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Everything posted by thabucks

  1. What's Bruce's football philosophy? What is Steve Rounds football philosophy? I'm baffled. We are a never ending train wreck. I've become immune to how shit & insignificant we have become. Constsntly changing the manager isn't the answer. But I never wanted or rated Bruce either so I'm stumped what's the best way forward and don't have faith in the guys paid to make these decisions to make the right ones.
  2. Never wanted him, thought his outdated approach to football was not what was needed. A club is reflected by its manager and low and behold we are mediocre at best.
  3. Never wanted him as he is a one dimensional manager and surprise surprise he is showing that he is tatically clueless. That's why i wanted Wagner who appears to know how to set a team out to play. Oh well I look forward to this thread being in other football within a year.
  4. Dreamt last night he did his ACL again in todays game
  5. Shit excuse re:gate and general attitude has reportedly been poor but I think you take that out I think he handled that interview pretty well. He decided to not criticise the club and Bruce overtly. hopefully he does ok (though not to the point his goals make forest finish above us) and we can reassess if he apologises or sell for decent money in the summer.
  6. just a reminder of how bad his injury was. He is a young(ish) player who suffered an horrific injury, some players come back the same straight away, some take longer, some never return to their previous level before the injury. Time will tell. He could of pushed through a move in the summer but didn't as he wanted to repay the club and fans for the support shown during his lay off. I'm willing to give him some slack before righting him off just yet given the injury, his loyalty to us and the shower of shit that was our season last year. He has earned my patience till the summer at least.
  7. Like I said he will have the occasional blinder as he isn't a really poor player but we were robbed for sure. At best he will be inconsistent. Yay ?!
  8. £6mill wasted! He has always been a mid level championship player, and always will be. Traore has done nothing of note but at least he has potential, this guy is just going to get worse with false hopes of occasional blinding form.
  9. Said it just now in the Bruce thread sack him and replace him with Phealan !
  10. Never wanted him but got behind him and now tolerate him. But **** me he is wearing my patience. Sack Calderwood and replace him with Phealan!
  11. For someone so prolific why has Rhodes only played 13 times in 6 seasons for Scotland who aren't exactly blessed with talent up top. Genuine question no dig (well maybe a lil;)
  12. After the excitement of todays guessing game it's going to be Rhodes isn't it Slight letdown would be one way to describe it, if it is to be.
  13. In regards to Hogan WHU apparently agreed a £9mill upfront fee and offered £3mill in add ins, Brentford wanted £6 mill in add ons. Ayew £5mill plus Gestede's £6mill easily covers the initial outlay. Don't know if he is worth it but same was said about Kodija
  14. Westwood plus £10mill for Andre Gray ? Worth a cheeky ask
  15. Realistic forwards available Ulloa? Solanke? Jay Rodriguez? Mame Biram Diouf? Benik Afobe?
  16. Can't argue too much with what you say @bobzy just think there is better players available than Rhodes for the sums it will cost.
  17. Why though? Makes no sense to me at all. You need balance between the two surely ? An example for you seamus Coleman £40k unproven Luke Shaw £27mill unproven. Which looks like the better deal? My point is spending top dollar on players with championship experience is no guarantee of success, as proven by 3 of our summer purchases being shite so far. I think Rhodes is a proven goal scorer at lower levels so far no denying that fact. However that doesn't mean that form will transcend to us. And IMO his all round play is very poor,
  18. Of course not but.... but I am unhappy with Jedinak, McCormack and Elphick. A blend is what is need IMO. Kodija cost BCFC £2.5mill the previous summer. I believe that there is better quality and value players than Rhodes we could get for much less if we weren't impeding ourselves with our (supposed) search criteria. That said I'd definitely like us to get Bree and Hourihane. Personally I'm not overly fussed if we sign Lansbury, however at £3-4 mill it's kinda a no brainier given our current midfield options.
  19. Why limit ourself to championship experience though, Kodija was plucked from France for £2mill and he settled in fine then joined us for £13mill Plenty of other players with no experience of the league have come in and done well at the fraction of the cost. You telling me we couldn't of signed someone better than jedinak for £4 million plus £45-£50K per week ? The guys a shit footballer and on his way down and we were stupid enough to sign him. We got burned by Reilly's French Folly due to poor execution but shouldn't let that put us off buying from the continent.
  20. This (supposed) self imposed limitation of championship experience is severely limiting our options and plain wrong in my eyes. It's worked great so far with McCormack, Elphick & Jedinak hasn't it ?? Surely we can find someone who offers better value than Rhodes for the money it would need to prise him away.
  21. http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/sport/football/transfer-news/aston-villa-transfers-steve-bruce-12425597 Click bait
  22. From the daily heil (I know) but linking us with one of my top pics for CM James McCarthy http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-4097484/Everton-transfer-news-James-McCarthy-wanted-West-Brom-Aston-Villa.html?ITO=1490&ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490 Yes please !
  23. Highly unlikely to happen but I would absolutely love him to come back. Don't begrudge his u-turn that much anymore (was sore at the time) so he said he would stay then had a change of heart, is that truly unforgivable? We were in a **** shambles, a top team came calling and I can't ( personally) begrudge a player who trades up to further his career. Rather him than cleverley for sure. And I was told he decided he wouldn't sign for us after the fans repeatedly cheered his substitution around Christmas that season.
  24. I trust our GK coach Gary Walsh and our chief domestic scout (ex-GK) Tony Coton over any football fan to be honest. They obviously rate him so that's good enough for me.
  25. Probably fit for 1 in 10 and since he signed he hasn't been on the winning team in 34 games. Was a class player but that was years ago, should never of joined Citeh. as I said he is probabally one of a hundred we've been offered so nothing in it. Just passing on what I've been told.
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