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Everything posted by LondonVillian

  1. Don't care anymore he's clearly not interested - looked crap when he's come on as well. Sell before contract runs out.
  2. Why does that reflect on if we should sell him? He's more than good enough to be a player for us still.
  3. who cares if he greeted them barefoot and in shorts. People are lucky to be greeted by me in boxers.
  4. james justin was he not injured all season? Walker and Tripper been out for ages as well. Grealish gets in now just sitting in the bench. Never got a proper go when at villa. Southgate is a cockwomble
  5. Wow I'm actually amazed this has happened. Must be on big wages.
  6. Bottlejob loosing against anyone 2-0 up going into 70m is abysmal
  7. Linda want burnley to win **** Leeds and everton.
  8. konsa doesn't really go in for that many tackles to be fair - he's much more a stay on his feet / interception defender. Mings by comparison often tackles much more aggressively and sometimes over commits. Each style has its pros and cons
  9. thanks for your service connor - had some good qualities and some poor but always gave his all.
  10. Some decent strikes there to be fair - wonder if will stay here next season or get a loan to a promotion chasing team.
  11. this thread is comedy gold - all convinced he's the best player at the club
  12. sounds like agent story to drum up interest can't see this one happening
  13. That's all well and good but hes shown nothing to warrant extended amount of minutes
  14. got a bet on for mcginn to be carded - this ref is **** me over
  15. i mean a striker should be back post for that ball basic stuff
  16. good to see ings and watkins finally looking like a partnership and both scoring. Don't know how we fit all for in the team tho countinho emi ings and watkins
  17. waiiting for ben mee to get angry and injure somone
  18. same timewasting that every other team and gk does.
  19. far from solid we were getting dominated by the worst team in league. Jammy deflection goal doesnt change that
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