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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. No-one **** says Martin O'Neill is the messiah you cretin. In fact I didn't say any of that. Christ people are thick.
  2. Maybe it's because I've had a few, but we aren't a big club. We have history and thats that. It's a major part of the frankly redundant big club debate but it's still rather poor. We haven't won a trophy in 13 years. Our greatest achievement was 27 years ago. We've not won the league in 28 years na dhave flirted with winning it twice in the remaining years. Before that, there were people born in the year of our last great achievement before that that were hitting 25. Before that its 37 years from our last FA Cup, and 47 from our last league. After the 1920's we're a corpse with an occasional hiccup of glory. All are part of our proud history and we can hope to repeat them and yes it's good that we should, but frankly we're a none entity these days. Footballs moved on exponentially, and all we can hold on to is the past and the hope we can relieve the glory days when they return to us, but that isn't now and it isn't soon either IMO. We have the cups and that is it, and those have such a hint of luck involved I wouldn't bank on a win if Randy swapped bank accounts with Abu Dhabi for a while.
  3. Klinsmanns a **** awful manager. Viera? who's he? Eriksson wasn't great either and has proved he's quite clearly happy to cash his cheque these days. Trappattoni's past it as well and isn't the greatest love of the Irish fans as far as I've seen either. If you culd name 100 managers that realistically are better for Aston Villa than Martin O'Neill I'll happily give £10 to the site, and I'm skint. Because you can't.
  4. Ranieri - Installed as perma CL incumbent Roma manager in September Rijkaard - Absolutely no Prem experience, installed as Galatasary manager in June Koeman - AZ manager since May. I'm sorry, no one in Europe gives a rats arse about us. We don't have recent pedigree, the Prem isn't the draw it was even a couple of years ago, and we don't have an incredibly rich owner, as far as the Prem goes Randy is actually not that special at all in wealth.
  5. Depends what you expect, obviously. We don't have superior spending power to lots of other clubs either. The top 4, Spurs and Citeh at least can outspend us. Frankly, I ain't expecting much and havent for while. Within a season Martin will be gone.
  6. My dad always tells this story whenever someone mentions being scared of spiders. One of his mates is a mechanic, big bloke, terrified of spiders. He was round at his mates garage/workshop thing and he was under a car when he suddenly froze. My dad wondered what the hell he was doing, then next thing you know he'd scrambled up from the under the car, legged it across the room, grabbed a sledgehammer and ran full tilt past the car he was under and slammed this hammer down on the floor, full pelt. Didn't say a word, sauntered back over to the other side of the shop, put the hammer down, and as he walked back past my dad to get back under the car casually went '...Spider'.
  7. Just got back from the weekly poker session with Pokersoc. Had an absolute mare in the mare in the main tournament but decided for the first time ever I'd bother with a side game, and took third in that netting myself my money back. Couldn't buy a hand in the main tournament, how I lasted 2 hours is beyond me. Got 3 split pots. Had some absolute moron on the table as well, called big raises with 7 3 to hit a straight, called down a hand all the way with King high... incredible. EDIT - I also finally get to home this week to see the family for my birthday, only nearly a month late. Gotta make some time to meet up with a lady I met just before I came back to uni who seems interested. Woohoo etc.
  8. Mythbusters did it, although they did do it with a piece of paper that filled a hanger, as it helps the bigger the paper is. The 'fact' doesn't state anything other than 'paper'.
  9. Chindie


    He's fairly reknowned for it. He did a couple of shows a while back on the illness, and that showed both sides of him, the side that goes mad with happiness walking about an Apple store buying up everything new, and the side that was sat feeling low in a car not wanting to really do anything. He famously disappeared contemplating suicide in the early 90s after a play he was in bombed. He ran off to Belgium IIRC after being sat in his garage considering starting up the engine of his car.
  10. We were at a quiz last night, our team name being the delighfully childish 'Quiz on Your Mum'. Came second in the best name stakes. Won the joke round though!
  11. Another match I couldn't watch so I can't make much comment other than, from the action updates I was checking on my phone, absolutely **** all appeared to happen.
  12. I walked out the house, noticed the drizzle, noted my lack of a coat thats still at a mates house in town, noted the fact the lecturer only reads whats on his slides anyway, and knocked it on the head. Also found out my friend who's in France this year that was back for the weekend has already left. Barely saw much of her over the weekend. Oh well.
  13. I've just got up. Gotta decide if going to my Propaganda lecture in a couple of hours is worth it, as he says nothing he doesn't put on the slides he uploads after the lecture anyway.
  14. Undoubtedly a repeat but remains brilliant The National - Mistaken for Strangers
  15. Between 9.45 and 10pm and I think that's a decent show. I've never seena stand up with a warm up act though to be fair. Billy Connolly did a 2 hour set straight through when I last saw him, which was brilliant.
  16. Can't say I;m that impressed, but then again I'm like Stevo985, don't like bowl stadiums.
  17. I start laughing from the 'bloody' medley, and keep going to the end. I was crying first time I watched this. Oh and I'll be amazed if this hasn't beandunne. 'Quite frankly I'm shitting frying pans and cocktail sticks and stuff like that.'
  18. Just watched the Fountain after wanting to for a fair while. Bloody good. I'd heard it was dire. Enjoyed it, looked good good atmosphere and a decent message.
  19. My money on the game says I'm predicting a Villa win, 2-0, both goals second half, preferably with Collins knocking the first one in. Cough.
  20. Ozzy Osbourne - Road to Nowhere. No idea why, never really listened to Ozzy. Not bad, if a bit 80s (despite being released in the early 90s).
  21. Rush are just one of those bands I don't get. Still on the same album as before Frightened Rabbit - Fast Blood And now I, I tremble Because this fumble has become biblical I feel like I just died twice I was reborn again for all our dirty sins
  22. The entirety of a gem of an album I got introduced to a while back, Frightened Rabbit - The Midnight Organ Fight (go listen to it, it's class, nothing ground breaking but the lyrics are great in their honesty and simplicity), but specifically this song Frightened Rabbit - Keep Yourself Warm My hole, I'll get my hole I'll get my hole Get my hole, get my hole And I will find out more It's a choo-choo train A rocket launch If we have a hormone race I'm bound to finish first Can you see in the dark? Can you see the look on your face? The flashing white light's been turned off You don't know know who's in your bed It takes more than **** someone you don't know To keep warm Do you really think that for a house beat You'll find your love in a hole No you won't find love in a, Won't find love in a hole It takes more than **** someone To keep yourself warm I'm drunk, I'm drunk And you're probably on pills If we both got the same diseases It's irrelevant girl In the room is the steam It evaporates, disappears My point of entry is the same way That I'll leave Can you see in the dark? Can you see the look on your face? The flashing white light's been turned off You don't know know who's in your bed It takes more than **** someone you don't know To keep warm Do you really think that for a house beat You'll find your love in a hole but you won't find love in a, Won't find love in a hole It takes more than **** someone To keep yourself warm You won't find love in a, Won't find love in a hole It takes more than **** someone To keep yourself... See in the dark Can you see the look on your face? The flashing white light's been turned off You don't know know who's in your bed It takes more than **** someone you don't know to keep warm Do you really think that for a house beat You'll find your love in a hole I'm sure someone will tell me they're shit but I've gotten well into them.
  23. Absolutely brilliant today. I still think he's the player with most about him in our midfield, he has a great eye for a pass and also knows how to keep it nice and simple. Tackles and harries well too. I could be greedy and say I wish he'd get into more shooting positions that might be a bit too much to ask .
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