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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. Never watched any of them, but based on what I know of them it seems like after the first one if they cared about quality they'd have ditched it. As it is, money train keeps on rolling. They'd probably make a fortune if they scrapped any idea of a story and just showed numerous industrial accidents caught on video for a couple of hours and branded it 'Saw 7 - Home Edition'.
  2. Im sure I read one of those stats recently that says England scores more per minute with a Heskey Rooney partnership than any other.
  3. As much as I love Ron Saunders and as much as he achieved some of the greatest moments this club has done, rather similar to the Hitler fallacy just because he'd have done doesn't make it right.
  4. Poll question is nothing like the topic title, but to answer the question in the title, yes.
  5. Head says 3-1 Citeh. Heart says we could probably beat them or at the very least take a point if we keep our heads. Either way, If there isn't shedloads of goals I'll be surprised.
  6. Bubba Ho-Tep. The concept is stupid, but brilliant. Elvis is in a Southern retirement home, having grown tired of fame in the 70s and given it all to the best impersonator he could find, who subsequently died on the loo 1977. Suddenly people start dying in the retirement home and Elvis, along with JFK (pathed up after the assassination attempt, dyed black, and forgotten about) investigate why. It's really short, has Bruce Campbell as Elvis, low bugget stuff that just makes you smile with it's brilliance.
  7. I don't think it's possible as has been said by few people, the past has happened and ceased to exist, only existing in our memory and in the effects of itself on the present. Having said that, and on a similar train of thought, if it were to be possible, then I suspect that it would be made so by a machine being made that effectively recorded reality, that would allow someone to step back to precise moment of this machines memory. Hell, it may not even be a machine, could just be a person. Although in both cases whether you'd call that time travel as such is a different matter. You'd be travelling in time by logging into a memory, a bit like the characters in the Matrix loading into the Matrix. I suppose you could alter things whilst there but also wouldn't be capable of overly affecting the real world.
  8. I think in many cases you can't actually say 'generally' what your political stance is. I mean from the options offered here I'd have to say 'Left', but that would be a very very generalised account, perhaps so general to be considered basically wrong.
  9. It very simply means that as far as money goes, you believe in (very slightly) socialism (that's not the best word to use there but my mind went blank as to ways to put it), and as far as society goes you believe a fair amount in individual freedom, ie. that the government should stay as much as possible out of peoples lives. Either way, you're in the smart sector () so well done.
  10. Economic Left/Right: -6.12 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.08 Left Libertarian it is.
  11. First time in a while I've been unable to catch a match, but I can't say I'm surprised at the result. I never have liked the Blackburn fixtures for some reason. Seems like we thought we'd try to beat Blackburns physique by offering ourselves greater options and came off worse. We'll do it again. No point hand-wringing and mithering over it. I'm most gutted over not extending that run of form but we'll return to it.
  12. Nothing, as I had no awareness of the game.
  13. Only been able to watch from about the half hour point, seems I'm a good omen . What a cracker from Gabby, even if it's miskick with his slip after that's a shot and a half. And Collins has one of the best passes I've seen from a centre half, crisp confident and inch perfect. Beyond that, how've we done?
  14. No, it's just to gauge the rise and fall of opinion over time.
  15. I think I'd place Asian women at number 2 on the hotness list. Never been with one, never tried, but there're loads of fit ones. I remember back in 6th form there was a Asian girl who was easily one of the fittest I've ever met. She was just... wow. Smart too. Turned up at our leavers prom in a sort of halter top dress, open back and sides, all draped, achingly stunning.
  16. Dire game. Great result. Friedel 7 - Had little to do, what he did do he did well. Dunne 8 - Kept it simple at times rather than risk getting caught, good debut though a bit of hoofing, I think better play will come with time. Collins 9 - I don't think he missed a header. Looked incredibly composed and looked to play the ball often, though an few expected hoofs too. Cuellar 8 - He's a defender. He should be a CB. I'm never going to expect much going forward from him out wide, but at the bac he delivered well and crucially will come in and cover constantly if needed. Warnock 7 - Bit hard to shine when he was looking to link up with his new team mates but that'll come. Overwise, not overly flustered and another good debut. Petrov 7 - Bypassed a bit, but some nice passes and interceptions as ever. NRC 7 - Usual energy, nothing more really. Sidwell 7 - See above. He has a knack of finding a goal scoring chance once or twice a game, but otherwise just lept the ball moving. Milner 5 - An unusual off day for him. Misplaced passes, poor finishes, he was trying hard as ever but nothing seemed to go right. I guess he's allowed a bad game every now and then. Young 6 - Well marshalled by the unwashed. He struggled like the entirety of the attacking force the team has, needs to really get thinking on how to overcome being taken out of the game. A few nice clever passes late on. Gabby 7 - He was never going to have a great time on this showing but put himself about and was full of running as ever. Nice header for the goal, and really should have had 2. Carew 7 - Came on and changed things just with his presence, gave them more to worry about and provided a couple of knockdowns one of which gave us the goal. Overhit the pass for Milner at the death which was almost worse than if he'd had a crack and missed himself imo. The game was woeful to watch and frustrating with it. Typical clash of 451s, especially with Small Heath sitting deep worried about the counter, we were always going to find it tough going. Equally, Blues were pretty impotent going forward and whatever threat they did have from freekicks was stifled by a keen defensive display, and we certainly gave them enough freekicks and corners to test the new backline. As it is, we got the win, could have a couple more, and the victory is sweet, I'm off to send a nice rub in text to a lady I know .
  17. Pretty forgettable performance, Blues stifle us well and the new back line aren't keen to be adventurous given they don't know each other so it's out to the wings or hoof constantly, which is making the Blues job even easier. And Mark Bright need's a bullet to the forehead, or failing that a gag.
  18. I don't watch often but it's such a good show. Going for current event satire was a perfect, and Randy Marsh is constantly one of the funniest characters on TV. Wow... That... is huge. That has got to be the biggest crap I've ever taken. He-... Hey Sharon. Sharon you gotta come see this. Sha-Sharon?
  19. One of my favourite storys but IIRC not quite true.
  20. Ridley Scott's 2003 remastered cut of Alien is 40 seconds shorter than the original theatrical cut, despite adding new footage. Scott felt the original cut was the best he could put out and subsequently when asked to make a Directors Cut of the film decided to add in some minor new footage and cut back some of original footage so as not to put the pacing out.
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