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Everything posted by villalad21

  1. Also. Sky in literal tears as we speak.
  2. Anything Newcastle can do we can do better
  3. Mike Ashley has run them on profit for years. They are allowed to spend much more than we are by FFP.
  4. Newcastle's owners has changed the whole landscape though. I can't see anyone but the top 4 compete with them.
  5. Speak to your good pal Casemiro, Coutinho lad
  6. Unreal signing for them. Can't believe they actually got it done so fast. Those owners aren't messing around. Just can't see us competing with them with those oil funds.
  7. Players out of position. This got to be Steve Bruce..
  8. I just can't see him staying at a non CL club if he starts to rip it up.
  9. Reports saying Ronaldo has said he is off if Ragnick stays in the job as manager. I would love to be a fly on the wall and listen to what's going on behind those walls.
  10. I can see it ending up like James. He'll play alright for 5-6 months then a big club will pick him up. He is most likely looking at us as a stop gap and that's ok.
  11. How can the club afford this? I realize we've got wealthy owners but how do we get past FFP? We've got nowhere near the money income like the elite clubs do
  12. This signing would not have been possible without Gerrard. Just like Allan and James wouldn't be gettable at Everton without Ancelotti. Perks by having a high profile manager.
  13. You are only as good as your weakest link. I firmly believe that. Because those players will let you down time and time again. If it isn't Targett it's Luiz when playing DM, when it's not Luiz it's Mings. Mistakes, mistakes, mistakes and it's costing us. We need serious replacements at LB, DM and CB
  14. Sky still don't want to accept we are signing him..
  15. Starting to come to terms with it but I'm still in the denial stage I think
  16. 17 players turned on Ragnick apparently. Not a happy camp
  17. I hope so bud Really hope I am wrong but I'm starting to get a bad feeling they will get out of it. And if they manage to stay up it's a massive problem for the whole league. We can't compete with that sort of money, as wealthy as our owners are.
  18. Ok I changed my mind. This is unprecedented. Newcastle are staying up. Simply too much money for it to fail.
  19. So it's looking like Coutinho is happening. Alright then, the main question. Can he play DM?
  20. Yep. Too much smoke for it not to be fire. Not sure we'll be able to see the best of Coutinho. Been declining for a quite a few years now. But if anyone can inspire and motivate him it's Gerrard.
  21. Never seen villareport tweet so much in such a short space of time before
  22. Sky in full on rage mode right now.
  23. Sky must be absolutely gutted when Villa announce this.
  24. Why do Sky refuse to mention Villa as the leading favorites to sign Coutinho? Do they have anything against us as a club?
  25. I remember him being very good in an attacking sense but defensively he was poor. A bit like Fabio.
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