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Everything posted by hippo

  1. Advisor to the board (has no vote on input on decisions)
  2. If you read the xia thread there is.
  3. Great Info. Does that mean the cash is there if we need it - but we haven't yet drawn down it ? (a bit like the £19 in my currrent account which I am hoping to get to the end of the month without touching)
  4. Hope that money is put aside as a last resort. We should be looking to run within our means. Hopefully (if thats the right word !) the club will not now be forced to accept daft bids for Grealish etc. The goal shouldn't be premier league tv money - but cutting the cloth according to our needs.
  5. A loan wouldn't help with FFP - surely it would go in the creditors column
  6. £50m, Get Terry back and new contracts for Michah and Gabby
  7. hippo

    Going Under ?

    I remember my dad being quite chuffed in 1971 when we lost the league cup final to spurs - I couldn't understand why he dismissed the result as not important - he said "yes but the potential is there now" - we were just on the way back from bankruptcy then. RIP Dad.
  8. hippo

    Going Under ?

    Been boring now - could do with someone spotting Larry Ellison wearing villa socks - or Dr Tony selling the big issue.
  9. I don't see him resuming duties.
  10. hippo

    Going Under ?

    I think we just to hope those reports were incorrect.
  11. hippo

    Going Under ?

    Long as in weeks ? Personally I think he is hear for a while yet.
  12. hippo

    Going Under ?

    Doesn't sound like it - Business as usual more like.
  13. hippo

    Going Under ?

    https://www.avfc.co.uk/News/2018/06/07/club-statement-hmrc Club statement. Aston Villa Football Club can confirm that an agreement has been reached with HMRC and the club will continue to fulfil its obligations. The club can also announce that there are no insolvency practitioners or administration advisors working with the club. Owner and Chairman Dr Tony Xia would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank supporters during this difficult and unsettling time and reassure them plans are now being put in place to move the club forward.
  14. Given RDM was Xia's choice - I would shudder at another Xia appointment.
  15. hippo

    Going Under ?

    Yeah replace it with a white one
  16. With Xia's tweet that he has averted the immediate crisis - I would imagine the position of manager has notched up the agenda.
  17. We don't have a CEO at the moment - Obviously we need one before long (or do we ?) a few options Xia Himself Brian Little Howard Hodgson Steve Round Or could we have a new board with a combo of some of the above and some Xia's trusted staff
  18. I read as he had paid the taxman and we aren't going into administration.
  19. Agree - but the guy can barely speak English - and he very nearly been outwitted by his last CEO Who can he trust ? Who can he get ? It might be best if he forms a board with guys like Brian little on the football side - and someone he can liase with and trust from the chinese\finance side.
  20. hippo

    Going Under ?

    But apart from that - do you reckon we will be ok ?
  21. hippo

    Going Under ?

    So as many have feared the inevitable conclusion must be Xia doesn't have the money to bankroll us. Recon appears to be little more than a web page.
  22. hippo

    Going Under ?

    I will give him a tenner for it. But he can tell the media if its £300m if he wants !
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