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Everything posted by thabucks

  1. Guessing his wages will have been significantly reduced due to relegation so keeping him around just incase a. He remembers how to actually play football b. We have a severe injury crisis makes sense. I reckon unless A. Happens he will get sold on January Anyways.
  2. The tweet relates to losing players to the ACON.
  3. Make it happen Dr X our CM is shockingly light on actual quality ! Grit-yes, potential-yes mediocrity- yes, quality-no. Get him in on loan !
  4. Hopefully Wyness is waiting for Hernandez's agent to come back to us with lower demands? Would also Like an actual good, not competent cm then we're sorted. Oh and Rolan/Ayew exchange for the icing on the cake ( one can dream ) UTV !
  5. Watch him get sold for a hefty profit by them within a year or two. Gutted it didn't work out for him here. Oh well UTV
  6. How about wilshere is he on the radar ? All joking aside I hope you are right @useless I get the feeling Adomah would only cons here for the money. Not interested other than last resort personally.
  7. CM is our weakest area IMO, we have the numbers but not the quality. Jedinak is meh we need quality in there ASAP if poss please DR X oh and Diego Rolan please
  8. Have disliked Mcmanaman immensley since this awful tackle. He's **** mediocre to boot at best. No thanks. Next !
  9. I wonder if Hernandez's agent came back to us tomorrow tail between his legs and lowered his ludicrous demands if we would be interested. I said it earlier but I'd love us to swop Ayew for Rolan. Is that asking too much ? Someone tweet Dr X. Rolan, McCormack, Gestede, Kodija, would give us multiple options of differing our play, and wouldn't look out of place in the Prem.
  10. Can see us getting a left field last minute loan like illori only better and not unfit that is. Anyone else feel that maybe the Hernandez deal might get resurrected and us pulling out is a negotiating tactic to get his agent to lower his demands ? Hope we get Kodija/Hernandez & Rolan, then ditch Gabby Ayew & maybe kozak. Would like Morrison also. Bring on tomorrow evening !
  11. Really want Rolan. However to some posters as he was scouted last summer by Reilly, he's shit and to be avoided. But I'd Offer Ayew or Adama in px. Get it done Dr X
  12. Rather we got Diego Rolan than Hernandez vague link in the Brum Mail. Doesn't know the league but linked to top teams.
  13. Berahino must be worth a bid surely. Ain't gunna happen I know. But one can speculate.
  14. Same with bent. I believe we paid £19mill for him in total but the press always liked to say £24mill. Anyways I hope he does cost us £20mill as that would mean goals, promotion, trophies.
  15. Wow ! If true I can't help but think though that this seemingly self imposed caveat of having lower league experience is rather an hinderance, surely for that sort of money we could aim a lil higher. But **** it it's not my money and I want to be out of this league ASAP. If he gets us there the money spent doesn't matter.
  16. Cheeky loan bid for Hart Knows the area, wouldn't have to travel too far for England duty. And help one of the founding fathers regain the position they deserve ?! X
  17. Ignore the above post couldn't delete it or add text. Strange. Anyways the point I was going to make was a front line of Ayew McCormack Valencia & Hernandez wouldn't look out of place in the Prem. Supported by Grealish Alberto or Morrison. Then Tish & Westwood & jedinak behind. It's gunna take $$$ and time but hopefully we will get there sooner rather than later.
  18. Big T Dr X it's gunna cost ya a few more $$$ than you expected me thinks. Valencia, Hernadez Morrison, Alberto, Pantilimon, and a CB loan maybe Hector from Chelsea. We have to add quality ASAP !
  19. The guy had worse stats than Sanchez last season, but hey he gives his all and has a beard. So let's forget his limitations. He will get better for sure but he is a limited footballer let's not forget. This whole has to have lower league experience could bite us in the arse. We need quality not just leadership qualities
  20. Valencia & Hernandez ? Forward options of McCormack gestede Hernandez, then wing forwards or whatever they are called as Ayew & Valencia. Or bin Ayew and swop him for Valencia ? Exciting week ahead
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