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Everything posted by penguin

  1. Looking at it from a, have to admit foreign for me, optimistic perspective our shitness relative to squad quality could be perversely not be such a negative factor as the potential for rapid improvement (and the accolades) that come with it are a realistic possibility.
  2. The nightmare has to be over now. Has to be.
  3. What makes our squad better than Burnley's or Huddersfield's? I'd say the main reason is having better players. "Premier league pedigree'? Not sure exactly how you are quantifying this but: Martinez, Digne, Buendia, Coutinho, Ings at the minimum are "proven" in the league in other teams than ours (And could each arguably be Burnley and Huddersfield best ever players...)
  4. Imagine comparing this squad with Huddersfield's or Burnleys
  5. Have a feeling they'll control the rest of the game and miss numerous chances and we'll score from a set-piece to equalise. And I am going to have very mixed feelings, no matter what happens in my eyes he needs to go I get the impression the board will cling onto any "silver-lining" to prolong this misery.
  6. Does this involve strapping him to the front of a cannon?
  7. Maybe you can **** around but they'll always be a pissed off Aston Villa waiting at home for you
  8. I'm willing to be fair and give him another 45 minutes.
  9. *Camera pans to Villa bench* "There's not a whole lot of conversation going on there but there is plenty of thinking" Gerrard:
  10. Why did they give him this game? Images of Purslow performing black magic pre-match for any excuse to keep his golden boy in post for longer
  11. This is embarrassing, someone escort this imposter off the premises
  12. Fulham are tenacious off the ball and break with tempo when on it. Exactly how I though Gerrard would set us up but we are the opposite, one of the easiest sides to play against in the league - Criminal when you look at our squad compared to some others
  13. This is the worry. We look like a Sunday league side who’s won a competition
  14. Just need some our players to produce headline moments
  15. What the **** is the game plan here? How can anyone defend this clown and say he just needs more time? Could quite possibly go down as the worst manager in our history.
  16. Quick everyone turn it off and think about the first 45 minutes against Chelsea
  17. It’s actually quite impressive how we can be so deep yet also constantly allow them to get runners in behind. Worst of both worlds.
  18. Got to remember though they bought some players so can’t be thinking of them as a recently promoted side. All hail Stevie.
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