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Everything posted by Strog

  1. Strog


    I think the victim mindset they have will be their undoing. It all comes from Arteta.
  2. Not taking this for granted. Hopefully we learn from last nights game.
  3. That’s a lovely dressing. Egyptian by any chance?
  4. It will catch up with them.. I think Nukeassh@le are already suffering from burnout.
  5. I think I need to turn the sound off. Carragher sounds like he’s constantly jizzing himself..
  6. Jus caught a bit of the granny shagger on dubya em. It can’t string a sentence together, I bet the bloser players can’t understand a word. mate.
  7. I see Michael “the brains” Beale has started well at Sunderland
  8. It is but there’s a long way to go
  9. But not many of us expected 6 points from Citee or Arse, we also got a rare win at Brentford. We can’t win them all.
  10. Agreed mate. In the last 10 minutes some were losing their heads, Ezri was Mr Cool - he’s amazing!
  11. Not rubbish but tactically he should have been changed. He’ll come good again so give him a break
  12. I don’t think we can win it, but we’re still in the race. I’ll take top 4 and a trophy instead
  13. I think we can get something here but it will be tough. Cash is out so Konsa to RB and. Carlos back in, hope Pau is back too. I don’t see both Diaby and Bailey starting, I think we need Zaniolo’s physicality in the starting 11.
  14. Strog

    Matty Cash

    We need another option and competition for Matty. I feel this is one area where we are quite weak and this needs addressing, either now or in the summer.
  15. I thought he showed some good moments but he’s being worked out by opposition teams who are crowding him out. I’m sure he’ll figure it out and Unai will get the best from him.
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