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Everything posted by Amsterdam_Neil_D

  1. At most clubs this would be the logical thing to do but our performance in the January transfer market is diabolical at best, criminal neglect at worst. Do well in it and force the issue it can really propel a team through the Jan / Feb difficult time. Every player has a price but the damage done by not joining in is incalculable, handy that !
  2. Not the worst signing but the most damaging. From my point of view I knew the game was up for MON the very day he signed him, god knows what the question was but Heskey apparently was the answer. At the time we could have sent out a message that we meant business in the race for 4th, all we had to do was buy a striker of some quality I think we would have made it. So MON goes out and buys the last player any of us would have bought, looking back MON either did it to get back at the fans for some reason and punish us/RL for something or he really had no clue about modern football what so ever and was in over his way over his head, one of the 2. What sort of message did MON think that sent out, ex small heath player that can't score that we actually paid money every week, absolute piss take imo. No way back for him after that. We needed a 15-20 goal a season dynamic young player that could fill and eventually take over from Carew and propel us into the CL. We got a 2 bit comedy donkey who managed to steal the show in the Shrek films. Whilst I admire his comedy timing and general interaction with both the Ginger bread man and the wolf from little red riding hood, that does not really get the Villa the progress or attacking cover that was desired by the fan base.
  3. Van Der Vaart is probably on 12million a year in wages - thats the difference Yeah, I know but it's still a highlights the difference between the 2 clubs. God I hope it all goes wrong for Spurzz, in a real bad Leeds / Portsmouth type way. Horrible little club spurzzz...
  4. Harsh, but made me chuckle. The 12 Mill certainly does not make me chuckle, not in any way at all. Not when Spurzz got VDV for 8 Mill ffs.
  5. Well we might as well have some fun with it, we really will be the last to be told.
  6. Amsterdam. Everyone it's Jol. Get down Laddie Bs and lump the **** on. 50 Mins ish from BHX to AMS. Damm and double damm. I forgot to ask Randy to bring me some chocolate HobNobs over as well....bolox. I will let you know how it goes but he only wants advice on the next move manager wise.
  7. Eastenders as mad as that is. (It's a ex-pat thing I suspect)
  8. Agree, been impressed with him at small heath. Seems a solid sort of bloke and I would have no problems with us nicking him from them. Unfortunately I think RL is too nicer a guy to do it to our inbred neighbours so it won't happen. Curbs, please god no. Sven, close but there are more reasons for yes than no. A sprinkle of quality foreign talent would do our squad the world of good IMO. Phil Brown, I really don't know what to think. Every good manager out there was at his age and stage in their managerial career at some point. This is a wild card as none of know how he would perform at a non joke club. Southgate, no chance at all. Creates teams that don't score.
  9. How's that go then "Keep right on......"
  10. I agree, the statement wants prem experience. K mAc as a bloke, sound. Villa through and through but if he gets the job and messes up he leaves and the work with the kids is over. As someone said, it's one of the top jobs going. It's like Apple employing the security guard as GM because he has done 30 years in the job. Some jobs are just too big. (Ok, security guard is a bit bad but you know what I mean, years doing Job A does not mean you can do job Z.)
  11. So no chairs or press conference talk then, I like the counting chairs game. Maybe it's time...... There are 4 chairs been put out down the Villa, I guess one is the new manager but 2 must be players. New chairs as well as the old one's (never used) have been given away. :?:
  12. I'm in this camp. If it is Moyes though what price MON for Everton? In a way this is what would have been best for both clubs when Randy started. Mon with no money at Everton and Moyes at Villa with money. Things would be totally different now with us doing a lot better at a guess. Moyes is proper good with the kids and bringing them through as well. So what he has appeared in Lord of the Rings !
