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Everything posted by sir_gary_cahill

  1. He's absolutely outstanding, what a steal for £2m!
  2. Lost 4-3 to Newcastle away today
  3. He's been a lot better in the past few games imo, starting to look like a player
  4. What did you think of his performance last night zatman?
  5. Was awful last night imo, don't rate him
  6. I really don't rate rafael, very poor defensively imo
  7. You fail to realise that all players can only fall into 2 categories with SGC. Shocking, or superb. There is no inbetween. Haha this is true
  8. Couldn't possibly choose between them, 2 absolutely outstanding players
  9. I'm shocked at that, I hope he never plays for us again who? ireland or bannan Meant Ireland but both of them now you've said that
  10. I'm shocked at that, I hope he never plays for us again
  11. Agreed he's an excellent goalkeeper, should've been put in the first team much sooner imo
  12. 23 is not young imo he is 24 years old in 6 months
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