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Everything posted by LondonVillian

  1. Looking solid but no spark of creativity. Mcginn off let luiz and kamara play a double pivot
  2. coutinho hardly getting a touch as per the last few games
  3. 4-3-3 with bailey and sarr on the wings would of been tasty. Shame deal off and gerrard wouldnt play a good 433 system either
  4. You realize the manger doesn't buy the players with his own money?
  5. ramsey been very ineffective today - can we get luiz on. Or anything from gerrard?
  6. So we have no depth because they are not good enough - bore off
  7. still not convinced on this window - lack of depth is huge issue.
  8. everyone creaming themselves about elliot has he ever done anything?
  9. Agree for the most part altho hard to slag off watkins too much with 2 assists - but hes hold up and finishing was poor overall.
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