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Everything posted by PaulC

  1. I hope they back off Benteke like that
  2. Yes before last nights result I would have wanted a Chelsea win but I want Chelsea to miss out on top 4 so hope Spurs beat them.
  3. Yep like spreading AIDS but balancing it with attempted over population at the same time Like looking after orphans but buggering them at the same time Yes I'm sure Mother Theresa was involved in all that. You look at all the good things she did. None of us can even compare to a lady like that. Oh you really don't want to open the MT can of worms, she was bloody evil I'm sure atheists and anti-catholics would have you believe that!
  4. No I'm not if the situation arose I might resort to it Anyway this is pointless. I'm not even a practising catholic. I just think there's good and bad in every religion. I went out with a Mormon and practised that for a while but 3 hours in a Mormon church on sundays was just too much lol
  5. Yep like spreading AIDS but balancing it with attempted over population at the same time Like looking after orphans but buggering them at the same time Yes I'm sure Mother Theresa was involved in all that. You look at all the good things she did. None of us can even compare to a lady like that.
  6. Nobody can be arsed to refute it. All atheists and catholic haters do is focus on the negatives. There's a lot of catholic charities that do great work.
  7. Martinez has turned down opportunities at Liverpool and us. He actually applied for our job again didn't he but we had already decided upon Lambert. Even though Wigan will almost certainly go down, he's done a great job at very small club and I think he will be the man for Everton if Moyes gets the united job.
  8. Yes there was a documentary on that. I think the father was initially accused. I don't believe the girls will ever get over something like that. How can people be so evil?
  9. Okay Zatman, Isiah Tossbourne it is! Team now reads: Enckelman Beye Alpay Scimeca Warnock Djemba-Djemba Osbourne Bannan (Capt) De La Cruz Balaban Heskey Manager:Ginger McTurd Happy Now? No I'm still not happy. Its unfair to put Bannan in when his career is still in its infancy. I agree with the other three in midfield. I would put Nigel Callaghan in or maybe Stephen Ireland as he has cost us a substancial amount of money in fee and wages. We have had worse strikers than Heskey. Tony Cascarino, Alun Evans or Marlon Harewood PaulC - I hear your arguement regarding Bannan but I am purely basing his selection on what he has delivered to date & so far his performances have been horrific! As with shares, past performance is no guarantee of future success & vice versa so for his sake & all of our sakes I hope he comes good & then I will happily drop him from this team. (Being dropped is something wee Barry is now used to anyway) can't we agree on Stephen Ireland instead then. After all he's costing us 80k a week. Bannan at least came through our academy and is on a fraction of the wage Ireland is on and at least looks like he's bothered Again Ireland is a good shout. problem is he linked up the play that well with Robbie Keane during his loan spell & started to show his true potential. At least Ireland has had a handful of decent games. Bannan has none! Yes he's provided great value for money and its interesting that Lambert has totally given up on him. However I fully respect your views. I Witness just how good he was with Robinho at Man City. Yes and I thought he was a good signing because of that, and he's been a huge let down. We expected a goal scoring midfield player and he has got 1 goal for us. Its because we know what he can do and he's been such a let down I would have him in that team ahead of Bannan
  10. PaulC

