load of my books that was round at their house and I said throw everything out except for my James Herbert books....she threw the **** lot out claiming she didn't know which ones were by James Herbert. I've slowly been replacing my collection just the other day I bought haunted, once and the others. luckily I had the majority of them safely tucked away in my book case at home The others has probably gotta be my favourite by him. Oh and I'm actually re-reading the rats today in tribute to him, started it this morning and I'm on page 24 at the moment
  18. My favourite author (even though I have kind of grown out of his books) I still remember when my dad gave me 'the rats' to read when I was 11 years old thinking it would scare the shite out of me but I was engrossed in it (why you would give a kid of that age a book like that I dont know) and from then on I have read everything he has ever done. James Herbert dies aged 69
  19. I'm more than half way through this now, its a bit of a strange one, I dont think the 1 big story holding all of the short stories really works and I think it actually detracts from some of the short stories. Its difficult to picture them happening in the real world (even the ones that are semi feasible, I cant help but read them as if it is some crazy bleak cartoon reality where its always raining. Each of the stories are pretty **** bleak and there has been one or two that have been pretty good but all in all its just a bit...meh I like the morbidly depressing angle that each story has though that is what is keeping me turning the pages at the moment so far I would give it a 2.5 out of 5
  20. David Haye to apparently return to the ring on July 6th and it WONT be against a Klitschko
  21. I used to be a lager man but these day's I find that I quite enjoy a nice ale rather than ice cold lager but if I'm on the lash then I go for whatever is cheapest
  22. I like stuff like that though, kind of makes me feel sub human by reading it
  23. Wouldn't that get very expensive very quickly???
  24. Oh and I'll be spending a large portion of the night (probably between 10 and 11:30ish) hanging out of the window watching the fucktards fighting and vomiting after their paddies day celebrations
  25. well I have got my night planned anyway finishing work and diving headfirst into my local for a few pints, dive out of there before the paddies day festivities get underway get home have a few more cans then I am going to blast out some red neck music (drive by truckers, blackberry smoke, James McMurtrey, drag the river etc etc) and have me a good old fashioned lonesome hillbilly hoedown then order a phat ass curry tomorrow tidy my flat read my book and chill the fook out sunday nice quiet one round at me mom n dads I need to have a relatively chilled out weekend because last weeks plans for a quiet one went tits up and I ended up on a 3 day drinking session so this time I am determined to take it easy
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