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Everything posted by leemond2008

  1. I have enough food in to scrape by until Thursday it just means that I will have precisely fook all to spend on anything until then, I think I mite make a point of going round me mom n dads for dinner tomorrow for dinner, then I can get some money off them
  2. The fact that I am skint (only have £20 till Thursday) I was planning on getting myself a pizza in for the boxing tonight...and I don't have a drop of alcohol in to drink (well there are 3 cans of carling in the kitchen that one of my mates left last week but I don't count that as alcohol) do I **** it and get 8 cans of stella and a pizza then have precisely fook all to live off until Thursday? I ask the question but I know it will be beer and food rather than the sensible option
  3. Do you actually own that??? I have been looking everywhere for that but every time I go into HMV it is sold out
  4. pugs are brilliant but I hate the fact that they have been bred to the point of cruelty, when you consider all the health problems they have and how they used to look its quite upsetting
  5. never seen this one before, pug sings batman https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=GrIp3k5pJQM
  6. cant remember if I have posted these before or not time for some more pug hilarity
  7. The other day at work someone was complaining about the sad lives of Facebook users, she read out a status that said something like "only 43 days till I get married" and then said "what the **** don't these people have anything better to do" I pointed out that she obviously has nothing better to do other than read these pointless things so what does that say about her pathetic life, she looked up and said "I'm just nosy that's all" **** me I don't understand facebookers What's going on??? Can you not swear at all on here anymore???
  8. right or wrong...I just love a good party
  9. The last three are easily the best, the kangaroo, flamingo and rhino
  10. to be honest I'm not normally that bad but I am at work typing in between phonecalls trying to do it without getting spotted so grammar has to slide everynow and again
  11. someone remind me, whats a face/heel turn again?
  12. I actually dont mind the meat feast pizza's from iceland, pretty much the only thing I buy from there these day's I think I am going for the curry any ways
  13. I cant decide wether to make a mahoosive curry tonight and leave a fuckload for Friday or wether I should go for an frozen iceland pizza I'm feeling lazy so unfortunately the pizza looks like its winning at the moment :-(
  14. me myself I would find a more reliable porn site
  15. when I moved here it was a shellk of a church cuz some bright spark decided to burn it to the ground....now theres an idea
  16. Tuesday's 8pm **** bell ringing practice at the church outside my flat, it will go on until at least 9:30 now, I can either sit here and annoy myself by listening to the racket it produces or go to bed and watch the match in the back room (even then you can still hear it)
  17. refuse all calls and the release a statement that you intend to go to war with them
  18. Personally I think a minutes silence would be a ridiculous move, as I said earlier in the thread from what I have come to know about her during my life I am in the ''against her camp'' and am not particularly affected in any way that she is dead, the boo's would ring out around pretty much every ground in the country couldn't they do a shared minutes applause, clap in celebration of her life and if you are more inclined to then by all means clap and cheer at the fact that she aint breathing any more
  19. Nothing all that interesting but its something to read Mayweather: Be smart and use your head FLOYD MAYWEATHER insists more boxers should follow his lead and use their ring smarts instead of going to war every time they fight. Unbeaten Mayweather, 36, returns to the ring on May 4 against Robert Guerrero looking for the 44th victory of his glittering career. But Money openly admits he would not be where he is today if he had allowed himself to be dragged into toe-to-toe wars more often. He said: “My mindset has always been to be the best. I would rather be known as a smart fighter. “If you go back and look at my interviews from when I was young, I always said the less you get hit, the longer you are going to be able to stay in the game. “Going to toe-to-toe just because you can say you did it is not cool to me. “Sure I have done it in some of my fights, like the Miguel Cotto fight, but there is also a limit. I couldn’t have done that in all of my 43 fights. There is a limit. “I say to the young fighters that some things just aren’t cool. They think taking a lot of punishment and going toe-to-toe in every fight is cool? That’s not cool. “Or to be able to say they got locked up. That’s not cool either. I know I have made mistakes but I can wake up every morning and say I have been honest admitting that.” UP NEXT ... Robert Guerrero is in Floyd Mayweather's sights Love him or loathe him, the fact is you cannot ignore Mayweather’s achievements. And as he prepares to defend the WBC welterweight title against Guerrero at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, it is obvious the support of his team and family kept him focused during his spell behind bars. The brash American added: “The young fighters should make sure they have a good team around them. People that are going to keep it real with you and can help you make the right decision. “There are limits to everything you do. Even though I might seem edgier at times, I have limits too. “I am older now and I understand it better. Things can come to a young, good fighter so fast they can get caught up in a bad situation. “I am going to continue to mentor the young, up-and-coming fighters. I will try to be the best mentor I can for some of these young fighters. “For young people I say work hard and dedicate yourself to your life. Be respectful to your parents and go to school because education is important. Never compromise to be the best that you can be.” THE TRAPPINGS OF SUCCESS ... Floyd Mayweather lives life to the full The showdown with Guerrero is the first part of Mayweather’s money-spinning six-fight deal with American TV giant Showtime. But the Vegas resident insists what you see is exactly what you get him with him — this is no act simply put on for the cameras in the build-up to another big fight. He said: “The person you meet now is the same person you are going to meet down the road. “I don’t care what car I am driving or jewellery I am wearing. I stay who I am regardless of what you think I might be or who you think I am.” And, of course, the fact Mayweather has not been involved in too many tear-ups will allow him to do the one thing he craves the most — enjoy his retirement with all his faculties in place. Speaking at a basketball tournament in Atlanta, the five-weight world champ added: “I want to be able to get around and be sharp when my career is over. “I want to be like Rafael Garcia who is here with me today. He’s almost 90, hanging with us, still jogging, driving and wearing sunglasses. “I want to be like that when I am older. I want to be able to hang out with my grandkids and be the patriarch of my family.”
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