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Everything posted by penguin

  1. "Unbeaten run" is such a nothing stat. You could go the whole season technically unbeaten and still only just about scrape survival. I don't think a point against 10 man Leeds and the worst side in the league is particularly something to be shouting from the rafters, just another example of this undercurrent of a campaign is to lower expectations and "you know what, Gerrard isn't actually doing too badly".
  2. Yay another game where we narrow the pitch to make use of our full backs putting ineffectual cross after ineffectual cross.
  3. Exactly. Pick between short term pain for long term gain or the death by a 1000 cuts we are currently experiencing, why it blows some people's minds to the extent it does I don't understand. Particularly when the board are seemingly looking for any reason to persist with the appointment, something has to give as the current situation is untenable.
  4. Pure desperation mode now. Frantically trying to lower expectations. Lets just ignore the fact we finished 11th the season before and anyone but the most deluded of Gerrard supporters must concede our squad now is considerably stronger than then. Smith got sacked for not delivering improvement on this. Gerrard desperately trying to move the goal posts so better on 16th is improvement. No one but Purslow and a select few are buying it you charlatan.
  5. Correct me if I’m wrong but in the last 30 years not a single Aston Villa manager has gone on to better, or even equivalent things. I don’t think it’s sacking managers too early that’s the problem…
  6. Had the same thought the other day, definite parallels. I don’t think we’ll go down but have seen people laugh off suggestions of it as absurd but if we don’t make changes we are in no way guaranteed to be out of the running. On paper we are much better than a lot sides but in terms of the football we play we are right down there with Forest.
  7. It is incredibly lazy. It’s not like he’s been here only a few months. Time only makes a difference if there is a clear system and tactics being built from a foundational level and the players are still adjusting to it. This just isn’t the case here. If it was as simple then why not just give Dorris the tea lady a 10 year deal, would be a lot cheaper.
  8. I think you’re focusing on the wrong stats there.
  9. Smacks of desperately trying to engineer a free hit for himself to buy more time. Seems to be a bit of theme of expectation lowering, our form and performances since even before this season began are dire for a side aiming to be top half let alone “best of the rest” as our owners are targeting and invested for. But be shit long enough and talk us down, even better if your mates in the media help, then suddenly scraping a draw against one of the “big boys” and just surviving relegation are successes.
  10. Poch is extremely unlikely, I think the vast majority acknowledge that. I’d be surprised if his availability had any baring on almost anyone’s opinion on Gerrard. Gerrard is clearly out of his depth, Poch is not the only manager who’d be a clear improvement.
  11. Rarely see the stats so clearly in sync with the what the vast majority have been banging on about for far too long. Absolutely no idea what to do aside from overload the flanks with our full-backs and put in ineffectual cross after ineffectual cross. But don’t worry the master plan is to hope for some “magic” or “headline moments” from our “big players”. I despair. But definitely just needs more time though, because he’s an inexperienced manager. Signs of improvement or that he has even the slightest **** clue what he’s doing? Not important.
  12. How? Smith essentially had to build a whole new side in our first Premier League season, on paper looking back it was dire, and stayed up. Then built on this finishing 11th the following season, our squad now is considerably stronger than that which accomplished this. Got sacked the following season with Jack being sold and being unable to settle on a system to utilise his 3 “replacements”. The reason being he wasn’t delivering on “continual improvement”. Gerrard then comes in and starts strongly followed by a theme of regression. After bringing in his own players, being allowed to completely smash the club ethos of not buying older players for big money/wages in the process, and having a full pre-season to settle we’ve proceeded to look worse than ever. I can’t fathom how you’ve arrive at the opinion Gerrard has had it harder.
  13. Would be very happy with Emery, Poch is obviously the dream appointment. Frank makes me a little nervous as Brentford do things in a fairly unique way and structure and success within that may not translate. Doesn’t look like he was particularly pulling up trees with Brondby previously either, much more of an unknown quantity.
  14. Incredibly harsh penalty against Milan there, Tomori red as well. Thats me finding another game to watch…
  15. Exactly. Precisely why I find it so strange that it blows a few peoples minds when some intimate they’d would rather we just lose and get rid of him sooner. There’s a huge potential for him to linger around like a bad smell and write off the whole season. If losses against Leeds and Forest would have been the end of him who wouldn’t have taken it in hindsight? 2 points worse off but we lose the gangrenous limb and are much better off for it over the course of the season and beyond.
  16. I really doubt or at least hope the board are basing anything on the current table, that would be beyond moronic so early in the league. Our form and performances, particularly taking into account the pretty favourable run of fixtures we started the season with speak for themselves. Not to mention the back end of last season. Smith was sacking on the back of finishing 11th, having his best player sold and having quickly find a system to accommodate our “replacements” for Jack. Gerrard has nothing in the bank and little in extenuating circumstances. If Smith was sacking for not delivering “continual improvement” then Gerrard should be immediately blasted into space for this longstanding continual regression of almost every facet he has influence of.
  17. Diabolical today. Think the defender may have spared his blushes as well, by cutting out Ramsey’s squared ball as he looked offside again! I do share the opinion that Gerrard’s “system” is a very poor representation of almost everyone’s actual ability though, as so many players have regressed.
  18. Absolutely not. This isn’t the season we first came up, there are more expectations than to just scrape any points by any means necessary. Being unbeaten in 4 is a meaningless stat, completely lacking any context of performances or the opposition. The last 3 games, taking into account Leeds were down to 10 for 45 minutes, were 3 of the most winnable we have all season there is no upward trajectory other than by the most basic of analysis.
  19. 3rd from bottom in the xG table but just need to turn those chances into goals. **** me.
  20. He's a young manager needs time, 4 game unbeaten run. Erm.... Arteta!
  21. Scouse Sherwood. He is unravelling years of hard work, the sunk-cost fallacy has gone far enough he has to go.
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