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Everything posted by Guardian_Angel_M

  1. Hopefully Emery just arrived in the best stage where he can learn the consistency in decision making needed for a world class mid. The potential is there
  2. Half the team is sleepwalking the game. Need to wake up before Brighton takes advantage of this
  3. First 15 minutes way too passive. McGinn looking lively. Mings and Konsa need to focus more. Villa can still win this
  4. Impressive Brentford. Haaland with an off day
  5. or didn't get the details of defending right
  6. could it get more Villa if we make it 0-1 in the 88th minute through Coutinho for then in the 90th minute having a sure as corrupt Var penalty decision after a Grealish dive angering an already emotionally vulnerable VP. And them having their 2nd best moment of their imperious 10 year history with an Aguero like moment 2 minutes later and arising from the ashes to become the English Real Madrid. should be fun
  7. We're letting Arsenal do their thing just way too easily. No sense of urgency and too many players watching the game pass them by
  8. if Tite is keeping an eye on Douglas Luiz then he'll also be aware how they could link up. Don't think that's the case if he goes to Newc to play with Joelinton
  9. Sport main news website for Barcelona also saying the deal is almost done. And that he trusts Gerrard will help him get the minutes to make Brazil squad for Qatar WC https://www.sport.es/es/noticias/barca/motivos-coutinho-aston-villa-13063362
  10. China (in Trump voice) making crypto illegal and Tesla announcing they won't be accepting Bitcoin as payment due to environmental causes is dragging the market. to hold or not to hold?
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