  13. Had a think and silence and extended silence from the board is actually making me hopeful. Couple this with a little bit of looking back at what Randy has done and given us (training ground etc) we could end up been happy after all. If he really was going to give the job to the caretaker he would have done it by now. Add to this the Newcastle result we could be getting a nice new manager. I could be wrong of course and it could all hang on tonight. I find it hard to believe that Mr Lerner does not have the ear of someone who really knows English footie, with the best will in the world I would find it hard to be happy giving it to a guy who does not come across who really wants it. I would be kicking the door in to get the job but the Newcastle result shocked him to the core. I don't have confidence in him to get us above small heath at the end of April never mind top 4. Just how I feel at the moment.
  14. I would not mind him either, he did not lose much when at Man City either. I would have no problem with him as Villa manager, good with the press and his Manure contacts could be useful down the line, you never know.
  15. Almost at the end of Psychoville 1st series. Super programme.
  16. There are 100's of reasons but the main one been that the Dutch league is utter shite and noone gives a flying what's it what goes on in it. I suspect he would want to show spurzz a thing or 2 also. Dutch football and football people are likely to introduce a nice way of playing but still been competitive IMO. Even if Ajax do go further they will be slammed dunked soon enough by a Man U or Barca.
  17. You are correct, you would think that all the kids would be smoking it all day long but the opposite is true. It's not really a problem as far as I know because it's not illegal. Make things illegal and everyone wants to do it, just because. Same with booze over here as well, they can drink beer at 16 I think but I have never seen kids on the street drunk as I do in the UK.
  18. I just have them in pots in the back garden, water them and leave them to it. Easy it is, no need for lamps and all that jazz.
  19. You can have 5 plants per household in Holland iirc, works well. I only grow 2 a year though as I am no Percy Thrower.
  20. A few points.... 1. It is my view that it should be legal in the UK. 2. People die in the UK not from the drug but from gangs trying to control the production and distribution. 3. It's quite handy to keep it illegal though as this provides a nice excuse to keep the Police pouring money down the drain catching people, this applies to the law side of things as well. It's a nice earner for the legal community also, what better than defending person after person for a problem the country creates itself. 4. Is it really worth ruining someone's future job prospects (and overall income tax contributions) for this, it's pathetic. 5. It's as easy to buy it in the UK as it is in Holland so the gay war on drugs is going well then ? lol 6. If it is so bad then riddle me this, Holland is the best place to bring up children in Europe, every town has a coffee shop that sells it so how can that be. 7. Still school holidays is it ?Sweeping generalisations and name calling all in one well thought out and really well structured post above, really tough and intelligent then ?Funny when people comment on things they know nothing about in threads, but feel the need. Yeah what a big waste, I wondered why there is never a single person on the roads in Holland and everyone is eating Pringles and Pizza, (Damm, it's like you have a window into everyone's living room and seem to know what we are all doing, very sick but very clever) that would be a waste of peoples time surely. Bit like spending hours each day praying to a god that has never existed and never will, now who's wasting their time. Whole continents are into that, billions but at least they leave the pizza and pringles alone, can't have to many false gods eh?
  21. and even loses the slot he was originally in. Makes you warm & fuzzy alright That was pretty much the point I was making! Happens every morning on the motorway. Yesterday I had some cock in a BMW try to undertake me just as I pulled out to overtake a lorry. he tried to squeeze between me and the lorry, but failed (only narrowly avoiding a crash) and then beeped me. HE beeped ME! Needless to say I drove at about 50 mph next to the lorry for a couple of minutes. Happened to me yesterday, 50 ish year old clearing in the woods in a Z4, top down, scarf, gloves...basically the works. Now I don't drive slow and have seen most things on the roads so when this guy is sitting on my bumper as I overtake cars with his right had wheel on the white lines it's never going to end well. For that 5 minutes I made his life a living hell (with the help of a lorry or 2)and to top it all I got a nice picture of the clearing in the woods with my Blackberry as he was sitting behind as we got to the lights (You didn't think he got past me did you?). Why try and intimidate me on a duel carriageway that 99.9 % of the time ends with the lights on red ? What is wrong with these people ? I see him a lot doing it to others in the morning but there is nothing to gain. If he tries it again I may send his picture to nonce.com or something.
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