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Everything posted by hippo

  1. hippo

    Going Under ?

    Bottom line - we need to clear debts - and spend on wages and transfer fees only what we can afford. It will be a painful process getting there - but that is what we have to aim for now .......whoever the owner....
  2. Thank god for that - I thought we were in financial dire straights ....phew !
  3. hippo


    Playing devils advocate here - Aren't we a bit like a shop that puts 'Closing down sale' in the window (bear with me) - People just assume everything is a bargain - so some of young starlets who have barely played a game - suddenly attract hysterical bids ! - OK - I am clutching at straws
  4. Thing is if you have a few people with large shareholdings - well thats close to a consortuim
  5. Its all about confidence now. My fear is that come the end of the month we have another hurdle in terms of paying everyones wages. If however we can get a sense of calm back - then for sure we have to sell some players - but perhaps we can be in control of our destiny and get better prices for our players. As for a takeover who is going bankroll £5m a month ? in addition to an asking price ? - I don't think there will be many takers. Short term we have to have hope that this was all down to Wyness managing Aston Villa finances like a lunatic - and that Xia gets a tighter grip on things (which is all a new owner could do) Top half next season would be some achievement.
  6. Well when were relegated only xia was prepared to pay £60m. now someone has to clear a debt of £70m + any purchase price ....and the clock is ticking !
  7. hippo

    Going Under ?

    I am no finance expert - but I don't see a way forward. Only Xia was interested @ £60m when we had parachute payments to come. So now we need someone to service £70-100m debt with no parachute payments. Were finished.
  8. hippo

    Going Under ?

    Most likley someone will buy the club for not very much - consolidate the debts into a monthly repayment. and we limp on from there.
  9. hippo

    Going Under ?

    We are always in the shit - its just the depth that differs !
  10. hippo

    Going Under ?

    Is there a chance we won't exist next season ?
  11. If he can't pay the tax and we go administration - he either sells - or we began liquidating our assets to pay creditors. The assumption is he will sell rather than loose everything. If he pays that bill - then all is good ......until the next bill comes along. Personally I am dreading the end of the month when the wages are due.
  12. I hope it goes through so we can avoid administration and a 12 point deduction. IMO we will stumble from crisis to crisis as long as Xia stays.
  13. Mick Mccarthy Mark warbutton Steve Agnew No one will leave their current club to join us.
  14. Seriously ? HMRC have issued notice of a winding up order - If we don't pay we will go into administration. Thats pretty crystal clear to me.
  15. How can you give the benefit of the doubt to a man who has consistently lied to us.
  16. Really ? I think we have as much as we need. We have no money are behind with payments to the inland revenue - and could be in administration by the weekend and the CEO has been suspended by the club. - thats pretty much whats going on.
  17. hippo

    Going Under ?

    Thats not such a good story is it. Villa loose play off final and are now on the edge of bankruptcy because of that loss is what they want the headline to say - and thats what the history will say. Personally I think not winning the POF , just brought forward the shitstorm , but it was coming anyway .
  18. hippo

    Going Under ?

    Perspective. Last season was good. A billion chickens have come home to roost in the last couple of weeks. If you're not enjoying going to the matches - don't go ...its only a pass time after all.
  19. To be fair he always denied the chinese govt were involved. Sadly some refused to believe this and kept trotting out that line.
  20. I think the difference was Lerner definitely had money. - He got bored made half cocked decisions - Xia I could never see where the funding was coming from - I wouldn't be surprised if he has no real wealth.
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