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Everything posted by Dante_Lockhart

  1. Ummm...you know that they've already done that with a squad size of 25? When was that?
  2. Or more to the point, if someone offered you £100k per week why would you turn it down to sign for £80k per week? because £80k a week doesnt exactly make you poor, these arent guys on the breadline trying to ensure futures for their kids if you were talking those figures a year i can understand it, but when players are making huge sideways steps or even backwards steps to city i find it hard to put it down to anything other than greed That doesn't answer the question. If you were offered £100k per week or £80k per week, which would you choose? It's very well sniffing at it, but it's their living. They are going to try and do as well out of it as possible. It depends on the variables. Does the place offering 80k a week have it's positives? i.e. Travelling time, location and area, reputation etc... For example, living in Dudley, if West Bromwich Albion offered me 80k a week to play for them, and I had Stoke City offering 100k a week to play for them, i'd accept the WBa offer.
  3. I'm starting to change the way I feel about it. It's just getting frustrating and disheartening with the insane amount of cash being thrown about, the inconsistent refereeing / FA investigations and bans, the diving and cheating, the press and reporting... I find myself getting more angry with the sport than actually enjoying it. Bring on the NFL season.
  4. The FA need to bring in squad caps. Stop the Sugar Daddy'd teams buying up all the talent with their limitless funds. Say, 26-30 registered players for the season.
  5. Reality, have I missed something? Where has Milner given the signal that he wants to leave?
  6. Vanguard is where it's at I'm going through Mass Effect again at the moment and getting a save to carry over to ME2. I have to say, going back to ME made me appreciate the changes in ME2 a whole lot more. They really did improve on all aspects of the game.
  7. Yes, can`t see the point of 190 pages of pure speculation.
  8. Never in my life have I ever seen any of the current Villa wingers perform as poorly as SWP did at the world cup. And people were surprised. Shaun 'Im going to dribble down a blind alley' Wright-Phillips. The guy is totally clueless So you're basing your opinion of SWP from a handful of appearances (mainly sub) at the World Cup?
  9. Please explain to me, in no more than 1500 words, exactly why SWP is no better than our current right winger.
  10. I think we should go after Belhadj. Pompey have just gone down and need money. And he really impressed me during the World Cup. Only 28. Would provide much needed competition for Warnock on the left.
  11. We only need to find a Bengals supporter to complete the AFC North division.
  12. I find myself agreeing with you Richard... this feels weird :winkold: In all seriousness the financial side of the game does need looking at. I'm sick of the 'but footballers only play until they're 35!' argument. When they finish footballing they can get a job at ASDA or something. People seem to think footballers have some divine right to not work after their playing career ends. We need to implement some sort of salary cap definitely. Sugar Daddies also need to be kept in check
  13. We need to seriously look at Keisuke Honda. That guy is amazing. He can create chances out of nothing.
  14. a bit extreme? they could just stop smoking instead. They won't. They're weak. I'm having no problems quitting so far. Only 9 days in, but still.
  15. Q: Hurr durr can't get into freeroam. A: Start a singleplayer game. From there, press start and begin a Private Free Roam from the multiplayer tab. Once the private free roam starts, press start again and choose Public Free Roam. This works around the infinite loading screen. Q: WTF IS GOING ON IN PUBLIC FREEROAM? A: The recent patch and addition of co-op content has broken the public freeroam, causing all NPCs, other players, and wildlife to not appear. This means no mount. Other players can still be in your session, but they just appear invisible. Q: OMG HOW I DO DIS GLITCH? A: Find the nearest fast travel point. No mount means you're walking. Then set a waypoint on the hideout of your choice (hint: Ft. Mercer is the best, and almost always taken already). When you arrive, you'll be prompted to clear out a nonexistent gang. Wait a few seconds, and you'll receive credit for clearing the gang and the associated XP (usually around 400). Q: How do I maximize XP? A: Get access to Fort Mercer and turn expert aim on. Expert aim increases your bonus significanty. Fort Mercer also has the shortest "lag" between starting the mission and receiving credit (about 1.2 seconds). If Fort Mercer is occupied, Twin Rocks is a viable alternative, granting 400 XP in 3 seconds. This works fastest when only one person is attempting the hideout, because all players must agree to "replay" a mission in order for it to start again. Q: How can I be a jerk? A: Whether to exploit or stop other players, the easiest way to get people off a gang hideout is to just get there, and refuse to replay the mission. Most players will get audibly upset, calling you various rude names, voting to kick you, etc. These attempts are almost always futile, and they soon leave the session. You are now free to either exploit, or keep others from doing it.
  16. Grizzly Bears are in Tall Trees. *shudders* Don't go in there after dark!
  17. Yeah, Bird and a land animal is the way to go. Easy.
  18. I stopped reading there. Absolutely shocking journalism. I don't know how they get away with it. At least use correct words that don't 'spin' the story. They're just adding fuel to the fire. Cockroaches the lot of 'em.
  19. Just seen this post on another forum. Anybody else heard this rumour?
  20. World Cup for me. With Villa we can try every year, with England it's once every 4.
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