    Brad Guzan

    It was a defining moment but there has been a few of them this season.
  11. I was asking whether he was a believer or not. He answered. There was no patronising from my end. I did employ a loaded question though, I do like to hear believers explain how they aren't cannibals, despite the "truth" of transubstantiation. Look forget it, we are never going to agree. You have your beliefs or non beliefs and I have mine.
  12. Okay Zatman, Isiah Tossbourne it is! Team now reads: Enckelman Beye Alpay Scimeca Warnock Djemba-Djemba Osbourne Bannan (Capt) De La Cruz Balaban Heskey Manager:Ginger McTurd Happy Now? No I'm still not happy. Its unfair to put Bannan in when his career is still in its infancy. I agree with the other three in midfield. I would put Nigel Callaghan in or maybe Stephen Ireland as he has cost us a substancial amount of money in fee and wages. We have had worse strikers than Heskey. Tony Cascarino, Alun Evans or Marlon Harewood PaulC - I hear your arguement regarding Bannan but I am purely basing his selection on what he has delivered to date & so far his performances have been horrific! As with shares, past performance is no guarantee of future success & vice versa so for his sake & all of our sakes I hope he comes good & then I will happily drop him from this team. (Being dropped is something wee Barry is now used to anyway) can't we agree on Stephen Ireland instead then. After all he's costing us 80k a week. Bannan at least came through our academy and is on a fraction of the wage Ireland is on and at least looks like he's bothered Again Ireland is a good shout. problem is he linked up the play that well with Robbie Keane during his loan spell & started to show his true potential. At least Ireland has had a handful of decent games. Bannan has none! Yes he's provided great value for money and its interesting that Lambert has totally given up on him. However I fully respect your views.
  13. Ok I'll keep away from religion then
  14. Okay Zatman, Isiah Tossbourne it is! Team now reads: Enckelman Beye Alpay Scimeca Warnock Djemba-Djemba Osbourne Bannan (Capt) De La Cruz Balaban Heskey Manager:Ginger McTurd Happy Now? No I'm still not happy. Its unfair to put Bannan in when his career is still in its infancy. I agree with the other three in midfield. I would put Nigel Callaghan in or maybe Stephen Ireland as he has cost us a substancial amount of money in fee and wages. We have had worse strikers than Heskey. Tony Cascarino, Alun Evans or Marlon Harewood PaulC - I hear your arguement regarding Bannan but I am purely basing his selection on what he has delivered to date & so far his performances have been horrific! As with shares, past performance is no guarantee of future success & vice versa so for his sake & all of our sakes I hope he comes good & then I will happily drop him from this team. (Being dropped is something wee Barry is now used to anyway) can't we agree on Stephen Ireland instead then. After all he's costing us 80k a week. Bannan at least came through our academy and is on a fraction of the wage Ireland is on and at least looks like he's bothered
  15. That's quite an admission. So you're a zombie worshipping cannibal, whose morals are dictated by criminals? Or do you just use the word as a label? Classy. Is this really the thread to be directly patronising someone over their choice of religion? Thanks actually I was brought up a catholic but am not practising. I know there's been many wrong-doings in the catholic church but I think people should respect other peoples beliefs.
  16. That's quite an admission. So you're a zombie worshipping cannibal, whose morals are dictated by criminals? Or do you just use the word as a label? Would you show the same lack of respect to other religions?
  17. PaulC

    Brad Guzan

    Have we ever had a better striker? Maybe Andy Gray in 76/77
  18. Okay Zatman, Isiah Tossbourne it is! Team now reads: Enckelman Beye Alpay Scimeca Warnock Djemba-Djemba Osbourne Bannan (Capt) De La Cruz Balaban Heskey Manager:Ginger McTurd Happy Now? No I'm still not happy. Its unfair to put Bannan in when his career is still in its infancy. I agree with the other three in midfield. I would put Nigel Callaghan in or maybe Stephen Ireland as he has cost us a substancial amount of money in fee and wages. We have had worse strikers than Heskey. Tony Cascarino, Alun Evans or Marlon Harewood
  19. Too many to mention villa-revolution. Easier to talk about how many better ones there have been.
  20. 27 goals in 251 games for Villa. How can a player play that many games and score that many goals and be put in our worst ever team. Its a total nonsense. He also scored 5 goals in 12 games for England u21 and he was mdfield player.
  21. Lee Dixon was a good right back. Heskey was not as bad as people make out. He was part of the biggest ever win in Germany. All I am saying is Hendrie had talent. He also had a couple of very good seasons with us. The one under Oleary. There has been a lot worse players over the years than him. He actually had more talent then Ian Taylor but many people pick him in our best ever eleven.
  22. My brother being a stupid West Ham fan and him telling me we're going down all season, I'd love it if we finished above them.
  23. Are you sure we'll get rid of him?
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